ok somebody has to use the bath icon might as well be me. I see I already have over 5,000 posts here, but you know in cyberspace, there's always room for one more!! thank god a tree didn't have to be cut down for me to be so talkative.

Bruce; I'm the one who expresses love by setting all the birds free out of the cage to fly. If you love something, it's true, set it free and if it comes back to you, then it really is yours.
But having trouble letting you fly mister. Although I do feel a little bit of happiness for you knowing you are flying about on your magic carpet now, and can do all the stuff you always do without worrying about the physical vehicle and the maintenance we have to do on it.
Ok, one more little story. Hoping to hear from his followers their own personal stories here.
Trust me, Bruce will be reading it, or at the least picking up on the good energy here and on Facebook.
That much, I'm very certain of.
I remember when Bruce was the only one had his photo up. Most posters picked out an icon. I was Lisa back then, the little cartoon kid always had an answer for anything

So one night I was OBE, and me and Bruce were walking into a cafe to talk about something. As we walked through the door he was asking me why I didn't work with children because I was pretty good with kids, because basically I was going thru a 2nd childhood at the time myself so kids entertained me endlessly! I retorted back to Bruce that if the kids got too loud, it hurt my nervous system, so I wasn't so great at working with them, so on and etc.
but that's not what we were there to discuss, that was just chit chat out in the ozone, and it seemed, we had met many times in the ozone and talked about many things.
This meeting was important to Bruce though, and later, it would be important to me because he wanted to get across a message to my C1 waking self and this msg had to do with Afterlife knowledge conversation board.
The details of the visitation were as follows. After walking through the door (we walked very fast also) Bruce slid into a booth and wanted me to look at him and concentrate on his face.
I was like the joker out there a lot. so I was in that joke a minute mood but I quieted down for him.
He began to peel a mask off his face that I didn't even know was there. One chunk at a time, he would lay these pieces on the table. he did this slowly and methodically. I watched perplexed but willing to "get it" When he finished peeling, I looked at him and he didn't look any different after the peel. just then he pointed a finger at me.
Turns out he wanted me to take my mask off. My mask was Lisa. He wanted me to start the ballgame of putting up a real photo.
I understood that on the board, this would increase the level of activity because we were real people with real faces and if we couldn't be one big old family in physical, we could do the next best thing and show what we looked like as individuals, and then somehow this may make some of the remarkable things we told each other, in our explorations, it might go a ways to make us more credible people, to newcomers, as wowwee, we certainly were talking some incredible stuff here!
He was right. Having a face in front of me, it was easier to fall in love with the individual and have a great board. that was the plan.
so just wanted to share one way in which Bruce was working it.

. It was certainly fun for me to be there and to see how relaxed I was with Bruce. We were like very old buddies out there.