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A Different Way of Doing Retrievals (Read 3208 times)
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A Different Way of Doing Retrievals
Jan 20th, 2020 at 2:20pm
Hello All,

No one has posted here for quite a while, and I thought I might give some information from my point of view and maybe get some from yours.

I do retrievals at least slightly different than most I have read about.  I never go out of body.  I am always standing upright and most of the time, I'm in the shower. 

The shower has several advantages.  I can draw upon the energy of the water.  I never get sleepy.  I can't hear any noise besides the water, so I never get disturbed.  The flowing water helps keep me in a meditative frame of mind.  The shower has an automatic timer in the temperature of the water.  If I linger too long at any one place, the water gets cold. Shocked

Standing has some of the same advantages.  I'm not going to fall asleep.  I can keep my focus better.  Once at 'my place', I can move with ease within my focus.

I try to keep the retrievals as simple as possible.  I rely on my helpers to give me support when possible, and over the years I have received many life lessons for which I'm grateful.

What about you?  What do you do different that just might help some of us learn a tidbit or two?

Sending love and hugs,
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Re: A Different Way of Doing Retrievals
Reply #1 - Jan 20th, 2020 at 9:42pm
I admit I don’t practice regularly, but I’ve always needed to get into a very deep state, basically having an OBE.  I’m willing to try anything though. I don’t really have any tips, because I can’t do it on command.  My biggest problem is that I tend to fall asleep.

It’s neat that you have an automatic temperature/timer in your shower! I’ve never heard of that.  (I’m always tempted to take long showers but I don’t…even try to take as cool a shower as I can stand, just to avoid over-humidifying my bathroom). But anyway, yeah, it’s so mesmerizing and hypnotic standing under the water and just being still, not even thinking about anything.  When I really need to "unwrap" something that requires a lot of psychological processing, the shower is one of the best places to do that, with the water running over my head. 

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Re: A Different Way of Doing Retrievals
Reply #2 - Jan 21st, 2020 at 2:22am

I do not have an automatic temperature control on my shower.  I have a water tank that is heated and the heated water will run out when it is used up and cold replaces it.  It is as simple as that.

I use prayer, deep meditation, and strong focus.  I was trained in meditation as a child which has come in handy all through my life including giving birth and controlling pain.
Soul Retrieval literally fell into my lap as we sped down the highway, passing a terrible accident.  The soul of a young man landed in my lap.  At the time, I didn't know what soul retrieval was much less how to do it.  At that time, I believed in the afterlife and my angel and guide, had heard about the white light that helps guide souls 'Home', but never thought I'd take part in the act.  All I knew at the time was someone was in great distress.  I was feeling all the terrible emotions of fear, bewilderment, confusion plus all other feelings in that area.  I knew they weren't mine and knew there was someone in my lap.  I needed to help.  I asked my angel and guides to please go with this person.  I started to talk to the soul and tried to calm him.  Told him of my friends who would help him find his way.  I saw the light out of the corner of my eye.  It grew larger and as I continued to speak gently to the soul and give him my love, he rose from my lap and moved very quickly down or up the path of light and was gone.

Several years later I was told I was a soul retriever and after that studied everything I could get my hands on about it.  I think part of the reason it is so easy for me is I fully believe it will happen.  -----  This coming from someone who is very strongly logical.  I do realize the irony, but isn't it great?

I wanted people to know soul retrieval does not have to be so hard.  If you have love and compassion and a desire to help, Bruce's instruction of using imagination as a starting point does work.  Concentration on the process and not self should help give you the focus you need to stay tuned in.

These are my thoughts and conclusions from my point of view.  I'm sure everyone has their own as well.
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Re: A Different Way of Doing Retrievals
Reply #3 - Mar 18th, 2020 at 3:19am
Hi Baroness
Im impressed by your shower retrieval method. Im working on building altered states into other aspects of my life. When I first started having OBE's I could achieve altered states at any time, but then it went away completely. Now Im working on bringing it back.
Do you have any tips for achieving it at other times, like your shower method?

I did a very disturbing retrieval at the beginning of the viral outbreak. I went to focus 27 to the place I created there and was guided to a multi storey carpark, but we were seeing it from the building next door. I was with 2 older female helpers. We stood there waiting for something to happen and I asked if there was anyone needing help. Next thing at least 12 teenage Chinese kids came marching single file past us, down some steps and over to the carpark. We followed them but didn't interact with them. As soon as we got there three men appeared in uniform, looking like police or military holding large weapons and killed all of the kids with lasers. The strange and disturbing part was the kids weren't frightened, it was like they knew it was going to happen and accepted it. They then all got up in spirit form and we walked with them back to the building next door. I asked what that was about and they said they had found out government secrets. They had come into this life knowing this was to be their fate. They then ascended with the helpers and I wasn't able to follow. I've looked in the news since and there has been no mention of 12 missing children from a school. I had no time reference for when this happened, so I don't know if it was recent. Very confusing and disturbing.
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Re: A Different Way of Doing Retrievals
Reply #4 - Mar 19th, 2020 at 2:46pm
Hello, Maisie,
   We are all so different, yet we have all done soul retrieval.  I have never had an out of body experience.  For me, it is a simple act of focus and concentration.  Granted, I follow Bruce Moen's suggestions on how to get across to level 27. 
   Early on in my life I was given the opportunity to learn how to believe and set aside doubt as a child.  My  then teachers would not believe where that has taken me today. They taught me to meditate in the quiet of a church or classroom.  They taught me to focus on one thing and stay there.  I soon learned to be able to shut out the disturbing world.  It was a pleasant place to drift in, but I was always aware of this reality as well.  One must always be aware of one's teacher when that teacher is near by. 
   Meditation and focus can come while in any position.  I prefer to stand so I don't get sleepy.  I want to remain fully awake throughout the journey to the other side.  I want to be able to remember as much as possible so I can capture it for my journal.  If left too long, the memories will fade like dreams. (I wonder if that is part of the memory block we experience with each new life?  Under hypnosis the memories are clear and sharp.)  Standing also helps to maintain that focus.  Kneeling as a child did the same thing for me.  Please, don't think it was a punishment because it wasn't.  When in a church, it is one of the more comfortable positions.
   I'm going to speak about belief here.  It took me a while to believe what was happening was real, but once I did, everything became so much easier.  It all fell into place so much smoother...everything from 'my place', to helpers, to traveling, to helping the souls and loving them, to gathering that love beforehand to be able to give it away.  After all, it is all about the souls we are there to retrieve.  It is not about us alone.
   What a great gift it is to be of service in this way.  That service has given me joy in more ways than I can relate.  I hope you find that joy as well.
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Re: A Different Way of Doing Retrievals
Reply #5 - Mar 19th, 2020 at 3:36pm
To speak about your recent retrieval, I too was disturbed when I read about it.  There is no 'time' on the other side so to speak.  Do you think it might be in the future?  What made me think of it this way was the laser guns although they could be symbolic.  It is an illustration of knowing our purpose when we come into this world.  If only all of us knew so clearly.  It gives one much to think about.
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