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Life Review (Read 2291 times)
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Life Review
Jun 19th, 2020 at 1:21pm
Exactly what is its purpose? (I know what it is, just not sure how we use it once we go through it).

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Re: Life Review
Reply #1 - Jun 20th, 2020 at 5:05pm
I have never had one, but read about them a lot. It seems as if they serve the purpose of getting people to examine their lives in an honest and thorough way.

I figure our souls start out in a basically pure state, and then we get involved with places such as this world and our minds pick up some thought patterns that aren't helpful. A life review helps a person/soul examine his life in an accurate and honest way, so he can be provided with assistance in overcoming thought patterns that limit him in a nonproductive way.  Also, by feeling what it is like to be the person or people he effected in a negative way, he might experience some empathy and resultantly develop some compassion.

I figure our souls exist in a manner where we can learn.

If I remember correctly, Howard Storm said he felt how hurt his dog would feel when Howard would return home for the day and not pay any attention to his dog.

Also, consider that some people get involved with causes such as mothers against drunk drivers "after" they have experienced the grief that relates to the cause they get involved with. Experience can be a good teacher.

People take advantage of what they learned during their life reviews to varying extents.
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Re: Life Review
Reply #2 - Jun 21st, 2020 at 9:26am
Thanks Albert. I appreciate your reply. I should have been more specific in my question. I was really referring to life reviews experienced after death, not during an NDE. Of course I'm assuming there ARE LRs after death!

If we don't experience multiple physical lives (for the record I don't believe in reincarnation), then you have to wonder what purpose the life reviews really have?

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ALK Member

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South San Francisco
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Re: Life Review
Reply #3 - Jun 21st, 2020 at 12:53pm
It is difficult to find out about life reviews of people who don't return from people that do return because the later people have returned.

Many NDErs have found life reviews to be quite beneficial. Why wouldn't they be beneficial for people that don't return. Their value isn't dependent upon whether or not reincarnation exists.

I hope to have a life review after I die, and I don't have it in mind to reincarnate.

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