.ok what about the thought that the world and all things in it, are a reflection of the self.
precisely my journey. even my hot water heater is me. rusty, cheaply made, and corroded with mineral deposits. but it's mine and reflects my choices.
If you look upon the people in your immediate circle as being say opinionated, overbearing, annoying, is this a reflection of the things you need to work on in the self? ???
you can't change the schmuck living next door, the one who shouted at you "hore!" and carried his shotgun around in the neighborhood so that all would notice he had a gun. but you can change yourself to look upon this kind of character with no fear. then when theres no fear in the way of communication, something can happen like a miracle.
Then there are people in the world that one can view as highly intelligent, morally upstanding, well versed, would this apply as the self as well, are we duality?
duality is everywhere to reflect on. life and death is like two sides to the same coin. that same person you admire is because you possess the same qualities to be able to admire them so. sometimes hating a person is the same thing we hate inside of us.
If we change our belief system and really get to know and truly accept our selves, will this in itself change our beliefs and in turn change our perspective and the earth as we know her?
I think for me my growth occurred with ACIM. a course in miracles. it taught me what a programmed robot I really am in regards to belief systems. this was not comfortable to be programmed so. it also taught me I can affirm to see what I wish to see. it essentially re-programmed me. I wished to see only love; (an ACIM affirmation). then when my guides or higher self, whatever you want to call it came into the picture, I was told when I wished to see only love, I would see only God. of course I don't believe in God. I see and believe all of us are the One God entity pretending for the sake of experiencing to be separate.
Just pondering....
I am truly enjoying this forum and being able to bounce ideas around, that i'm not yet sure it would be acceptable to talk with Mr. or Mrs. general public about.
I am also in ponder mode most of the time and wish to say I enjoy you here very much and all your topics are an incredible opportunity for myself to get clear as well!
I hope you feel accepted! love, alysia