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Oracle cards, Tarot cards and runes (Read 2611 times)
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ALK Member

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Australia, victoria melbourne
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Oracle cards, Tarot cards and runes
Mar 24th, 2021 at 5:01pm
Hi all

I was just wondering does anyone here use oracles cards? or runes or tarot cards for guidance, healing, recieving messages from Angels from oracle cards, speak to the trees? etc...
What do you think of those oracle cards, tarot cards, runes?

Thank you all
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ALK Member

Posts: 138
Re: Oracle cards, Tarot cards and runes
Reply #1 - Mar 31st, 2021 at 2:57pm
Hello, Lyshe,
I'm surprised no one has answered you. The cards are using another form of energy the same as the pendulum.  I was an unbeliever the first time I had the cards read for me.  The reading went so well that I started to laugh.  I asked to have another deck used to see if it would be similar.  It was so similar, I started to laugh all over again.  Since that time, I have bought several decks of Oracle cards.  Some of them are about Angels, some about Nature such as trees, some about Guides, some about Saints, etc., etc....   I find if a person is open-minded and allows the cards to fall at their will...  if that is the proper term... then the readings come out pretty accurate.  With cards, there are always several energies at play at the same time. 
Now this is what I have found.  Others may have found a difference in both readings and outcomes.  Mine have always been joyful.

I hope you find your joy and laughter,
Baroness T'ressa
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ALK Member

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Australia, victoria melbourne
Gender: female
Re: Oracle cards, Tarot cards and runes
Reply #2 - Apr 2nd, 2021 at 6:06am
Thank you for the reply
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ALK Member

Posts: 137
Re: Oracle cards, Tarot cards and runes
Reply #3 - Apr 2nd, 2021 at 2:50pm
So well said, as always. Sometimes best to wait to hear from people, as this is a slow forum now. I used some of these tools regularly years ago and enjoyed using them.

Whatever it is that you use, it must speak to your heart, so it is always okay to use it for what it brings to you and move on.

For now, after a long life, I prefer to work more on direct communication through other means, and I perceive the tools mentioned as indirect. However, they achieve a lot of nuance for the one who has the ability to listen to them.
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Re: Oracle cards, Tarot cards and runes
Reply #4 - Apr 7th, 2021 at 6:11pm
I collect those things but don’t really use them much.  I keep meaning to but just haven’t delved into it.  I have two sets of runes as well as rune cards which I think look really neat!  I have a few sets of Tarot cards and several sets of Oracle cards of different types.  I like the concept of using tools, and I think any tool or system you use can be something that works for you.  It’s just a matter of discovering how they help you perceive, and then how you learn to interpret what you’re perceiving. 

The first time I had a Tarot card reading it was very accurate.  This woman was a friend of the family of one of my best friends so it was neat that she was so accurate. 
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