Ex Member
Hi Alysia, Marilyn, Roger, and Nrgstream. Thanks for the comments and/or the suggestions.
Alysia, I suppose i spend some energy on thinking about our "neighboors" but not anymore than usual. I've had other dreams about Smiths and the Jones next door but don't know what to make of them.
I've been interested in metaphysics for awhile since about 13, and more seriously since about 16 or 17. But i never gave much thought to UFO's, Aliens, etc.. I thought, hey it is a big Universe so it is not completly unplausible, and who says they don't understand energy to a much better degree than us. Yet, i wasn't that interested in them, i thought there was more than enough mysteries in the Earth to occupy my mind.
Then i had my first dream where in the dream around 16/17 where i was telpathically talking to them from my bedroom, to their "ship", and they told me that they were waiting for and monitoring the "changes", something i was near obsessed with at the time. It was a little much for me at the time, since i had read very little literature on such subjects.
A had been a avid Caye student for the last year or two (when 17), but didn't see much reference in the readings about our neighboors (later on, i found out, that there was indeed definite and mind alterring info about them in there). But a little while after this dream, i came accross Monroe's books which utterly fascinated me, especially "The Gathering". Then Rosie's book "Cosmic Journeys", then I read Bruce's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books.
Before my Fiance read Rosie's book, she had a very intense dream where both her and I, and another person not known now, were in future China after the breakdown. Us three were stationed at an energy plant which utilizes energy we don't use now. When we were there, we got a message on our communication "screen" which showed up in strange symbols. Right before this happened, i in the dream recieved a telepathic message with instructions. I told my companions to lay down on some hospital like beds and to empty our thoughts. Becky knew that they were coming and shortly after some beings came in and mentally eximined us. Becky got the sense that they were interested in some of our energy applications.
Not long after this dream she had another dream where she was even farther in the future, and was in a different body. At the time, communication with many different neighboors had become quite common and she was somewhat like an Earth Ambassodor. But we were having problems with a particular group who were not of the higher intentions to us. She was told by her superiors not to divulge any pertinent information with any other beings not from Earth, and to give them some kind of half-truth or cover up story about something that had happened or was going to happen. She saw a brilliant orange supernova, and was told only to say that Sirius had exploded? In a particulary vivid scene, the not so friendly neighboors had sent in flying silver machines that looked somewhat like those long silver pens, and these machines had the ability to record thought energy and memories. She was with another being in this room whom she innately trusted (she felt like she knew him and that he was helpful) though she was told not to give out any info, when suddenly these machines bore down upon them and she became somewhat frightened. The Being that was with her, told her to calm her mind, to blank it, and He/It put his hand on her forehead and when he did she went to sleep. When she went to sleep in the dream, she awoke and "knew" that the friendly E.T. was future me.
Then she read Rosie's book shortly after this, and was somewhat surprised that her dreams seemed to match up with the probable future that Rosie saw for this particular Space/Time line. Hopefully Bruce's experience with the 2nd gathering group has alterred this probable time line. I don't want to be in a war with any neighboors.