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Posts: 137
For some reason I am thinking of a beautiful dream I once had. First, I was entering and exiting some kind of small residence, and it was filling with water. I was separated from a companion. There was something very poignant about it.
At a different portion of the dream, of which I remember only these things, I was floating down a river. The banks were attractive. And yet, I found myself very absorbed by the experience itself of floating down the river.
It was beautiful. I could have stopped, and did for a while, to chat with a few others at the edge of the water, by the grassy bank. But the river was enchanting. It was cool, and not wide, and nothing frightening existed there.
There was only the floating, and the pleasantness of chatting with a few people along the way. Floating along, with no thought of stopping.
This dream was so long ago, a lifetime ago, and yet I can still remember it. Was it real, or was it fiction? I would say it really does not matter. It was a moment that existed.
Therefore, I think we have such a limited understanding of what is truly possible. Think of all that we have forgotten!