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From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce (Read 13465 times)
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From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Nov 17th, 2017 at 4:58pm
I had this wonderful little experience in the midst of all that's been going on the past couple days, and I want to share it  Smiley  I copied this from my blog.  Here it is: 

Bruce Moen passed away November 14, 2017.  The next day I heard from him.  People all over the world were sharing their feelings and sympathies over the Internet through messages and photos in an outpouring of love, appreciation, and gratitude for his work and for having known him. 

I too was posting and reading and replying, trying to keep up with it all.  The joy of the Internet is the instantaneousness of everything.  If you don’t partake you’ll miss out on the moment things happen, and they happen fast on the Internet.  If it weren’t for all of these people posting and sharing I would be missing out on so much.  And I needed their support as much as they needed it.  We were all there for each other.  So many people hurrying to spread the news, to say their goodbyes and give their love and sentiments and sympathies, and fond and funny memories.  I was so happy to be a part of all of this and to take part in what everyone else was sharing.  Good tears flowing off and on.

I was starting to feel overwhelmed at being pulled in so many different directions at once.  I had people emailing and texting me at the same time.  I was inundated with messages, emails, phone calls, and work to be done on Bruce’s website.  I was juggling it all but all this doing was draining me and I was feeling overwhelmed.  But I knew this frenzy of work needed to be done. 

After hitting Enter for the hundredth time that day I slumped back in my chair hoping for a moment of rest, feigning exhaustion by dropping my arms at my side and letting out a sigh.  I turned my head to look at Bruce’s photo on my desk and said, “Just doing my part!” 

His picture has been sitting right there near the edge the past several days, my coffee cup back seated, to help get me through this difficult time.  I could see his face and I could smile at him and say hi, and it made me feel better.  It was a normal reaction for me to just talk to Bruce whenever I felt like it because I know he always gets my messages.

And to my surprise Bruce responded to my message right at that moment. 

Now, I’ve had many amazing experiences throughout my life but it never ceases to amaze me even when it’s the slightest sensation of nonphysical communication.  It was such a soft and subtle sensation.  If I had not slumped back in my chair for a momentary lull in the bustle I might have missed it, like missing a tinkling of a tiny bell on a busy downtown street. 

So here’s the sequence of it:

Me:  I slump back in my chair, turn to Bruce’s picture and say, “Just doing my part!” with feigned exhaustion.

Bruce:  Instantly in my mind’s eye I see Bruce rubbing his forehead, hear a short chuckle from him, and feel him thinking a feigned “Aye yi yi” in response to me as if he’s overwhelmed and bewildered.   

Me:  I chuckle out loud.  I instantly feel Bruce is here, and I think to myself contact after death is real, and it comes in ways you least expect it to, and oh my God I’m really feeling Bruce’s connection right now!  even though I already know it’s real but I’m still amazed.  Bruce taught me, you just respond and play along.  You can doubt and analyze later but for now just stay in the flow. 

So I quickly think back to him, “There’s just so much to do, I’m pulled all these ways, but I’m happy to play my part in commemorating and honoring you and happy to be a part of it all.”

Bruce: “Yeah I see the circus that’s going on down there.  Everyone scrambling around.  And I’m just enjoying the show!”   

A chuckle from both of us, and now I’m smiling at how easy this kind of communication works.   

Me:  “We’re all busy because of you!  Look at all that love you’re getting,” I quickly respond because it’s what I’m naturally thinking and I’m not trying to overthink what to say.   

Bruce:  Shaking his head in amazement and joy.

Me:  “Well I want to know what’s going on where you are, what do you see, what are you up to?”

Bruce:  “Oh my God, there’s so much going on!  I’m overwhelmed.  But in a good way.”  He says that with the accentuation of putting his left forefinger up in the air, one eye closed, and a raised eyebrow, so that I know what he means. 

“It’s a continuous celebration.  There’s so much to take in, so many people here for me.  And then I get pulled to focus on what’s going on there in the physical because of my death, so I spend time soaking all that in.  I feel everything, all of it.  And then my attention is pulled back here.  But it’s not the same thing as it would be for you in the physical.  For me it’s all happening at once but I can pay attention to it all at the same time.  His experience and my impression was that he was feeling pure joy.  There was no hurry or time constraint.  He was in the moment of it all, experiencing both these realities at once.

Me:  I’m smiling at this surreal experience.  “I hope you’re proud, and pleased!” 

Bruce:  For a moment, no words, but I feel his happiness.  Then he says, “Thanks for doing your part.”  And I get that’s why he communicated right at that moment when I said, “Just doing my part!”  He’s grateful for what everyone’s doing for him and because of him.  Feeling such gratitude.  I could really feel how proud he was that all this, both here and there, was because of him. 

That was it.  I’ll definitely try to tune back in to him another time. 

Bruce, you’re my best friend.  Thanks for the love and the laughs.  I’ll know we’ll have lots of visits again.  And I know I’ll see you again in the Everything Else.  Til next time.
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #1 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 5:41pm
Smiley Smiley Smiley . hey! you had me laughing out loud with your blog!  Grin . it's so very much the words he would say and for a few days now, I've been thinking how he used to describe his classrooms, you know, where he had this talent to split himself into two, three, or more selves as he shifted himself around the classroom teaching each individual how to do retrievals, thus proving to me something about that this is really a holographic universe.

I can so clearly see him through your eyes...I can see him waiting for the perfect opportunity to get your attention, when you relaxed for a second..

I'm right there, laughing with you guys...and I feel that happiness, even to the overwhelming part of it.

Thanks for writing it down Vicky. just fantastic expressions between you two... Wink
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #2 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 5:59pm
Thanks Alysia!  That means a lot to me.  And I'm sure Bruce is happy to see that you're back writing on his Board.  You were one of the biggest contributors here.  I'm glad that you're back.    Smiley

Of course I've been crying off and on since Bruce was declining and since he passed away, and of course I'm constantly thinking to him, "You better visit me!  I want to feel your energy, and see you in my dreams, or have an OBE with you!  You promised!"  But I know that these "demands" are emotional and that it does take some quieting of the emotions and mental activity in order to be able to perceive and receive. 

I plan on using Hemi-Sync as well as Bruce's methods for being in the right place to make contact and to receive again.  Bruce is definitely the guy who will make sure he communicates with anyone who wants to.  That's why I say  he's still doing his teaching.
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #3 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 6:03pm
Yes, Vicky, Bruce definitely saw to honor his own intent to inform those he wished to. I presently see he is very busy.
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #4 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 6:21pm
Morrighan wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 6:03pm:
Yes, Vicky, Bruce definitely saw to honor his own intent to inform those he wished to. I presently see he is very busy.

Yeah I bet he is!  But like Alysia said, he can split himself so I'm sure he's happy as a clam being busy like this, it's right up his alley.
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #5 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 7:43pm
only time will tell but I think the msg would be, for those of us in earnest about contact with Bruce or any crossed over, is to let go of the strong desire but to hold onto the intention.   does that resonate Vicky? I just know desire and effort-ing never got me anywhere.
you already been contacted! MY TURN! WAH!!! haha.

I did speak on Facebook with him it was Jan 28 of this year. I asked him if he knew of the date of his transition, I ask everyone the same question and nobody really knows. (one friend told me he knew, and then it came true, and it wasn't suicide. so maybe we can know the date. Anyway, Bruce thought he had at the most two years, but he was off by one. He told me with the liver, you just don't know how long the liver can keep functioning when it's ill.

he may have been given a 3 month prognosis at that time as he mentioned he was sure he had longer than that. So then I did my usual pep talk about my mom healing herself with alternative healing, but it was not a talk that was necessary. I feel like Bruce accomplished what he came here for. A lot of our outstanding players here will check out after the work is done. and it's not like we won't see them again! we will. If both parties want to meet, it can be arranged, most certainly.
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #6 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 10:51pm
LaffingRain wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 7:43pm:
only time will tell but I think the msg would be, for those of us in earnest about contact with Bruce or any crossed over, is to let go of the strong desire but to hold onto the intention.   does that resonate Vicky?

Well I think strong desire is fine because it's like fuel, but I don't think it's going to get results right away.  I think strong desire definitely makes sure the intention gets set.  So sometimes I set intention but with an open mind knowing that the request will get fulfilled when it's best possible and in the best way possible, so it's kind of like letting go of all that burst of energetic fuel and sending it out and then allowing it to do what it's gonna do.  But I'm also talking in general terms, not specially only to making contact with someone who has died. 

Like with Bruce when I felt him talking to me, I wasn't even trying, and I think being relaxed like that made it so I was better able to receive.  He had probably been trying to get through to me before then but I wasn't paying attention, who knows. 

All the times I've had contact from my dad after he died were times when I was least expecting it.  So I think that plays a big role because if you're not trying so hard you're probably more open. 

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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #7 - Nov 18th, 2017 at 4:50am
it can be very subtle, where you can think it's your imagination, but as you know Bruce taught us to keep going with the imagination and something real happens. I remember back around 2001 I was running off a post to a good friend as usual, when the conversation in the back of my head started up. It was my sister on the other side dropping in on me, my attention was a little divided but mentally I was completely into my typing and thoughts to my friend. then my sister said something that jarred me to awareness that she was in the room.
It was just as Bruce said. It feels like imagination until the moment you realize it's not. It's real.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #8 - Nov 19th, 2017 at 4:11am
Vicky  , You are so lucky  .... Next Time  , Please tell Bruce about Us  ... We failed to meet Bruce personally in our lifetime ... But we desperately want to meet Bruce in AfterLife  at end of present life .... We could not attend any  wonderful worksop of Bruce Moen  ..  We want to attend  in classes of Bruce in Focus 27 ....
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #9 - Nov 19th, 2017 at 8:32pm
LoveandLove wrote on Nov 19th, 2017 at 4:11am:
Vicky  , You are so lucky  .... Next Time  , Please tell Bruce about Us  ... We failed to meet Bruce personally in our lifetime ... But we desperately want to meet Bruce in AfterLife  at end of present life .... We could not attend any  wonderful worksop of Bruce Moen  ..  We want to attend  in classes of Bruce in Focus 27 ....

If Bruce is teaching classes in Focus 27, I definitely will be there!  And I'm sure he is. 

After my dad passed away, the first visit I had from him in an OBE was one in which Dad was so excited telling me about what he was experiencing over there and that he was still preaching and teaching The Bible.  My dad just loved studying and teaching The Bible, so I was happy for him that he is still getting to do that.  I have no idea if, because of my dad's religious beliefs, he's in a belief system territory, but he definitely has visited me several times, so all I know for sure is that wherever my dad is, he's still able to connect with me.

Anyway, so I imagine Bruce is still teaching as well.  And those of us who enjoyed learning from him in this life will automatically be pulled to where he is because we're all made of the same Curiosity.

PS--When I felt Bruce the other day, he definitely made it clear he was receiving and feeling ALL of everyone's thoughts of him, and I loved seeing how much that meant to him. 

Over the years I've known Bruce, people who didn't know him would ask me what it's like knowing Bruce and how amazing it must be, like "Oh my God what's he like?  Shocked" .  Well yes, he was amazing  Wink (and still is) but he was also just a regular guy.  He had moments of doubt, self-consciousness, and insecurity just like we all do from time to time.  He's the most people-person I've ever met.  And very humble.  And genuinely touched any time he heard that he touched someone's life with his work. 


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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #10 - Feb 27th, 2018 at 12:21pm
Vicky, I don't know if this relates, but not long after Bruce left this world, I received a message that seemed to come from him, and it said "overwhelmed."

On another occasion I saw his face, and he had brown eyes. Doesn't he have blue eyes?
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Re: From my blog...sharing a visit with Bruce
Reply #11 - Mar 3rd, 2018 at 1:49am
Recoverer 2 wrote on Feb 27th, 2018 at 12:21pm:
Vicky, I don't know if this relates, but not long after Bruce left this world, I received a message that seemed to come from him, and it said "overwhelmed."

On another occasion I saw his face, and he had brown eyes. Doesn't he have blue eyes?

That sounds like a bit of confirmation there.

I don't know what it would mean with you seeing him with brown eyes.  Yes his eyes were blue.  I think he had such pretty eyes Wink  You could tell he was a sweet guy just from his eyes.

I felt him the other day very strongly and I knew he was visiting me by impressing his energy presence at me.  While feeling that I just talked to him and sent him my thoughts and enjoyed the moment.  I haven't had any dreams or OBE visits though.  But, I've been swamped with being busy doing an estate sale, having my brother visit from out of state, and finding our half sister! Been way too busy lately.  I need things to get back to normal.  I need to de-stress and get more sleep so that I can get enough of the brain states I need for OBEs and such.   Smiley
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