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New practice target, June 10-17 (Read 27199 times)
Focus 69
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #15 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 1:21pm
Vicky wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 11:17am:
Not interfering with the target's energy field seems similar to how I use my Guidance at certain times.  For example, in some circumstances let's say there's something I need/want to know or to have happen in order for me to figure something out, or to understand, or to decide something, etc.  It involves another person, and maybe I'm not able to speak directly with that person for some reason because maybe they are dead, or maybe we don't have a good relationship and can't speak to each other, or some other circumstance, etc. 

So in those kinds of circumstances, I want information but I don't want to interfere.  So it's a perfect opportunity for me to do what I call using my Guidance to help facilitate what I need.  Of course the caveat is "if it's ok with that other person's spirit". 

In this way I'm using my Guidance as the go-between.  It's basically delivering my message or asking my question for me, while I wait here patiently for the reply, if any.  I feel that that's the most respectable way for me to try and get what I want and need without interfering or being intrusive or taking more than what I'm allowed to have.  I feel that whatever I receive, it is because that person gave permission.

I use this method a lot with living people and the results are always pretty amazing.  For one, I get information in the form of seeing something from that person's perspective which I may not have been able to think of before or getting answers to things I didn't know, and for another I usually always see some kind of change in that person.  They may come to me and bring up a conversation which they never would have done before, making us able to work out the very issues that prompted me to do the seeking through my Guidance in the first place. 

The bottom line is, I always feel satisfied that I didn't intrude on that person's energy field in any way.

@ Vicky; To sum up you dont make contact yourself but use the intermediary of your "helper" right ?

(I still dont know what to do with the helper topic as Albert told me the imagination priming method of the helper advised by Moen could lead to a confusion between true NPR (non-physical realm) events and imagination...And as i already made contact with an helper with the help of imagination i am a bit circumspect... ^^)

@ Morrighan; i would like to say that i realize my misunderstanding about your "field integrity" is confirmed once again here with Vicky and is all my fault due to my bad english, again sorry for this my dear !
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Focus 69
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #16 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 1:37pm
seagullresting wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 1:21pm:
Regarding the first target: I have been absent from the forum for a while but on a brief return while viewing the forum content noted the new exercise Morrighan offered.

It is not, of course, necessary for me to post my experience here, but I thought I would do so anyway. I approached the idea of this target with an open mind, and decided not to use a typical meditative process. I decided to allow the time to simply pass and to let the "moment" choose me. I simply viewed the person's picture as instructed and then let time pass. After a few days I received the following images during a few minutes of relaxation. What struck me was the dream-like nature of the experience, with no preparation. My notes regarding the closed eye vision which occurred:

"I looked down and saw “my” right hand. It did not look like my hand.  It was pale and was holding a round object with a few small round protrusions on the surface. The object did not look organic but was a cream color. It was about the size of a very small apple. The protrusions were rounded and very small, just a couple/few of them. I looked over to my left and seemed to see a few more of the objects floating in dark space. No one was holding them. I had no sense of tactile touch or sound. The image was purely visual."

This was all. There was no interaction or further pursuit of any contact. After viewing the source of the image and the information provided I have no real conclusions. However, the exercise and the simplified process was a new one for me. I would not have thought I would experience clear images and that particular accompanying feeling without setting a more specific time period aside for the process. It was interesting to notice how quickly the moment passed, and how it was generated spontaneously.

Yeah this is interesting because im actually wondering what could be the best method to do this exercise as i am not very fan of opening my eyes in the middle of a deep meditation to look at the picture hehe
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #17 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 1:59pm
Why would you need to open your eyes? My perception of the process was to simply look at the image once, taking it in. That was all. Then proceed, in your own way.

Regarding your questions about helpers. It is not necessary, in my opinion, to be able to distinguish your 'helpers' at all. Being centered and fully present with myself is most important, for me personally. I consider all these types of activities experiments only. Simply try some different activities, and keep notes, and pay attention to your accompanying sensations, no matter how subtle. Learn to record these, and value your own process. That is my own two cents.
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #18 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 2:33pm
Seagullresting, first may I ask are you "Seagull" from before? 

Also--I did not read what you've posted on this thread because I am under the impression that we are NOT sharing our results on the forum.  Isn't that everyone's understanding?

If I read your results, then it will taint my perception since I haven't done the experiment yet.  We have a week's time for each target.

What's everyone's thought about this?  We definitely need consistency and agreement between all of us!!

If you guys are sharing your results right now then I can't participate.  I need to have absolutely no preloaded info that could get in my way.


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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #19 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 2:37pm
Yes, I am.

What I posted was in relation to the first target. We have moved on to the second target this week.

If I have revealed what was inappropriate, please know I did not mean to cause any confusion. It was my understanding that the first exercise was complete.

If results are not welcome I will no longer share them.
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #20 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 2:52pm
Focus 69 wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 1:21pm:
@ Vicky; To sum up you dont make contact yourself but use the intermediary of your "helper" right ?

(I still dont know what to do with the helper topic as Albert told me the imagination priming method of the helper advised by Moen could lead to a confusion between true NPR (non-physical realm) events and imagination...And as i already made contact with an helper with the help of imagination i am a bit circumspect... ^^)

@ Morrighan; i would like to say that i realize my misunderstanding about your "field integrity" is confirmed once again here with Vicky and is all my fault due to my bad english, again sorry for this my dear !

Focus 69,

Depending on what I'm trying to do, I will use different methods and means of communication.  Think of ANY method as being a "means of communication". 

If I want to do some work on an energy level and be noninvasive, then I use my method I described above.  In essence it's me communicating with someone else via my spirit and their spirit.  The use of that "channel" only means to me that I myself as a human being (with needs, wants, emotions, limited perception, etc). is not infringing unfairly on someone else.  I view my Guidance as having a much greater line of sight than me.  For instance, my Guidance knows the future, I don't.  My Guidance knows what the outcome of my actions will be, I don't. 

If I do want to try and make direct contact with someone, I still may not "have the power" to do that without the aid of my Guidance (higher-self, helpers, etc), or without the allowance of the other person's spirit.  This to me is just being polite.  It's never my intention to cause harm or take advantage or impose my will on another person.

I think you're really overthinking the "helper" concept, and that's ok.  It's best just to practice and see what your experience is like using a helper.  It doesn't need to work for everyone, it's just a mechanism. 

It's like this:  I've been psychic all my life.  Growing up and for many years I wondered who was responsible for giving me psychic information?  Where did it come from?  Who decided what things I get psychic information about?

Then I came to realize, understand, and accept that it doesn't matter to me "who" if anyone is responsible.  I didn't like to chalk it up to being God, angels, special spiritual beings, supreme beings, etc.  That didn't make sense to me anyway.  What made sense to me was that in the bigger picture of the totality of my consciousness, there are parts of me where that information comes from.  I don't know all those other parts of my consciousness.  For now, I am only aware of the part of my consciousness that is Vicky living this physical life right now.  But I believe that I have a greater existence that is more than this physical part of me.  I use the visual of taking a slice out of a pizza.  That one slice is me in this physical lifetime, but I am the whole entire pizza.  What those other parts are doing or what they know, I'm not sure right now.  But I trust in Me.  I trust in my higher self.  That's my belief.  That's what I use when I say "my Guidance". 

I'm also open to believing that there are other beings from other consciousnesses, who may be helping me.  Maybe dead relatives.  We can call them angels or whatever else you want to call them.  So when I use the concept of a "helper", it's not important to me "who" or "where" it comes from...other than the fact that I ALWAYS do any work in the name of being for my highest good, for the other person's highest good, and with the love, guidance, and protection that I've always known my entire life.  I've had some pretty darn amazing experiences that defy logic and physics...and I can't explain nor prove them.  But at least I know that some amazing stuff is possible in this world, in my life, and I trust that.  It's what works for me. 

Simply put, you could use the concept of a Helper in a similar way.  Think of it as You allowing yourself to receive the aid, help, and guidance of something greater than you are aware of in your present perception, and in doing so you are opening up your belief that such help and guidance is possible, helpful, from a good source, and for the best intentions.  In this way you are creating the ability to allow yourself to push past the blockage of the unknown and allowing yourself to experience things that are beyond the limits of your normal current perception.  It may really help propel you in your abilities.  Or it might not be what works for you.  All you can do is experiment.  There's no right or wrong about it. 

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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #21 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 2:57pm
seagullresting wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 2:37pm:
Yes, I am.

What I posted was in relation to the first target. We have moved on to the second target this week.

If I have revealed what was inappropriate, please know I did not mean to cause any confusion. It was my understanding that the first exercise was complete.

If results are not welcome I will no longer share them.

Whew!  No, we're good.  When I started to read your post up above that said you wanted to share results, I immediately just skipped it.  So I have no idea what you said.

Thanks for explaining!  I'm all for sharing past experiments on line, that doesn't bother me.

Thanks Seagull.  Nice to see you are back!
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #22 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 3:07pm
Smiley Appreciated.
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #23 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 3:10pm
seagullresting wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 1:21pm:
I approached the idea of this target with an open mind, and decided not to use a typical meditative process. I decided to allow the time to simply pass and to let the "moment" choose me. I simply viewed the person's picture as instructed and then let time pass. After a few days I received the following images during a few minutes of relaxation. What struck me was the dream-like nature of the experience, with no preparation. My notes regarding the closed eye vision which occurred:

"I looked down and saw “my” right hand. It did not look like my hand.  It was pale and was holding a round object with a few small round protrusions on the surface. The object did not look organic but was a cream color. It was about the size of a very small apple. The protrusions were rounded and very small, just a couple/few of them. I looked over to my left and seemed to see a few more of the objects floating in dark space. No one was holding them. I had no sense of tactile touch or sound. The image was purely visual."


Your description of the items with the protrusions is most apt to something that I will write and post about in a while, and that I hope will be of benefit to others.

I had recently decided not to write a post about the matter here, but then I saw your name and read your post and you prompted me to reconsider.

So now I have decided that I will write and post about it here on this forum. Later though.

I expected you to return any day but I did not expect you to bring that description with you.

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Focus 69
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #24 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 3:31pm
Vicky wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 2:33pm:
Seagullresting, first may I ask are you "Seagull" from before? 

Also--I did not read what you've posted on this thread because I am under the impression that we are NOT sharing our results on the forum.  Isn't that everyone's understanding?

If I read your results, then it will taint my perception since I haven't done the experiment yet.  We have a week's time for each target.

What's everyone's thought about this?  We definitely need consistency and agreement between all of us!!

If you guys are sharing your results right now then I can't participate.  I need to have absolutely no preloaded info that could get in my way.


Yes i am agree NOT to share result here as it would spoil everything.
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Focus 69
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #25 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 5:23pm
Vicky wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 2:52pm:
Focus 69 wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 1:21pm:
@ Vicky; To sum up you dont make contact yourself but use the intermediary of your "helper" right ?

(I still dont know what to do with the helper topic as Albert told me the imagination priming method of the helper advised by Moen could lead to a confusion between true NPR (non-physical realm) events and imagination...And as i already made contact with an helper with the help of imagination i am a bit circumspect... ^^)

@ Morrighan; i would like to say that i realize my misunderstanding about your "field integrity" is confirmed once again here with Vicky and is all my fault due to my bad english, again sorry for this my dear !

Focus 69,

Depending on what I'm trying to do, I will use different methods and means of communication.  Think of ANY method as being a "means of communication". 

If I want to do some work on an energy level and be noninvasive, then I use my method I described above.  In essence it's me communicating with someone else via my spirit and their spirit.  The use of that "channel" only means to me that I myself as a human being (with needs, wants, emotions, limited perception, etc). is not infringing unfairly on someone else.  I view my Guidance as having a much greater line of sight than me.  For instance, my Guidance knows the future, I don't.  My Guidance knows what the outcome of my actions will be, I don't. 

If I do want to try and make direct contact with someone, I still may not "have the power" to do that without the aid of my Guidance (higher-self, helpers, etc), or without the allowance of the other person's spirit.  This to me is just being polite.  It's never my intention to cause harm or take advantage or impose my will on another person.

I think you're really overthinking the "helper" concept, and that's ok.  It's best just to practice and see what your experience is like using a helper.  It doesn't need to work for everyone, it's just a mechanism. 

It's like this:  I've been psychic all my life.  Growing up and for many years I wondered who was responsible for giving me psychic information?  Where did it come from?  Who decided what things I get psychic information about?

Then I came to realize, understand, and accept that it doesn't matter to me "who" if anyone is responsible.  I didn't like to chalk it up to being God, angels, special spiritual beings, supreme beings, etc.  That didn't make sense to me anyway.  What made sense to me was that in the bigger picture of the totality of my consciousness, there are parts of me where that information comes from.  I don't know all those other parts of my consciousness.  For now, I am only aware of the part of my consciousness that is Vicky living this physical life right now.  But I believe that I have a greater existence that is more than this physical part of me.  I use the visual of taking a slice out of a pizza.  That one slice is me in this physical lifetime, but I am the whole entire pizza.  What those other parts are doing or what they know, I'm not sure right now.  But I trust in Me.  I trust in my higher self.  That's my belief.  That's what I use when I say "my Guidance". 

I'm also open to believing that there are other beings from other consciousnesses, who may be helping me.  Maybe dead relatives.  We can call them angels or whatever else you want to call them.  So when I use the concept of a "helper", it's not important to me "who" or "where" it comes from...other than the fact that I ALWAYS do any work in the name of being for my highest good, for the other person's highest good, and with the love, guidance, and protection that I've always known my entire life.  I've had some pretty darn amazing experiences that defy logic and physics...and I can't explain nor prove them.  But at least I know that some amazing stuff is possible in this world, in my life, and I trust that.  It's what works for me. 

Simply put, you could use the concept of a Helper in a similar way.  Think of it as You allowing yourself to receive the aid, help, and guidance of something greater than you are aware of in your present perception, and in doing so you are opening up your belief that such help and guidance is possible, helpful, from a good source, and for the best intentions.  In this way you are creating the ability to allow yourself to push past the blockage of the unknown and allowing yourself to experience things that are beyond the limits of your normal current perception.  It may really help propel you in your abilities.  Or it might not be what works for you.  All you can do is experiment.  There's no right or wrong about it. 

Vicky thanks a lot for this message !!

(To be honest, i would not say that i over analyse this helper thing (even if its clearly the case in a way lol), i'd prefer say i am maybe victim of a "Spiritual Community" who over-promotes the importance of that topic hehe... but dont worry my questions will have an end on this topic as well Wink
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #26 - Jun 14th, 2017 at 5:51pm
Yes, good to see you again, Seagull, in whatever new form.

Vicky how far you've come since we first met.
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #27 - Jun 15th, 2017 at 1:54am
Morrighan wrote on Jun 14th, 2017 at 5:51pm:
Vicky how far you've come since we first met.

Thanks!  I didn't get here by myself so I can't take all the credit  Roll Eyes 

I love the friends and teachers and spiritual community that have helped me grow and learn. 

So nice to have you back too Morrighan.  I'm so glad you reached out to me a while back.  It's been fun!
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #28 - Jun 15th, 2017 at 2:12pm
The positive reception to these projects feels good. More than once as I read discussions here it seems to me I'm reading lines from the People's Front of Judea in Life of Brian. hahaha.
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: New practice target, June 10-17
Reply #29 - Jun 18th, 2017 at 9:43am
Two postman times three animal control officers divided by two gas meter readers makes how many vendable integrated community workers? Decode your answer now! Good! Did you remember to carry the bum?

This individual's name in life was Theunis Botha.
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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