Hello everyone..
Well after the chat room night.. About the 3D Blackness… the next day I decided to explore the 3D blackness that Bruce was taking about. So put on “Opening the Heart CD 2” … I’m still on that one after 2month…hey.. What can I say..I’m a slow learner…LOL….
Anyhow did the 3x3x3 exercise and put my intent in exploring the 3D blackness with a guide….I did not want to be alone on that one..
WELL…. In full 3D colours, I found myself working at fixing a bathroom widow in someone house.. But had a distinct feeling that I knew that house.. There was another person beside me telling me that we did a very good job. And we should stop, and go into the kitchen area to have a juice. or a cup of tea. I said Ok.
I open the door of the bathroom and walk right in the kitchen area…the kitchen area is like the old houses from Eastern Canada… big houses with huge kitchen area where everything’s happen.. I mean people congregate in the kitchen area, there’s rocking chairs, regular chair, kitchen table and a good old wood stove with always a tea pot on the stove ready to be serve to visitor or friends..
Then I realized where I was…HOME…. but with a few difference…. In our home we did not have a fireplace but there was one in that house…and then I saw Dad sitting in his rocking chair having a conversation with mom and one of my favourite aunt.. she used to make everyone laugh…she was my favourite. They have all pass away years ago…like 15yrs as far as I could remember. And the house has been torn down since..
Anyhow, seeing them enjoying themselves and having fun filled me with tremendous happiness and also sadness because I miss them…. THAT WHERE I LOST IT….
I started sobbing like a child. And everything started fading away… but just before I came to what you guys call C1.. I heard my father say.. “AND LITTLE BIT IS HERE WITH ME” !!!!!!!
Got up and made myself a cup of coffee and when on the balcony to smoke a cigarette…smokers hey, we never learn..
And started thinking about the whole thing. What on earth is “Little Bit”, I figure my mind must have made that up..
Yesterday my cousin called me and said his mom is having her 71 birthday. And I should call her. I haven’t talk to her for at least 5 yrs…we are like fire and water between the 2 of us. In other words we don’t like each other. But since she’s the last sister of my adoptive father and she 71, what the heck, I called her to wish her Happy Birthday..
I was not thinking about “Little Bit” and was not going to talk to her about it either..
So after a while she started talking about my father and she started saying, that she remember a few year before he died, my father, one day found a little baby squirrel beside the house .That poor baby squirrel was starving and could hardly move. The mom must have got kill by a cat or something else she does not know..
So my father brought it home build a wooden cage for it and brought it back to health by feeding it “LITTLE BITS” of pieces of bread dip in carnation (can) milk… the squirrel survive. And he kept it for almost 1 years and then set it free…She said she remember it because it was so cute…And was wondering what ever happen to the squirrel.. I did not know that story of the squirrel either.!!
Wow….My “MOUTH DROP”, I could not believe what I just heard…
I was not expecting that AT ALL. And I did not told her about it either. She would have said that I’m nut..
So it was my father way of telling me, what I saw was true, and I MADE CONTACT…My first contact…He build his new home in the afterlife…wow…I’m tickle Pink, I so happy I’m flying high..
I still can’t believe I did it. I can’t describe the feeling.
Thank you, thank you for listening and encouragement guys..
Love Always
PS..Lynn if your reading this now you know you can do it also..
Don't give up..