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The Life Review: Why do we have it? (Read 11770 times)
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Re: The Life Review: Why do we have it?
Reply #15 - Jan 6th, 2020 at 12:50pm
Regarding what perpetrators learn, perhaps they learn what not to be.

I figure we can't truly understand what humility is, without understanding about arrogance.

We can't appreciate honesty, if we don't know about dishonesty, and have overcome it.

We can't fully understand the beauty of loving others unconditionally, if we haven't done so in a limited conditional way.

We can't fully understand about having compassion for others, if we haven't had the need of receiving it from others, and if there was never anyone we could direct it to.

We can't fully appreciate a positive way of being, if we haven't experienced a negative way.

We can't fully appreciate the value of loyalty, if we haven't dealt with a lack of loyalty.

We won't fully appreciate Oneness, if we don't understand what it is like to seem separate.

We won't be able to be one and many at the same time, if we don't have the opportunity to find out how to exist in such a way.

It is important to understand that everything that exists, for better or worse comes from Source and us as extensions of Source.

If we want to be masters of ourselves, then we need to deal with the possibilities that exist within us, until we work things out so we have a truly wonderful way of existing.

In order for all of the above to take place, we have to have some freedom of expression, even if this means we end up partaking in some of the negative possibilities more than is necessary.

If we want to be able to someday experience a perfected way of existence, we have to be willing to go through some growing pains.

Regarding nothing being hidden, despite what people such as sociopaths attempt, going by what I have experienced, there are love based spirit beings that are aware of everything we do. Perhaps we are internally designed so that we eventually right the ship. I am uncertain about this.
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Re: The Life Review: Why do we have it?
Reply #16 - Jan 7th, 2020 at 2:01am
Maisie wrote on Jan 6th, 2020 at 2:44am:
How I do a quote again Vicky? It didn't work last time I tried.

I will send you a private message  Smiley
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Re: The Life Review: Why do we have it?
Reply #17 - Jan 7th, 2020 at 7:30am
I agree with everything you said R2 but I still think sociopaths and the like are on another level all together. Most of us play around on the edges of naughty when we are younger and realise its not for us, but the others just don't care.
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Re: The Life Review: Why do we have it?
Reply #18 - Jan 7th, 2020 at 5:58pm
Maise, nothing to say, just saying I read your post.

Maisie wrote on Jan 7th, 2020 at 7:30am:
I agree with everything you said R2 but I still think sociopaths and the like are on another level all together. Most of us play around on the edges of naughty when we are younger and realise its not for us, but the others just don't care.

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Re: The Life Review: Why do we have it?
Reply #19 - Jan 7th, 2020 at 10:57pm
I seem to have a knack of ending conversations.
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rafaellas  light
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Re: The Life Review: Why do we have it?
Reply #20 - Jun 25th, 2020 at 10:47pm
"Being human and hurting others is unavoidable no matter how much the life review affected us. And sometimes the hurt is beneficial to the other person. Tough love to a delinquent child no doubt will hurt but also may lead to the child taking a better path."

This is not correct. Healing from these misconceptions are the kind of thing life reviews teach us.
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rafaellas  light
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Re: The Life Review: Why do we have it?
Reply #21 - Jul 5th, 2020 at 6:33am
I ask for apologies for my previous response.
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