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Astrology: Saturn retrograding in Sagittarius (Read 1486 times)
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Astrology: Saturn retrograding in Sagittarius
May 18th, 2017 at 3:29pm
   For those with sensitive, important placements in Sagittarius, Saturn recently went retrograde in Sagittarius after moving towards the end of it, and almost going into the next sign/cycle Capricorn.  Retrograde means to appear to move backwards.  Saturn is currently at 26 degrees in Sagittarius and going backwards, like 25, 24, etc. 

    Saturn represents our individual shadow side. All those repressed/suppressed fears, negative truths about self, negative thoughts about others, and generally things on some level we don't want to be aware of.  Basically, what a lot of people refer to as "ego", is VERY much connected to the symbol of Saturn and it's meanings. Note the similarity between the names Saturn and Satan.  The original, direct translation of Satan comes closest to that of adversary and tempter concepts.   
    Well, oddly enough, the Planet Saturn as a symbol, plays a similar role in our life and in our charts.

  Saturn cycles tend to be challenging and testing on certain levels.  Often, sudden change that seems to come out of nowhere, is often associated  with Saturn and it's cycles in relation to our own birth charts. 

  Say you had Ascendant or Sun in mid to late Sagittarius, then right now, you're going through a cycle, where your "dark side" is coming more to the fore, to be consciously worked on.  This can be done internally, but often with Saturn, it comes through outside circumstances and other people being a challenge to you. 

   Because ego and all it's related limiting expressions: pride, I know better than others, criticism of others or focusing on their lacks, materialism, fear, worries, etc will tend to come out more under such strong Saturn cycles.  Especially if Saturn "rules", meaning, connects to other important parts of your chart.   For example, if you have Capricorn or Aquarius strong in your chart, say Mercury, or Venus in one of these Signs, then Saturn conjoining your Ascendant, Sun, etc in Sagittarius, might be EXTRA strong and noticeable, because it's also relating to innate, birth patterns. 

    Individuals going through this cycle, would be well to watch themselves more closely and make an extra effort to be more objective about self, especially in their deeper intentions and motivations in relation to others.  While these cycles can be somewhat difficult and challenging in nature, ultimately, they are for growth and awareness, if a person handles the opportunity more correctly and well than not.

  Oh, and since Saturn has a strong, strong, strong connection with the concept of Karma (sometimes called the "Lord of Karma), balancing, and sort of a Teacher type archetype, then people under such strong Saturn cycles currently, may find themselves getting involved with someone or someones whom act in a teaching manner or facilitation towards them.  It likely could from a person whom has some connection to more neutral Saturn symbolism, such as the Signs it "rules" or connects to. To use an example, somebody with say Sun or Ascendant in Aquarius might come into your life and try to check your limiting behaviors or beliefs in some way. 

Course, the nature of ego being what it is, especially in such cycles where people don't tend to be all that self objective, one might think they are being a teacher to another, when in reality, others are being a teacher to them. Us whacky humans.  And truly does attunement to Love, open up perception.

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« Last Edit: May 18th, 2017 at 11:01pm by N/A »  
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