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My First Experiences!! - using what Bruce said in (Read 203456 times)
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Gender: female
Armanda: from dream contact to retrieval
Reply #225 - Nov 26th, 2002 at 7:24pm
Hello everyone,

I was up at around 6:00AM this morning, as usual, and before I could finish a cup of coffee I suddenly felt very tired. In finally heading back to bed I fell asleep and eventually found myself in what we all call a typical dream: I was in a large, circular outdoor hot tub with family members (some deceased, some still in the physical). It seemed to be at night. I could see and feel the warm water swirling around...neices and nephews having fun. After a few minutes, popping into in my entire field of vision, was a rectangular image of the upper portion of a young girl's face, around eight years of age give or take. It was like being only inches away from her face. The only thing in movement were her eyes: looking around in a worried fashion. She had pale skin, light brown straight hair parted on the side. It seemed her entire body was rigid, only her eyes casting about as if she was trying to look out through the rectangle she was pressing up against. The image was then gone as suddenly as it had appeared. I had a flash of, "Well that was weird!" but resumed playing with the kids. Within a few seconds the eyes in the rectangle popped into my field of vision again...and this time I knew the child was quite fearful. As she was rapidly looking to her left, then right, I wasn't sure if she could see me, acknowledge my presence. I then knew what all this meant and I mentally said to myself--almost mentally shouting--, "This is a retrieval. She needs to be retrieved!" The image then vanished (and I think it came back once more but not sure) and I felt my nephew's attention (he was behind me a few feet) on what was happening with me, and I clearly understood and could feel that he was enthralled with his aunt's ability to 'super daydream'. What was interesting was the 'feeling' that was associated with watching the image each time it popped into view. For as long as I was watching the young girl I was completely engrossed..and yet I was simultaneously aware I was also in the hot tub, aware of the noise and commotion. I then woke up, feeling rested and decided after a few hours to meet up with a Helper in the afterlife and ask what was up.

As I began my process in relaxing and energy boosting I got the thought that I wouldn't need to spend as much time with the process as I usually do (which only amounts to perhaps ten minutes, depending on how I am) I accepted this, relaxed til I could feel myself relax, did two quick cycles of gathering energy from below and above, brought to me the feeling of love and placed the intent to meet with a Helper. I could then distinctly  feel a female presence swoop down and stand in front of me, offering a big grin at my being caught off guard (she arrived rather quickly). In asking if the girl I saw in my dream needed retrieving she nodded, also indicating we best get going. Ooookay!

The Helper remained facing me as I felt the two of us moving in what I perceived to be straight ahead, and when we stopped there was the customary blackness...and I was then in a white room with a small girl several feet away and to my right, staring through a small rectangular window in a door. There was something kind of heavy about the atmosphere of the room and I felt a little confused as to what this was all about  for some reason.  It then came to me that the child's fear and anxiety were literally 'clouding' the space she was in (don't know if I'm explaining this right but it's the only way I can describe what I was 'seeing/feeling'). So I let the image go, asking for better understanding. I then again had the same room, the little girl, but it then felt as if I'd be able to be less fuzzy and more I watched the girl, waiting to see if the Helper had anything to offer. I wondered if we were in a classroom. She appeared to be locked in. Why? The Helper gave a soft indication that it would be okay to approach the child.

I carefully moved towards her and sat down. The 'heaviness' was still palpable but I could manage (this was strange--couldn't remember feeling this before). I hesitated, aware of her glancing at me once, but she kept anxiously watching through the small door window, her small fingers holding onto a metal lip edging the glass. I didn't like the look of the window (around ten inches high, twenty in length): it reminded me of the interior, security door windows in mental institutions (years ago my mother experienced those windows). I said casually, "What's going on?", and she answered in a rushed panic, "They won't let me out. They locked me in here!" I paused...and was about to ask her where we were and had an overwhelming feeling not to: having to question why I didn't know where I was would create confusion and more fear for her.  I asked her name and got back Armanda. I thought it must be Amanda and got back a no---Armanda. I sat there thinking about the situation and then asked her why she was here. She looked at me and said she couldn't trust me, that I would tell 'them'. I said, "Hey, I'm locked up in here too. I will not tell them anything." She thought about it and then I started getting some info...knowings: foster homes, petty crime...incorrigible. And I then understood the heaviness in the room: claustrophobia. She seemed to be ready to explode or freak out as she desperately kept her eyes close to the window. Watching for someone to come let her out seemed to be keeping her from losing it.

At this point all I wanted to do was get her out and I said, "I have a friend who can help us." She shook her head, saying they wouldn't let my friend in. I then got a Bright Idea and without thinking reached into a left pocket, whipped out a cell phone and began a short,  make-believe conversation Armanda could hear. When done I was about to explain who was coming to let us out and the look on her face made me freeze. She was staring at the cell phone. She asked what it was, as if it was some Star Trek device or something. I then got the feeling that perhaps the time period she was in was prior to cell phones. I said it was a phone, a telephone. She made a face to indicate she'd never seen anything like it.

We were then interrupted by commotion on the other side of the door, the sound of a key in a lock, and the door opened into the room. Armanda moved back, scared. A tall guy in a white lab coat stood quietly, smiling at her, holding what I guess was a clipboard or papers. I told Armanda this was my friend here to help us. He began reading something and then announced that a mistake had been made: Armanda was not suppose to be here. I moved closer to the Helper, smiling at Armanda as he let her know she could leave...this had been a bad mistake. He kept talking with her, describing where he could take her---it seemed he was describing a place where there were others more her age, less adults. It wasn't long before they were leaving and the female Helper who escorted me to Armanda appeared to my left, saying we could follow. I was curious where we were going. After a short trip in the 3D blackness a large gathering of people appeared, under trees. One approached us and I could feel she was a teenager and sympathetic to Armanda, emphasizing that for the most part, children ruled there. A  few adults were there to help to some capacity but the kids lived and helped one another...and they were having a picnic and would Armanda like to join in? She then escorted the shy, tongue-tied Armanda towards the trees and children setting out food on picnic tables. I could see sunshine, feel/hear the wind in the trees. The place had a 40's or 50's feel to it but not sure. Armanda was handed a plate and started picking at her food, kind of in a daze as she looked around...taking in her new surroundings.  I then asked the female Helper what Armanda's story was and got severe child abuse; rape, neglect...from there one foster home after another, intense anger and hatred, setting fires, either a mental institution or juvenile hall incarceration. I never did ask how she died.

And since this is turning into a book I'll close and start a page 2 of what happened with another Helper right after this retrieval was over.

Thanks for listening and much love,


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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Suicides and Retrievals
Reply #226 - Nov 25th, 2002 at 6:06pm
Hi Again:

I am curious about those of you that have done retrievals with people that have crossed over from suicide.  Do you find that they regret the decision or they are just confused about what to do next?

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Bruce Moen
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Re: Suicides and Retrievals
Reply #227 - Nov 26th, 2002 at 6:40pm

  Without exception all the people I've worked with after they committed suicide were unhappy with the decision.  One of them, a man, summed up what I typically hear from suicides . . .

I now realize that I suicided because there things I couldn't deal with, emotional things, things between myself and others.  I was in so much pain.  That pain didn't go away after I killed myself and I now realize that the one thing I need to resolve the pain, my physical body, is now hanging from the rafters in the garage, dead.

The other thing that's been common to all the suicides I've worked with is that once they make contact with Helpers they begin to make the adjustments to their new lives and move on.

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gordon phinn
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Higher Self Dialogue #2
Reply #228 - Nov 24th, 2002 at 4:06pm
Wed.Oct.25/2000, #2...

Gordon: Hello there HS!
Higher Self: Good idea, call me HS.  It will remove any excess formality from the proceedings.
Gordon: Yes, I see your point.  Formality will just distance me from you unnecessarily.  And, I suppose, return me to the position of earlier personaility projections.
HS: Exactly.  I value this for its sense of equality.
Gordon: I'm not bowing and scraping.
HS: Yes, you're my confidant.
Gordon: Any secrets you want to share?
HS: Nothing that you don't know already.
Gordon: Yes, HS, very clever.  I know it but I've forgotten it.
HS: Correct.  By choosing to incarnate you choose to forget.
Gordon: But I'm remembering!  Bit by bit I'm putting together the whole picture.
HS : Yes, your connection to the source just gets stronger
Gordon: I was recalling as I swam today, the time that I think of as my first conscious connection to you.  Years ago, at least fifteen, I woke up in the middle of the night with the strongest hunch that I was in direct communication with my Higher Self, so i thought, quite calmly and matter-of-factly, that I should ask some questions.  Even as I had thought that I couldn't imagine where it came from.  I was awake and it was dark and quiet: so what?  So I asked about MKM, with whom I was having a relationship at the time.  I asked if we'd been married before; the answer was a quick yes.  I asked the name and epoch.  It seemed like Lord and Lady Dunsmuir (or Dunsmore) and the epoch aeemed like 13th or 14th century Scotland.  We were some fairly down-at-heels landed gentry, who couldn't afford to keep the servants we'd inherited and were reduced to squabbling over the lamb chops at suppertime.
HS: Yes, that was one of our earliest successes.  What a lot of out-of-body effort went into that.
Gordon: Some guides helped me out I imagine?
HS: You bet. The soul you call Henry was quite instrumental.
Gordon: I should have guessed.
HS: And, of course, he was helped by his guide.
Gordon: Yes, the picture gets bigger.
HS: As it always does.
Gordon: Now when I did those past life regressions, a few years before that, were you present then?
HS: No, that was you and your soul working on that one.
Gordon: You mean Gordon, the incarnate ego personality, and Gordon, the all-knowing soul?
HS: Well, not quite, the soul is certainly much more knowledgable and wise that the incarnate ego, but it has to have a living connection with me to approach anything like all-knowingness.  When, for example, a soul, onne deceased, is rising slowly through the planes, and, as you know, this may take a great long while, as you folks in form calculate things, shucking off its various attachments like worn out overcoats, it does not realise that it is I who am slowly winding it in, like a fish who's been caught from day one but never felt the bait in its mouth.
Gordon: I think I understand but I'm not sure.
HS: My advice to you sir, is to stop thinking and embrace my energy.  You have already developed the process called intuition, the inner knowingness that such and such is so.  Well, that is not only the energy that I use, it is also the energy that I am made of.
Gordon:  Yes yes I know; mere thinking is inadequate.
HS The intellectual categories which it inevitably produces, as they exist in your culture and educational system, only serve to fence in that which is continuous, and make futile atttempts to bury spirit in form.  There is no strict dividing line between the incarnate ego, the indwelling soul and the boundless being that is me, the higher self.  Each one blossoms into the other in an energetic continuum that is endless and virtually unstoppable.
Gordon: I notice you say virtually.
HS: Well, the incarnate ego, if it's determined to the point of dementia, deranged by fear and pain and the acting out of hatred and anger, can effectively strangle the life out of its link to soul and higher self.
Gordon: What happens to soul in such cases?
HS: Depends on who it identifies with the most.  If it is the suffering ego it will maintain its link and be held down in the lower astral until such time as the ego is willing to amke the effort to ride above the tentacles of the depraved desires which hold it firmly in place.  If it's the higher self, it rejoins the light-energy cluster and stays there.
Gordon: And the isolated ego left behind?
HS: Can sustain itself through the assimilation of the dark dense energies of the very lowest astral plane (the same way any resident of any astral (ie BST) absorbs what it needs from its environment)until it sinks to the level of a large ugly boulder which emanates the kind of bad vibes and luck referred to in fairly tales and so on.  This does not happen often, as souls tend to have almost infinite patience with their egos.
Gordon: A spirit guides do with their earthly charges?
HS: Yes, it's quite similar.
Gordon: I'm assuming they don't descend to the level or rock right after death.
HS: No, of course. They find themselves either in some astral slum or some desolate rocky landscape.  It's the desolation of the heart projected outwrds, as you know, but they don't see that.  First chakra survivalists to the core, they quickly align themselves with one or the other power group and continue with whatever nefarious activities they were accustomed to in physical life, never for a moment realising that their deeply negative thoughts and emotions are creating and sustaining their surroundings.  Then there's a stage where the dark energies they unknowingly feed on slowly consume them from within and they dissipate bit by bit, often becoming ragged hermits in caves consumed by anger, moving less and less because they see no need to, until at some point, maybe after centuries, overcome with an endless sleep, they solidify into a rock like structure, just another rock like the rocks that surround them.
Gordon: Meanwhile the soul is safe with the Higher Self.
HS: And has probably reincarnated three or four times in the interim.
Gordon: Well that's something I've never heard before.
HS: Yes, you don't see it mentioned much, except in fairly tales, which I think you know contain much truth disguised as metaphor.  Really though, it's the complete inversion of the transition into nirvana process.  Instead of exiting out of the top of the spiral into the freedom of massless light they fall out of the bottom into very dense dark.  It's another of those "as above, so below" things.
Gordon: I guess I'm more familiar with the stories of the egos that descend to the bottom of the astral barrel, as it were, but with the help of a guide, or maybe several guides, slowly work their way up again.
HS: That is the more common occurence, yes.  But I wanted to touch on the other kind.  You've guessed, of course, why you're more familiar with the type you just mentioned?
Gordon: Because one of the earlier personality projections experienced it and brought back the knowledge to you, the higher self, where I and all the others were able to share in it.
HS: That's it.  You'll get a gold star in your notebook for that one.
Gordon: I'm deeply honoured.

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(No subject)
Reply #229 - Dec 31st, 1969 at 8:00pm
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Prague 1939
Reply #230 - Nov 21st, 2002 at 11:01pm
Before I really got "started" on this one, I saw a man running along carrying something.  The man was very neatly dressed, with stylish (older era) clothes and a neatly trimmed brown beard.  He was very handsome.  He had round glasses and piercng eyes.  He ran quickly but not in a panic - more like with a very determined purpose.  He ran very upright and gracefully.  He was clutching a wooden box in one arm.  He was wearing dress shoes and a woolen lightweight trench-coat; I think he was wearing a dark suit with thin stripes underneath.  I think he had a hat on.  His name might have been Einglberk or something like that (later it seemed like Errin Humboldt, so I think this part is garbled).  It was night, and the ground was damp.  He was running in a railroad yard, then past the railroad yard, towards another railroad yard up ahead that was really the same one he'd just run through but he didn't realize it.  I figured he'd been running like this for a while. 

I moved up ahead of him and from an empty boxcar motioned him to hop into the boxcar, which was part of a slow-moving, accelerating train.  Already in the boxcar, disguised as hoboes, were three or four helpers.  The train might have been headed for Poland.

I helped the man onto the train.  He was not out of breath - he never did breathe hard.  He was obviously into academics or science - I could tell he was highly intelligent.  I asked him what was in the box, and he said "nuclear secrets".  I asked him the year and place, and got Prague, 1939.  I assured him that he was safe - I told him we were with the underground.  That actually made him apprehensive, so I told him we were under cover.  That reassured him.  I'm not sure why the wording mattered.  I also told him not to worry - that the nuclear secrets wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.  He seemed relieved, but then (being highly intelligent) asked me how I could know that.  I told him that time travel was possible (I could sense a little uneasiness from the helpers as I said this).  I told him that in my world the year was 2002 (for some reason I started to say 2003), and that from my perspective he was caught in a time warp.  I asked him if it didn't seem like he'd been running for a long time, and he conceded that it did.  I then told him that I could only time travel backwards, but that the others (the helpers) could also time travel forwards.  The helpers seemed rather startled to hear me say this, but they reluctantly admitted that it was true.  The man was very, very interested.  I told him that this was his next assignment - to learn about time travel from these men.  I told him that he had done very well in his last assignment.  He was very excited to leave with them.

I'm not sure why I went off on my own tangent telling the guy about time travel, especially when that seemed to bother the helpers, but I guess it worked out okay.

I still don't know whose "side" he was on in Prague 1939, but it doesn't really matter.  I think he was shot (machine-gunned?) in the back as he was running along, and he was so focused that he just kept on running and either thought they missed or didn't realize it had happened.
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Brad and Susie
Reply #231 - Nov 20th, 2002 at 2:47pm
I felt somewhat compelled to post this here.  This is part of a series of dreams I had the other night.  I say "dreams' in a loose sense.  This dream contained elements of oobe.

I phased into the back seat of an early 60's style sedan while it was driving down the road.  The car was huge like so many american made vehicles that came out of the 60's era.  I also noticed that it was new looking, in very good condition, light grey in color and 2 doors.
As I popped into the back seat, instantly I had information on the two young people in the front seat.  Susie, a 30's yr old attractive, white, short blond haired woman was driving the car.  Next to her was her husband Brad.  Brad was also white.  He had very short hair and seemed tall, probably over 6'.  I felt that Brad may have been ex military.  He wore a white short sleave dress shirt and a white tee shirt underneath.  Susie was wearing an off white shirt and long skirt.
Instantly I knew I was about to witness a recreation of their deaths.  As I sat in the back seat I tried to speak out loud and warned them that the bend up ahead was dangerous and that if they didn't slow down, they would crash.  We came to a busy intersection and sure enough the road  veered sharply to the right.
The next scene I viewed was a mess on the road.  It appeared to be a mix of automotive and bodily fluids. It seemed to be one hellacious crash, and thankfully I was spared the gruesome details.
The next scene is at Brad and Susie's house. It may have been an apartment or a very small house. There only appeared to be 4 rooms.
For several minutes I viewed Brad lying in bed,continuously recreating his now deceased wife.  He seemed to be lying in bed, in mourning and attempting to be with his wife again.  A recreated version of Susie would appear and disappear over and over.  To me, Susie appeared to be a manaquin; she looked very artificial.  Although to Brad, I'm sure she looked alive and vibrant.
I next felt compelled to try to make him realize that he was dead.  In fact, I kept feeling compelled the whole time I was in this dream.  I must have been receiving guidance from someone nearby, although no one made themselves visible.  Just like I said, it was more a knowing what to do than a feeling of outside guidance.
Brad failed to listen to me, even though I yelled and shouted at him.  I next resorted to sterner measures.  I recreated people he knew (probably military people he had worked with who were also deceased) and dropped them on top of him in the bed where he was lying. This didn't wake him from his slumber; Brad pulled the covers over his head. I said "fine, be that way", and I proceeded to drop a nearly nude (except for white bvd's) 4 star general on him.  This general was a person Brad knew and I thought this might shock him, or make him laugh, whichever came first. Brad still failed to get the message.
I then moved to the living room and Susie entered the scene.  She looked vibrant and I realize that she has moved on to a higher plane.  She has come back to help her husband. As she entered the room, I get the impression that she doesn't notice me.  So for a brief instance, I grabbed her and begin to dance to the music playing on the radio. This shocked Susie, and she became a little taken aback.  However, she realized right away that I was a helper trying to get her husbands attention. 
I tell her "this is the closest thing to the real thing that I can create for you two.  I have helped to lower your vibration for this meeting with BRad".  I got the impression that there have been many attempts at helping Brad move on from this plane.
Brad was sitting in the kitchen at a small table eating cereal for breakfast, the way he had done for so very long.  Susie walked in and attempted to greet him.  For a brief instant, Brad came out of his eating trance and noticed Susie.
This is were I phased out and went on to less focused dreams.

Let me know what the board thinks.....I tried to convey as much detail as possible as this helps me remember the events of the dream, and may pinpoint an exact time and place for a future retrieval.

Peace and Joy......Tim

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Re: Brad and Susie
Reply #232 - Nov 22nd, 2002 at 4:00am
I'm not exactly sure what this situation was all about.  I tried to convey as many details as possible in hope that folks might be able to recognize the context of the retrieval better than I could.
I would have to say that this was an attempted retrieval or an actual retrieval with my dream self tagging along. It was just too lucid and the details to vivid to write off as just a dream.
Let me know what you think....and I appreciate your expert opinion!

peace and joy.......TIM
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Gender: female
Re: Brad and Susie
Reply #233 - Nov 23rd, 2002 at 12:52pm
Hey Timmer,

I'm sorry...I just realized that I never answered your question way down the board about doubting along with intent. Sometimes I feel the need to wait and sit on a topic in hopes of recalling more info before I answer...and look what happens!--LOL!

Bruce really explains this best, on the workshop tapes...but I understood it to mean that when we really want something to manifest, say, in our everyday life (perhaps a better job situation, a certain kind of person we want to meet, or what you've been asking for in the dream state, etc), there's no need to worry if we doubt whether our intention will manifest or not, cause then both will...both, if we apparently also have doubts (doubts about whether we can really ask and receive, doubts about whether we're capable enough to bring change into our lives, etc) when we place the intent. Like for instance, in the beginning of exploring I had doubts as to whether I was really going to F27 after placing the intent to be there, and so upon getting there I'd at times 'see'/perceive nothing or images of my park would rapidly flash in and out (was this because of my doubt?)...and curiously enough, I'd experience a certain feeling when this occured that said to me, "Oh, this is happening cause I didn't believe I could really do this." But because I just stayed put, wondering....the 'doubting manifestations' then stopped and bingo...there was my park, or a place in F27. I didn't fully understand what was going on, (and I may still not but if Bruce upon reading this can add something to help out here, cool---LOL!) or my part in creating all that, til Bruce brought it up at the workshop. No need to worry whether our doubts can alter or prevent an intention from manifesting...cause what happens is they will both manifest, and so when we see the 'doubt manifest' come along it kind of serves as a happy red flag that the main course is on its way to appearing.

Timmer, does this make sense?

And ya know something, about your experience...the end result was that he was *able to become aware of someone other than just himself*, within his own projected mental construct of a movie, huh? And, isn't that what retrieving in F23 is usually all about?---getting a person's attention so they can simply become aware of Helpers? Very interesting to me, Timmer, your place and perspective in that experience.

Much love,


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My Progress as a beginner.
Reply #234 - Nov 20th, 2002 at 7:50am
Hello All,

Ever since I have encountered this marvelous website and conversation board (11/15/02), I have been trying to successfully make contact with anybody on the nonphysical world (i.e. guides, spirits, anything!!). I was able to get into the 3D void once on Saturday night. Unfortunately, it has been difficult for me to even get to the void lately. After each attempt, I felt like I was coming down with a flu. For example, Monday night I tried to get to the 3-D void for 3hours with little success. I woke up Tuesday feeling my brain very very heavy hence I called in sick from Maybe my body cannot handle it during the week since I have work, school, and internship all week that it is extremely tiring to attempt retrieval work at all. It literally drains my body and mind. Therefore, I have decided to attempt retrieval work during the weekend when I can sleep in the next day.

Is it draining for any of you to do the retrieval during the week?

However, I am not discourage at all because I know eventually I will master this (still waiting for Bruce's books and audio tapes to arrive...) like all of you have done so beautifully here(I am envious at this point, though heheheh) ShockedP.

On a positive note, after each retrieval attempt I have vivid dreams consisting of seeing vibrant colors (i.e. blue eye shadow on my friend's eyelids and cartoon characters in color) which is a neat experience all in itself since I had never dreamt in color before this.

Does anyone one have any suggestions on how I can ignore everyday noises (i.e. refridgerator humming, sound of the wind blowing, clock ticking, car alarms going off, etc..). I think this is the main reason I can't get to the void because of the damn noises on earth!! I think I will buy a TMI cd to block out the distractions. But in the meantime, if you guys have hints for me as to techniques I can use to ignore the distractions, I have my pen and notepad ready!

Thank you for listening and thank you for all your kind inputs. Indeed, this is by far the best conversation board I have ever been on.

Love, Linh
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An encouter with Non-Human Intelligences!
Reply #235 - Nov 19th, 2002 at 5:28pm
Hi everybody!

I decided that I wanted to try to explore beyond F27, with this in my mind I went to my place, met with Ajtosh, told him about my intentions and asked if it will possible for me to do that. He said sure, what  do you want to explore? I thought about that and said, Ajtosh I really would like to explore a non-physical reality with non-human intelligences, he said OK keep your focus on me and lets go.

I experienced an incredible super fast movement, I felt like my awareness was going a supersonic speed, hard to explain, it was not as through space, it was more like a inward movement, then suddenly stopped, and Ajtosh said.......'open your awareness and scan around', I couldn't see anything, but it was not the same blackness I'm used to see, it was a different blackness, in a strange way it was blackness in motion, with movement.
Then Ajtosh said........'move your awareness around in 360 degrees', I said.....'what? I can't do that'.....'yes you can'he said,.......oh boy, I found that I could be aware in 360 degrees, behind me, on top of me, all directions....what an amazing thing, then I *saw* a silver disk, but then I realized that was an sphere and that the entire place was full of those spheres, and asked Ajtosh what those spheres were, he said non-human intelligences.

That blew me totally, then Ajtosh explained to me that they posses a different kind of conciousness, and it was difficult for me to relate to them or they to me, that they experience existence through sound-mathematical expressions, and through waves of frequency that have mathematical progressions.

Then I *felt* some of those low sound frequencies, like a HUUUMMMMMMM, in different pitches and......oh boy, this is so hard to explain....I truly don't find a way how to describe it......,it was like the resonance of the sound waves intermixed and created other waves, and I saw some of those spheres expanding and joining other spheres, every time this happened the pattern of the sound waves changed.......IT WAS a weird symphony of low pitches (this was my hearing perception), but made truly sense, it was not chaotic, on the contrary, I will have to say it had a mathematical harmony beyond what words can describe. I know that my explanation is very poor, but I'm trying to explain something almost impossible for me to do.

I asked Ajtosh if those intelligences have emotions, he said no in the human way, then I said what is the point to exist without emotions, he said that this was my human condition that make me think in this way, that the same way I can't understand them, for them human emotions are totally inconmprehensible, that they have something similar to human emotions but not quite the same, what they experience is intensities of complex mathematical-sound patterns.

WOW.......then I wanted to know if I could communicate with them, Ajtosh said only if you know conceptual mathematical progression, this is their *language*....I said, no way....I'm not Eistein...LOL.

After a while Ajtosh asked me if I was ready to go back to my place, I said OK... this have been an aswome experience, and we went back.
There in my place I asked Ajtosh one more question, and was how the Self fits in all this, Ajtosh very kindly answered, Marta the Self is much more than human conciousness, it can express itself in infinite ways, creation has no limits and the possibilities for expression unlimited.

I said......WOW.....Ajtosh this has been the most amaizing exploration I ever had, thank you so much, and came back to C1.

Thanks for listening.

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An Interesting and Evidential Account
Reply #236 - Nov 19th, 2002 at 3:48pm
Here is a link to Alan Cleaver's report in which he verifies the evidence of an etheric woman's physical materialization during an experiment that occured in his presence.

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Focused Attention/Phasing
Reply #237 - Nov 19th, 2002 at 10:32am
Hi everyone,

Found this very interesting so thought I'd share.

Much love,


Greetings all,

I have just obtained from the Internet the documentation for the Monroe Gateway program - and most interesting it is too!

But the page attached after this message or so at the end is very important in explaining how Robert Monroe came to go from OBE to phasing.

I don't think there is much doubt, if indeed there ever was, that phasing is the future of Astral exploration, just as Monroe discovered for himself.

With best regards,


"In 1957 Robert Monroe began having out-of-body experiences that altered his life forever. The first of his OBEs initiated a long series of explorations into the limitlessness of human consciousness. The documentation of these first experiences became what is now known as the “classic OBE,” in which a person actually sees her/her body and perceives his/her consciousness as clearly separate from the physical body.

Although Bob’s experiences were both dramatic and life changing, it soon became apparent that the OBE phenomenon was just the tip of the iceberg. As he grew more comfortable in exploring altered states of consciousness, Bob realized that his experiences in what he referred to as Locale 1 (the physical world around us) had served to trigger his innate curiosity. His keen sense of the rational and his curious nature would subsequently give birth to a more complete understanding of his OBE adventures.

In time, Bob’s explorations developed a level of maturity that required the coining of a new term to more accurately describe his experiences. He had come to understand that “outer space” and “inner space” are one; therefore, the concept of going “out of body” no longer applied. In practice, Bob had learned that he could project a portion of his consciousness “there” while retaining a portion of consciousness within the physical body. His discovery meant that consciousness transcended the physical boundaries of time and space. Thus, the term “out of body” was simply too limiting. “Phasing” is the term he introduced to encompass these new realizations.

All of us know the meaning of phasing through personal experience. We merely take the phenomenon for granted. For example, as you continue to read you might become aware of the position of your physical body. You may simultaneously be aware of your surroundings, including such variables as room temperature sounds and smells, even the intensity of available light. Your ability to do so is simply your consciousness phasing in and out of multiple levels of awareness.

Your consciousness can and does operate simultaneously in multiple levels of awareness. It may be directed toward the past, the present, or the future. It may be focused in this reality or others. You alone are responsible for how you choose to focus your conscious awareness. The concept of phasing one’s consciousness can explain all paranormal or psychic phenomena from Lucid Dreaming or Remote Viewing to Near Death Experiences. Your ability to phase is so inherent that it may have escaped your notice, yet the potential applications for this remarkable ability are far-reaching.

Bob was fond of saying “Only you can change you.” It is the significance and meaning that you give to your experiences that will help you achieve personal growth. Trust yourself throughout these exercises and know that a greater part of you is always there to help and assist you.

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Joe Meboe
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Here Are Bob's Own Words
Reply #238 - Nov 19th, 2002 at 5:34pm
From Bob Monroe's second paragraph of chapter nine, "The Hard Way," in his Ultimate Journeys book:

I turned again to my own personal activities. One of the Knowns emerging through repeated examination was that moving into out-of-body no longer had for me what could be called "movement." Experienced subjects in the Institute laboratory had reported this many times, but it was not a part of my personal pattern until I began what I called the "quick-switch" method. Thereafter what happened was a fading out of one consciousness state into another. To describe it as "going out-of-phase" seemed more accurate and satisfied better, my left brain classification system.

Joe talking now - here is the note that I wrote in my book after this paragraph: "Sounds like what Bruce Moen does."
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Re: Here Are Bob's Own Words
Reply #239 - Nov 19th, 2002 at 6:23pm
Hi Joe,

The only thing I couldn't quite grasp in Bob's third book was just what you posted. Could understand the concept...but how was he doing this!? When I found Bruce's site almost two years ago and was carefully hit me like a sledgehammer: this is what Bob had written about.

Much love,

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