I'm new to posting on this board but I have been coming to this site for a few years. This post has really touched my heart and I feel so compelled to respond because of my experiences.
My dog's name was Tia and she was a child to me. She fully understood me and I understood her. My husband and I were going through years of infertility so she was my substitute child. After 7 years of trying for a child, I finally became pregnant and that month Tia became sick. She was getting worse and worse as the months went by and no matter how many vets I took her to, they could not help her. By the time my son was born, she was so bad off that she would lay in her basket night and day and would not come out. I wanted to badly to save her but after seeing her living like that for a year, I could no longer watch her in such pain. I was just keeping her alive because I couldn't let her go, but then I knew in my heart that since I loved her as much as I did, I had to let her go. My husband and I took het to the vet so she could go to sleep. I asked her to give me a kiss and she looked at me with her big brown eyes, a kind of "I'm going to miss you" look and gave me a big, wet kiss. The vet sedated her and let us spend a few minutes with her before the final needle. I had my hands on her and tried to send thoughts of love into her, and I felt so much love for that little girl it was unbelievable. I was telling her to please come visit me and let me know she will be okay. Then the final needle was given and she was gone. I knew she left even before the vet told me.
Now here are the most wonderful and comforting things that happened during and after the vet visit. My husband said that before the vet puts her to sleep, he just wants one more sign that we are doing the right thing. As the vet was giving her the needle, he had a difficult time finding a vein. Come to find out, almost all of her veins were collapsing and the vet told us she could have died from that. This was my husband's sign that he wanted.
Now here are the signs I received. When I went home, I wanted to start putting away a few of her things because I knew it would be too painful to look at for awhile. I reached into a box of her toys and pulled out one of her collars that I haven't seen in about a year. On the collar was a little doggie angel with an inscription on the back that read "Guardian angel, watch over me. Guide me home safely and keep me from harms way"
That same night, I was sitting with my husband and telling him how I wished she would give me a definate sign that she's okay. All of a sudden, my husbands walkie talkie turns on, all by itself. It was just white noise but scared the heck out of both of us since it was so loud!
Again that night, I was walking towards my bed and heard the jingle of Tia's collar. I fully heard it as if she was in the room. I checked all over the floor to make sure I didn't accidently kick an extra collar but there was nothing there.
Early the next morning, I tried one of Bruce's exercises to contact Tia. I was half asleep, half awake and clearly saw her in my mind. I felt her presence so strongly. I told Tia that we had to go to my dad because if anyone could see her, he could, since he has special abilities with dreams and OBE's. I vividly saw Tia jump on my dad's bed, jump on his chest and lick his face. We started to disappear from that room and Tia was on her way to leave. I told her to give me one more sign that she was okay. She telepatically sent me the image of a snowman. There was no snow here at the time so I had no idea what she meant. I got out of bed and called my dad right away. I asked how he was and he said, "I just had a dream about Tia. She jumped on my bed and licked my face." I started crying my eyes out with happiness because my visit with her was verefied! I then felt happy and comforted so I turned on the TV and the show that was on right then and there as soon as I turned it on was Montel Williams with Sylvia Brown. The topic of the show was "When The Deceased Contact Their Loved Ones"! Another sign! I then got up off the couch and stepped on one of my son's baby blocks. Bending down to pick it up, I was stunned and speachless. On the block was a snowman
I had a few other things happen after that, but nothings happened in a long time. She died a year and a half ago and I still miss her as if she left last week. But I am confident in all the signs and visits that she gave me. I just don't BELIEVE that she exists. I KNOW she still exists. She proved that to me many times over. If she exists, then all of your pets do too. They are all special. I hope anyone who has lost a pet or who will ever lose a pet will have as much comfort as I did.
Keep your mind open to receive messages and practice the exercises in Bruce's books. They truly helped me receive my messages from my Tia.
Lots of love,