a witness
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"Why do souls come to the physical and leave so early?"
If there were no difficult experiences for us as humans we would not grow or learn. Even a "long" life can seem very short when most of our experiences and decisions here are over. Instead of asking why, maybe ask why not?
Maybe his mission was fulfilled in a way we do not understand. I don't know the future or the ultimate truth. Life can be painful and some people make it further in this particular journey than others. It is hard to accept, I know.
Humans seek comfort and connection, safety and love. It is most likely that is what your son was seeking. Some people are more sensitive than others, more vulnerable. But, we all feel pain. It is understandable if you feel confused, angry, and sad. Grief is one of the hardest things we can face in life.
But curiosity is great, right?
If you are patient you may find a way to communicate with your son directly. They see and hear us, in my opinion. They do visit occasionally in dreams. There are other ways. When you experience it you will know. I hope you find the answers you are seeking.