george stone
Over the years ive had a lot of visions and voices that seem to come from inside my head.First the visions.I remember have a full blown vision of men diging in the ground.They would pick something up,look at it and place it in a bag,and keep diging untill they found something else and do the same thing.Another vision I had was when four of us were siting in our home having a conversation,when out of the blue I saw another vision,where I saw 6 men on horseback ride single file up a small incline.They had long trench coats and hats on.It was raining hard,and I could see the horses shaking there heads as if to shake the water of.They climbed up this incline,made a right turn and rode right through where we were siting,rain and all.Another vision is where I saw a whole city in the sky.Those are just a few of tham.I also have heard a lot of voices.Some of the best ones were I heard a voice telling me that the US and Canada would be destroyed,and only the most far reaches of canadas north would be speard,but gave no date when this would happen.Another one is kind of funny.I was sitting in a bingo hall,waiting for it to start,when I saw this pretty woman walking toward me.I heard a voice say.Keep it clean George,and I did.There is a lot more,but I think Ive said enough for now.George.