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Message started by freebird on Feb 15th, 2005 at 2:20am

Title: Somebody tried to pull me out of body
Post by freebird on Feb 15th, 2005 at 2:20am
Hello friends,

I thought I'd share that a couple nights ago, somebody (an invisible entity) tried to pull me out of my body while I was half-asleep.  I felt my right hand reaching up and somebody holding it and pulling on it, but my physical hand was actually lying on the bed.  I felt the pulling sensation grow stronger and I started floating up.  At this point, I instinctively resisted and shook it off, and woke up completely.  I suppose if I had not subconsciously resisted the entity pulling on my astral hand, I would have had a total OBE.  For whatever reason (probably fear of death) I did not permit the entity to pull me out of body.  Too bad, it might have been interesting -- but then again, maybe I wouldn't have been able to get back into my body again!  I kind of wish my subconscious mind had been more accepting of leaving the body, however, because it might have resulted in an exciting experience.  Oh well.

Anybody else here had a similar experience of an entity trying to pull you out of body but you fought it off?


Title: Re: Somebody tried to pull me out of body
Post by alysia on Feb 15th, 2005 at 1:14pm
yes Freebird. my unborn twins were pranksters even before they were born, lol! used to pull on my arms and legs while I shrieked in terror, when I asked who they were they just laughed merrily.
this was 7 years before I provided a tunnel for them to surf into physical life on. it wasn't long before I realized I was connected to them somehow, these little buggers in spirit. they were just having fun with me. you too may have a close affiliation with this spirit who comes to you. they do so want to be recognized. it's so easy to forget our ties to others. we need to start remembering. love, alysia

Title: Re: Somebody tried to pull me out of body
Post by Mendel on Feb 15th, 2005 at 8:57pm

Sounds like your guides are ready to get you to OBE, but you are not ready. Whenever you are prepared, you will be one of the luckiest people I know in terms of getting OBE without too much work. Unless, of course, you're concerned that this force was not benevolent. It's impossible for anyone to know for sure. You will have to find out for yourself.
There's a funny story in Rosie McKnight's book about how a woman tried out Hemi-Sync just once in a booth at  the Monroe Institute and she immediately noticed four entities who were trying to pull her out of the body. It turns out the entities were mistaken and thought it was someone else (McKnight). The woman, who was an ardent skeptic, was very confused by the situation as were the guides, and refused to allow herself to be taken from her body.


Title: Re: Somebody tried to pull me out of body
Post by freebird on Feb 16th, 2005 at 2:04am
Alysia:  Interesting experience you describe.  My mother had a miscarriage when I was 13.  I'm an only child and was looking forward to having a sibling.  Ever since then, I felt as though I had a sister in spirit (for some reason I just felt it was a girl) and I have sometimes perceived a subtle, comforting presence in my life which could be her.  I have talked to her in my imagination.  I don't know if any of it is real, but I am open to the possibility.  Perhaps it was she who tried to pull me out of body, or it could have been some other spiritual being.  Or there's always the possibility of a hallucination, I suppose.

Mike:  I did not have a sense that the force was malicious.  I think the reason I'm afraid to go OBE is because I'm afraid I might not be able to get back into my body and then I would die.  I guess that's just a fear I will have to overcome if I wish to go completely out of body.

I'm the type of person who tends to be too intellectual, self-controlled, and desiring to always be in control of all situations.  I'm a very determined and strong willed person.  I tend to be like a proud wild stallion that has to be "broken" by the horse trainer.  This being the case, the things of the spirit are obviously a struggle for me, but I recognize them as supremely important -- as are most things that are difficult and frightening.  I suspect some people up there who know me in the spirit world get a good laugh watching me thrash and resist and fight to retain control and to understand everything in my mind and avoid surrender to the unknown, even as I acknowledge intellectually that self-surrender is the only way to progress.  That's why I choose the nickname "freebird."  It's symbolic of the carefree spirit I admire in others and wish to more fully develop in myself, which I hope God will graciously enable me to become in due time.


Title: Re: Somebody tried to pull me out of body
Post by Marilyn Traver on Feb 16th, 2005 at 1:35pm
Freebird.......My mother had a miscarriage about 3 years before I was born. I was always so lonely being an only child and didn't know about this for several years.  Then about a year ago, I had a reading about where I developed my fear of water. When I was just around a year old, I went into water over my head and was told that my sister tried to pull me out only she couldn't. My father did get me out and I was okay. But I said that I didn't have a sister.  Well, it appears that Anna had grown up in spirit and was always with me. ;-)  She finally reincarnated last May 22 into my great grandson who is a Crystal Child. ;-)

So you see, you do have a sister in spirit. ;-)

Love, Mairlyn
:) ;) :D ;D

Title: Re: Somebody tried to pull me out of body
Post by jennifer donish on Feb 16th, 2005 at 4:24pm
Hello Freebird~
I had a very simillar experience.  It was about a year or so, ago. I had this dream, in the dream, I was lying in bed and there was a very nice lady sitting on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing my back, kind of like what  a mother might do to calm, and relax  her child to go to sleep.  While this was happening,  I felt someone else's hands reach under my arms, and kind of grab hold of me and they started to pull me up out of bed, in the dream, there was a window above my bed they were trying to pull me through, in my 'real' bedroom my bed is against a wall. As soon as I started feeling myself go through the window, I freaked out, and said, "someones trying to steal my soul!!!"  :o At that instant I woke up. My heart was in my throat. Then I realized it wasn't a bad dream........someone really wanted to take me somewhere and show me something, I had been asking for some new experiences, and knowledge, and looking back they really tried hard to comfort me, and do it gently, but I soppose I wasn't quite ready for it yet.  Since then nothing like that has happened, that I can recall.  
By the way, thanks for posting this story, I now feel a bit better about what I had experienced!

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