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Posts: 138
Rondele, I don't usually see the souls of live humans when I'm on the other side. I don't 'see' very well there. Once in a while, I go to visit with a soul of someone who is alive usually because a loved one has asked me to for a specific reason. I then use very strong intent and ask for help from my helpers as I usually have not met the person in the flesh. My helpers will read my intent and take me right to them. I'm always a little surprised how quickly it happens. I see my helpers as spirits of large ovals of light with a brighter light towards the top. They usually give me their names as they come through to me at 'my place'. I also can feel them. They have distinct personalities. I have grown very fond of them over the years. As to the souls I retrieve, I will feel them before I see them. I usually get the sex then, but sometimes they fool me, so very early on I learned to ask their names, ages, and what year it is for them. That can be quite an adventure especially if I'm having trouble hearing clearly usually because I'm unfamiliar with their language. I'm a typical multigenerational American. I speak only English well. With the recent retrievals and the long lines, about the only question I ask is if they would like to come with me to 'the Park'? I'm trying to get as many as I can with each retrieval. I don't even count. It doesn't matter. I give a lot of unconditional love during the whole retrieval. T'