Hi Dodgerzdad,
Welcome to the Conversation Board. I apologize for not seeing your first post in the Guidebook section! For the record, if this thread begins discussing more in depth about Bruce’s Guidebook and ends up being more appropriate for that forum than this one then I’ll move the thread there. For now, though, this topic is fine to leave here in this forum. I’ll also leave your post that’s there in case someone wants to reply there.
As far as I’ve always understood about how the Perceiver and Interpreter works, is to think of it in a larger picture perspective rather than piece by piece. Whether it’s physical reality, nonphysical reality, a dream, OBE, etc, the Perceiver is the part of your awareness that is perceiving and receiving something. The Interpreter is the part of you that is trying to make sense of what is being perceived. And the only way it can do that is to relate it to what it already knows. Sometimes it’ll be pretty accurate and sometimes it tries its best but doesn’t come quite close. Dreams are a lot like that, with lots of symbology showing the picture of the story that’s trying to be told.
If you have a full functioning story that you were consciously aware of and remember, then it’s not really necessary to worry or wonder if someone wasn’t who they appeared to be. The point is, you have a fully story of what you experienced.
The way P&I comes into play, really, is if you were having an experience that had many plot holes, and blackouts, and missing information. These are click-outs where it’s likely that the Interpreter ran on and on too long making associations and carrying your attention away from what was actually being perceived. It’s still possible to go back and focus on that area of consciousness to regain awareness (memory) of more of the story. But sometimes we just have pieces with lots of missing parts that doesn’t make sense to us.
So the Perceiver is giving you real information, and the Interpreter is just presenting it to you in a way it thinks makes the most sense to you. It’s like someone trying to use charades to communicate with you. They are doing their best, but it may not be very good or accurate. I think our dream life has a lot of this nonsense because the holes are getting filled in with filler material so that we have what looks like a complete story.
As for nonphysical exploration, OBEs, retrievals, and the like, sometimes the same kind of thing needs to happen, but it’s not because we are being tricked or that what we are perceiving isn’t real…it’s just that it can be difficult to balance Perceiver and Interpreter, so sometimes we get distracted by associations that mess up the storyline.
So when it comes to your questions about how to discern people we experience, I agree with what Recoverer 2 said. Most of the time for me dream people are just symbolic. If I dream or have an OBE of someone and I feel their presence and my own conscious awareness believes it was really them, their spirit or higher self, then that’s what I go with and believe. However, most normal dreams are just symbolic.
Maybe for you the reason some characters are unrecognizable is because there’s no need for them to be identified as someone specific. Maybe the lesson is able to be understood without more information.
Last night’s dream made me basically ask myself the same kinds of questions you’re asking here because I dreamed that my landlord from several years ago was helping me with something, being very generous. Dreaming of him came out of nowhere, and we also were not on good terms when I left, so why would I dream about him being so nice to me? My first thought was to wonder if he had died and maybe his spirit was trying to make amends with me. I do sometimes think about or dream about someone who has just died (before I find out about their death). Anyway, so if there was no real reason for me to be dreaming about actually really him, then I wonder what he meant in my dream? What was symbolic about him and why? What was the dream really about? I don’t know the answers yet….but is this the kind of thing you’re talking about?
My suggestion about working with dreams is to program your mind before going to sleep what it is you really want to know, ask, or experience. Repeating it like a mantra until you fall asleep will let it sink into your subconscious, and with practice and persistence you will get results. A simple way is to say, “I want to know more about such-and-such.” Or, “I want to visit with so-and-so”. Be specific in your request.
However you phrase it is up to you. My go-to method is to have the idea or concept of what I wish for in my mind, and then program myself to “dream with conscious awareness” so that I can be consciously aware nonphysically. This also helps with making myself have an OBE and/or remember the experience when I wake up. Vicky