What are your experiences of being with someone while they are passing away?
I haven't been with someone I was extremely close to while they were dying -- that would definitely be extremely difficult for me to deal with --but very recently, on June 8th at 1:00 am, my son got a call from his dad telling us that he was at the hospital and his wife was dying. We rushed in to the hospital to be with him. I knew that my ex-husband would be there alone and that he must be devastated and heartbroken, so I wanted to be there for support and comfort. I don’t want to give details of her medical treatment and death because he’s having it investigated.
At one point when they were discussing whether to continue life support measures or not, I sensed her spirit coming out of the room and standing behind my ex-husband who was leaning over the counter of the nurse’s station, hanging his head and crying. I didn’t see her with my eyes but I sensed she was there putting her hand on his back. I sensed that she wanted to be let go even though he said she had always said she would want all measures taken to save her should it come to that. When he asked me what he should do, I told him as gently as I could that I think he should let her go.
And when they did take her off life support and left the three of us alone with her in her room in her last minutes alive, I just stood by her side beaming PUL toward her and nonphysically “talking” to her, basically just wishing her well as she transitions. Then I sensed that it would help my ex if I told him he should let her know it’s ok for her to go.
So I said, “She’s holding on for you. You should tell her it’s ok for her to go.” I was surprised at how easily he accepted that, and he said of course it’s ok, and so he stood up, kissed the side of her head, rubbed her face, said he loved her and he was sorry, and told her it’s ok for her to go. Then she stopped breathing. Watching all of this was very surreal!
Despite all the devastation about this situation, the moment she passed away I found myself beaming a smile and I had to actually consciously stop doing it so my ex-husband and son wouldn’t see me smiling. Even thought I was crying, I realized that I was also smiling because she had transitioned and was at peace, no longer suffering in her body and I'm sure I was feeling her spirit feeling loving, happy, and free.
Unfortunately (in my opinion) for my ex, he doesn’t believe in any of this stuff. He doesn’t believe we have a soul or spirit or that we go on after death. He thinks you die and then you don’t exist anymore. It was one of the major facets of why we divorced; he couldn’t accept that I had these beliefs and he didn’t want me exploring them. So, I didn’t tell him any of that because it wouldn’t do him any good. He needs to mourn in his own way.
I did find it interesting though that a couple days later he told me he had a very nice, comforting dream about her. He said in the dream they hugged and then she put on her new hat. He even mentioned it again a few days later that it was a very comforting dream and that he knew I’d appreciate him mentioning it. I of course believe that was a visit from her, and he said he did feel it was special and likes to think she was there to comfort him.
Anyway, I was grateful to be there to be supportive for him and also getting to experience what I did.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, or share similar experiences surrounding someone's passing. I think I was able to handle it "ok" because I wasn't close to her. I mean, if it was someone I love dearly I'd be a wreck like my ex-husband was. I was crying but that was for him, not for her. I felt so, so sad for him
