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recent retrieval/guide work (Read 7825 times)
gordon phinn
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recent retrieval/guide work
Jan 14th, 2005 at 9:38pm
just did a hemi-sync meditation to 'recover' some of what I and others have been up to after the initial round of earthquake retrievals.
In my last disaster work, the Russian school bombing, there were so few victims (comparatively) and so many helpers, it didn't take very long.  Previous to that there was the Iran earthquake of what, a year ago, which shared some of the features I'm about to describe.

Request info re later obe activity around earthquake regions, after initial period of mass retrievals.  Was given many pictures, in no order of importance and not all of which I personally participated in.

(1) Many parents now in spirit trying to assist in any way they can think of, their surviving children; all of them very worried about their fates, starvation, illness, abduction into some kind of servitude.  They try to guide their wandering lost ones in the general direction of living relatives by frantic telepathic suggestion.  Guides, like me, try to intervene, as the frantic nature of the situation precludes much, if any, communication.  But as you can imagine it is hard to persuade them to move on to the astral plane resettlement camps.  We try anyway.

(2) Many spirits in anguish over their decaying corpses, up in trees and trapped underwater.  They want a proper burial and won't rest till they see the job done.

(3) Many spirits who were some sort of offical in local government, feeling it's their duty to stick around and help somehow with the clean-up and rebuilding, many that they create a log-jam of "guys who know just what to do", like twenty guys digging a ditch with only three shovels.  They all know they're dead, but figure they're indispensible.  We try to get them to move on, without actually arguing with them.

(4) "Gordon" and some other guides spending some time talking to survivors, who, while sleeping, move out of their bodies and can be contacted.  The message is that if all, or most of their loved ones are dead, then they can join them by simply not returning to their sleeping bodies.  Amazing how many folk never even think of this.  Some are surprsied at the option, some shocked, some disbelieving and some angry as it looks like suicide.  This is a guide based initiative which I participate in, but many guides, because of religious affiliations, do not.  A contentious issue.

BTW, "Gordon" is split into three aspects for all this work.  Is that difficult?  Not any more, now that I'm used to it.  A bit like being at a crowded party and having three interesting conversations with three different people in short succession, except all at the same time.  Best comparison I can think of.

(5) Refugee/resettlement camps on astral: much joyous reunioning of relatives and friends.  Names of arrivals announced over loudspeakers.  Could be done with laptops but arrivals expect the loudspeaker set-up.  Many camps, all busy.  Rival ethnic groups, such as Tamils and Sinhalese are kept apart in separate camps by their countrymen who know right off the bat who's who.  Same as Middle East with Israelis and Palestinians.  All amazingly well orchestrated.  Oh yes, many recreation areas set up for children to play and sports for adults.

(6) Various guides try to telepathically assist searchers to find dead bodies in remote areas, and guide rescue teams to the still living illegal immigants hiding in forests and caves, who are slowly starving.  This is more successsful as guides know how to be calm and direct thoughts into living people's brains with some degree of success, whereas frantic parents' energies are diffused and nearly useless.

That's all for now folks:  gordon
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Touching Souls
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Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #1 - Jan 15th, 2005 at 12:39am
How extremely fascinating this is Gordon, the way you are able to access all this information. I'll have to give it a try. #4 especially interested me as I wouldn't have thought of that.  Smiley

Mairlyn  Cheesy
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Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #2 - Jan 17th, 2005 at 1:31pm
ditto on Marilyn's thoughts re #4 Gordon.

Merely from curiosity and not holding you to anything, but if a sleeper chooses not to come back to their sleeping body, will it just die?

ie no physical cause needed like a heart attack?

or is it something like 'no-time' - meaning they can spend as long as they want there and then return in what seems like years but is only 8 hours??

I have never come across this voluntary departure idea before but might try it tonight as my vertebrae are killing me at the moment!  Tongue

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gordon phinn
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Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #3 - Jan 17th, 2005 at 6:05pm
Scott and Mairlyn: I first discovered myself offering this option after the Iran quake of last year (was it?...ancient town of 'Bam'?).  I was shocked as I'd worked several disasters before but couldn't recall this activity, but if you look closely at my 'suicide' stories in Eternal Life it fits right in.  I just don't buy that traditional teaching on self-motivated leaving the body.  Yeah, you sign a contract when you come here, but you ALWAYS have the free will to renege, as long as you realise you'll have to face up to the consequences.
Scott, yes, that's my impresion: leaving the body during sleep permanently causes "death", most common form is "crib death" of babies and the past-life regression literature has a number of citations of folk who recall not liking the baby thing, or the family situation, and just opting out.  Also souls who wanted to be twins, but one backs out half way...

cheers, gordon
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Bruce Moen
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Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #4 - Jan 22nd, 2005 at 4:12am

  Thank you for sharing your experiences.  Your explorations add volumes to the knowledge of our existence as human beings both Here and There.

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Ex Member

Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #5 - Jan 22nd, 2005 at 9:41pm
The work you do is amazing. Much love, light and strengh to you on your path.  ALOHA
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Roger B
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Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #6 - Jan 24th, 2005 at 1:32pm
Hi Gordon-

When you say we sign a contract when we come here, does that include when and how we will die?

I mean, do we really "sign up" for some of the gruesome, tortuous deaths we hear about almost all the time? 

If so, then I wonder what value there is (if any) in being eaten alive by a shark vs. dying a natural death?   I suppose if a person believed in karma, one could say that it's retribution for having savagely and prematurely ending someone else's life.

If karma does not really exist (and I'm more and more thinking it does not), what other explanations might there be ?

Also the notion of living persons being able to end their life simply by not returning to their bodies....I guess SIDs is an example but do we see that in significant numbers within the adult population?  If so it doesn't seem to get much publicity.
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gordon phinn
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toronto, canada
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Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #7 - Jan 25th, 2005 at 9:24am
Roger B, hi there:
you bring up some very important points here and I'd to try and address them.  The contract: a series of agreements with guides and karmically related souls who are in incarnation with you (family, friends, business partners etc).  These are plans to bring out the issues you and they need to work on:  ie. trust, love, power and its use or misuse, fear, aggression, sharing, allowing for others' growth within the parameters of your own, the list goes on and on, and moves from the simple to the complex.
BUT,...we all veer from our paths, some a little, some a lot, some completely.  BECAUSE: the ego, the personality which wants the easy way out every time, does not want to learn, wants to stay in that ever so comforting rut, resists the pull of the soul's desires, and sometimes wins out, ie gets its own way.  Winning through manipulation, triumpth through terror, insistence on always being 'right'.  The personality, wanting the gratification of glory, will use all kinds of tricks that the soul/conscience does not approve of.

The gruesome death thing: sometimes it's a case of 'living by the sword, dying by the sword', sometimes it's the personality loving the high of 'risk', and sometimes just plain stupidity.  Although sometimes it's also the souls' wish.  Check out  Michael Newton's first book; example there of woman wanting a certain type of life experience and falling out of a carriage to have her legs crushed to achieve it.  Somewhere towards the last third of book. Other examples in literature but that's the one I recall now.

The not returning to bodies thing: sids is the one category we have, other middle age deaths go unexplained, but aneurisms and heart arythmia are others I suspect. Person has no history of heart arythmia and suddenly they just die? Happened to my nephew just last year:  35 years old.
As "astral gordon", out of body at night, I have watched my sleeping  physical form, and meditated on the relationship between the two.  It's obvious to "me" that the nightly relationship is one of committment to have a certain life experience, but it's also obvious to me that souls not having a rewarding experience here, might just choose that point to NOT return.  Junkies and alcoholics particularly, although their  knowledge of the planes is limited, they at least know 'out there' is more fun than 'here'.

cheers: gordon
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Re: recent retrieval/guide work
Reply #8 - Jan 25th, 2005 at 12:34pm
but it's also obvious to me that souls not having a rewarding experience here, might just choose that point to NOT return.  Junkies and alcoholics particularly, although their  knowledge of the planes is limited, they at least know 'out there' is more fun than 'here'.

cheers: gordon

just to qualify that a bit Gordon so no one gets the wrong impression that it's so grand out there that they immediately kill themselves to experience it Grin
my impression from my hubby was he did not regret killing himself with booze, a slow and painful death of walking around with a completely dead appendix inside him for awhile. while he did not regret being freed up from physical pain, he was not having a fun time over there and told me he regretted not being physically here for the kids, age 10 then. when I say not having a fun time, he was as he always was, neutral in emotions, a stoical person, reserved and traditional minded without being religious in any way. he was a fan of Alan Watts yet not inclined to spiritual pursuits. a plodder through life, a pick up your cross and carry it mentality. he hadn't changed one whit upon death. that's why I believe when a person, whether on drugs or suiciding out unconsciously or consciously is not going to experience judgment from an all powerful God which is non-existant anyway, but rather their own self may have some regrets over whatever as Mike did over the kids. they could have benefitted from his presence on this side and he knows that. so my point, not to mislead anyone how "fun" it is over there. it's the same there as here. you have to know how to have fun here first to know how to have fun over there as every problem, every dream, every wish goes with you to the other side. thankfully I report here on Mike that over the last 20 years of earth living for me, he has becomed involved in a group situation, an unheard of thing while he was here as he was such a loner and uncomfortable in the body. he fits in, in other words, he sees he is a part of it all.but for me I want to leave with no regrets or anything left undone that looks like fun to me..that is the goal. why waste a perfectly good body by saying "I can't." say I can, then just put your foot on the gas pedal and go. Grin  but definetly folks there is no heaven all set up for us to lollygag in over there, it soon becomes quite boring and constrictive. DP (dead preacher) already found that out. sorry if I sound preachy...its that dead guy I think. he drives me crazy! love, alysia
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