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Deception, corruption, and connections (Read 1604 times)
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Deception, corruption, and connections
May 21st, 2017 at 2:52pm
(I had to make some edits, but the edit feature was gone even though I only posted yesterday. So I erased and am now re-posting with corrections made).

I've been thinking about a situation some. I'm not going to go into excruciating detail, but do want to note some points/observations. When a person lies to another about something they really didn't have to, why would the person lied to believe anything that this other person says?  How does one know it's not all or mostly lies/deception? 
      Let's just say that I have taken some of the advice about skepticism and I'm applying it to this situation. I have no proof or evidence one way or the other about a person's identity. Alleged past connections can easily be made up. 
      Some interesting facts that may relate to the situation: I've been posting at a couple of places in the last few months or so, about the connections between the governmental intelligence community, remote viewing, and the The Monroe Institute. I've re talked about my experience with and guidance about a particular remote viewer and how I got a very clear message at TMI about this person still working for corrupt organizations (I had a waking dream, where I saw them playing a violent video game).
      I've also been VERY critical of the US and it's degree of corruption for a long time, and have been very vocal about this in various different places.  Just see my 9/11 thread in Off Topic about some of that. 
     Turns out, a number of the people that were originally part of the DIA and army related remote viewing and programs, after the the CIA shut these down, created their own independent contracting remote viewing businesses. J.M., S.A., etc are examples of few of the people whom still do remote viewing jobs.
       I wonder who hires these companies and folks?  Little mom and pop businesses, regular everyday people...OR more likely, government agencies, corporations, and other power and profit oriented organizations? Hmmm. 
     Chances are, these folks themselves aren't all that negative (and maybe even have a false sense of patriotic duty, or the like), but what about some of the agencies or corporations they may do work for?  It's clear that currently, there is A LOT of corruption in high places, and has been for  a long time.
     What happens to folks whom try to expose these connections and corruption?  Often, they are focused on and at the very least, those connected try to discredit them and their info. But you also have people like Gary Webb, whom investigated and made public the CIA's connections to drug trafficking. 
    Oddly, he supposedly committed suicide, but it was found that he had two separate bullet holes entry points in his head.  In other words, to kill himself, he apparently shot himself twice in the head.   Yeah, so likely. 
      So what if a person was getting close to exposing connections between ex military remote viewers, another organization that is well respected and supposedly only spiritual and helpful oriented, and current work for corrupt forces?
      Would these just ignore such a person?  Or, would they show up out of the seeming blue, and start focusing almost exclusively on them and try to discredit that person as much as they could?  Would they be truthful and upfront?  Or would they lie through their teeth and try to deceive. 
       Seems clear to me in such a hypothetical situation that innately secretive and hidden forces and individuals, would tend to not be all that upfront about their deeper agenda, as well as try to mislead and deceive.  As well as try to discredit any individuals partaking in exposing these to the public.
        Say one of these individuals was trained in psychology before they became a remote viewer and also spy. Such a person is likely already going to have a very private, hidden, secretive, Scorpio, Cancer Plutonian, Capricorn, Lunar, Saturnian, and/or Neptunian type personality and attunement.  Besides psychology training and natural aptitude in understanding perception manipulation, decades of practice in remote viewing would tend to make an already psychic person, even more psychic and talented. 
        One thing I am certain of, I was not interacting with T.C.  T.C. wouldn't blatantly lie to people. He's too mature and spiritually focused for that.  Now, someone whom spent many years being an undercover spy and trained in psychological warfare tactics?  Might be a different story.  Lips Sealed 
        One thing I am certain of, I'll get to the bottom of the truth, because I always do.  Smiley  Another thing I'm certain of, I will never again take a stranger's words at face value, (especially when said stranger seemed to only be here to debate and call into question a single poster, and once seemingly "discredited" them, then leave).  Lesson SO learned on that one, that, and no need to trust or believe those whom lie.
    Fitting that self has T. Pluto closely conjuncting his Sun currently.  Where Saturn represents the individual shadow, Pluto represents the collective shadow. 

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Re: Deception, corruption, and connections
Reply #1 - May 21st, 2017 at 2:54pm
For an example of the above, this is a Youtube video that was uploaded on May 6th of this year, which I commented on in relation to other ways in which the US government collects data besides NSA spying, the super computer type programs talked about in the video, and other more mundane/physical means of gathering data:

   Now, I'm not one of those folks that see things in black and white, where, everyone in or connected to the US government is completely corrupt, completely unethical and/or psychopathic.  I happen to get the sense that there are plenty of decent hearted people in connection to the above. 
     Often though, they themselves are somewhat "pawns", not fully aware of the degree of corruption, and/or too much have the mentality of, "just doing my job Mam, to help my country". A very 50's like, unquestioning mentality.  Actually, this is exactly the mentality that the military tries to beat into your very soul and psyche so that you become naught but a puppet for their designs.
      The "positive service to country" would be a great belief and approach, if our government wasn't so influenced by such obvious psychopathic and very destructive individuals, groups, and forces.  The US has been either in war, overt battle, or covert battles the majority of it's existence as a nation.  Most of which, is not justified, nor truly about "defending" this country. 
       Defending corrupt interests in resources, global power/positioning, and being/staying the "top dog" in the influence of the world.  In other words, extremely far away from PUL type Consciousness and expression. 
       Part of what let's these power hungry, corrupt type individuals and groups get away with creating constant wars and battles (among other destructive activities), is that not enough American citizens care enough, are perceptive, or are objective enough, to really want and come to know, let alone expose, the truths in these matters. 
     We have become a dumbed down, apathetic, complacent nation of materialistic people who care more about our creature comforts and selfish lives, than the immense suffering that our government inflicts on other peoples and nations of the world.  So many of us, just sit right back, and let it happen without a peep. 
    Oh some of us do see through some of it, some of us even care some, but we feel either powerless to do anything, OR we are scared crap-less to go up against such forces.  Well, frankly, I'm tired of feeling powerless and scared.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and others, have shown that a stand has to start somewhere, with some individual, when wrong doing and corruption is so prevalent and entrenched in society. 
     Speaking of the devil...  Really think about this for a moment and really let it sink in:  It wasn't so long ago in our great nation, just a couple short generations, that in this country, black people did not have equal rights and were extremely mistreated by the established white authority power base and societal system. Maybe plenty of white people didn't quite agree with the way things were, but only a small minority actually worked to change things on their behalf. 
      It took A LOT of blood, sweat, tears, sacrifice, and constant pressure on the government and media, to change that sick, f'uped reality. And many would argue, it hasn't completely changed yet, when almost every day, a new video about police brutality towards poor black people comes out. 
      Ok, the question and point to consider is, have we really come so far from the late 60's as far as collective consciousness growth/evolution?  I would say that things have improved among the masses, us commoners, somewhat yes, but what about those same power structures such as government, corporations, and banking? 
    Hmm, I would argue that their power has only grown and grown and grown largely unchecked.  I just really wish there were more of my fellow American citizens that gave a deeper crap about wtf is going on in this world, and that we are essentially led and manipulated by psychopaths. 
      Now, I have nothing personally against trained remote viewers whom may or may not be, mostly decent folks themselves.  But, what I do a BIG problem with, is them prostituting themselves out to these corrupt forces and organizations, which ultimately work for those same psychopaths. 
      I would ask these to really look at the world and what's going on, and if you have ANY, ANY ideals based on Universal Love and positive service to others, then please, please consider NOT working for these aholes anymore. Smiley  How important is money or status? Is it really about service? Or to paraphrase Yeshua--What does it profit a man, to gain the world, but lose his own Soul?
      Karma is real, and consequences in this life or the next, will happen. A way to mitigate this pushback, is to start changing for the better now. You cannot use ignorance as a defense anymore.  People that have practiced and honed their psychic abilities their whole lives, tend to get glimpses into the more true nature of conditions, even if their belief systems and unconscious desires, don't want to clearly see what's going on. 
       Yeshua IS coming back, and he's coming back with his ET friends, and he's not too happy about what's going on in this world.  Frankly, not the entire might of the US government or world power structures, holds a candle to the power that these possess.  The very Earth itself answers the call of it's Creator YEshua. Meaning in short--good idea to start getting more fully on the side of right/ethics and Love, because you're not going to like what is coming and what it means for those whom are more attuned to selfishness, ego, materialism, and corruption than to PUL and positive service to ALL of humanity (and not just one bratty, bully nation's government). 
      I realized that you and we all have been indoctrinated our whole lives to believe that the US government is the "good guy".  We have been shoveled b.s. bs by those whom only consider self, power, and materialism as important.  The US government is so unbelievably corrupt, that even people having NDE"s, like Howard Storm for example, are being told that it better change it's ways or else.
      It is too late to change what is coming, BUT, within your own hearts, can you change and dedicate yourselves to the positive rebuilding that is scheduled to happen after the break down occurs.
     Get those Reptilian claws out of your energy systems.  They do not care about you or humanity whatsoever.  You're just being used, manipulated, and deceived to further their dark agendas.  Call on help from the purely Creative, purely Love attuned Forces and they will help disengage these from your energy system.  I promise you, that you will feel more and more clear and balanced and attuned to Love, the moment you truly desire and ask for such help. Please be part of the solution and not the problem. 
     (I know very, very few humans whom are completely free from their influence if focused on--in most cases it's a matter of degree.  Older Souls tend to only be influenced a little and more subtly [primarily belief oriented stuff], and more dark, selfish, and/or unbalanced people, well they drive cars through crowds, shoot up people in public places, and the like.  One of the few humans that I have met, who has been focused on and who is completely free of their influence is Albert).
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