Hello Freebird~
I had a very simillar experience. It was about a year or so, ago. I had this dream, in the dream, I was lying in bed and there was a very nice lady sitting on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing my back, kind of like what a mother might do to calm, and relax her child to go to sleep. While this was happening, I felt someone else's hands reach under my arms, and kind of grab hold of me and they started to pull me up out of bed, in the dream, there was a window above my bed they were trying to pull me through, in my 'real' bedroom my bed is against a wall. As soon as I started feeling myself go through the window, I freaked out, and said, "someones trying to steal my soul!!!"
At that instant I woke up. My heart was in my throat. Then I realized it wasn't a bad dream........someone really wanted to take me somewhere and show me something, I had been asking for some new experiences, and knowledge, and looking back they really tried hard to comfort me, and do it gently, but I soppose I wasn't quite ready for it yet. Since then nothing like that has happened, that I can recall.
By the way, thanks for posting this story, I now feel a bit better about what I had experienced!