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Posts: 138
Hello, Maisie, We are all so different, yet we have all done soul retrieval. I have never had an out of body experience. For me, it is a simple act of focus and concentration. Granted, I follow Bruce Moen's suggestions on how to get across to level 27. Early on in my life I was given the opportunity to learn how to believe and set aside doubt as a child. My then teachers would not believe where that has taken me today. They taught me to meditate in the quiet of a church or classroom. They taught me to focus on one thing and stay there. I soon learned to be able to shut out the disturbing world. It was a pleasant place to drift in, but I was always aware of this reality as well. One must always be aware of one's teacher when that teacher is near by. Meditation and focus can come while in any position. I prefer to stand so I don't get sleepy. I want to remain fully awake throughout the journey to the other side. I want to be able to remember as much as possible so I can capture it for my journal. If left too long, the memories will fade like dreams. (I wonder if that is part of the memory block we experience with each new life? Under hypnosis the memories are clear and sharp.) Standing also helps to maintain that focus. Kneeling as a child did the same thing for me. Please, don't think it was a punishment because it wasn't. When in a church, it is one of the more comfortable positions. I'm going to speak about belief here. It took me a while to believe what was happening was real, but once I did, everything became so much easier. It all fell into place so much smoother...everything from 'my place', to helpers, to traveling, to helping the souls and loving them, to gathering that love beforehand to be able to give it away. After all, it is all about the souls we are there to retrieve. It is not about us alone. What a great gift it is to be of service in this way. That service has given me joy in more ways than I can relate. I hope you find that joy as well. T'ressa