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Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread (Read 30529 times)
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #30 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 2:33pm
In all that time I've never, personally, encountered anything or anyone I would call a real threat to me.

  Just a quick point:  Bruce, i don't think they are a real threat to you.  I think you're spiritually mature and balanced enough to not be influenced by them. Going from the guidance that i've gotten about you, you come from a pretty mature Disk, which is and you as a probe are a retrieval/helper type. You practice attuning to PUL.  All this helps to keep one stronger and less susceptible to unwanted influence.

  But can we say the same about many other humans? What would would happen if say some international banking big wigs, our President, some of our congressmen, some of the CEO's of huge, wealthy corporations were influenced by them, leaders of other countries, etc were focused on?

  What about the average New Age channeler or "spiritual teacher" wannabe?   

What if the "harm" comes more often in subtle and unconscious influencing of perception rather than overt and obvious harm? 

  Such influence could conceivably have a trend towards limiting some humans and humanity in a general sense, couldn't it? 

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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #31 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 2:45pm
Say a person recently lost a loved one and is grieving deeply. Such a person has an after death communication experience with this loved one. Some might say that rather than an actual ADC taking place, such a person's grief caused that person to create such an experience. I figure either possibility is true. One needs to figure out what precisely took place in order to know which possibility is true. If it is possible to determine with a fair amount of certainty whether an ADC actually took place, perhaps the same is true with unfriendly being experiences.

I once had this lucid dream. I was standing in front of a building I used to work in. It could be that this building was chosen because it has a futuristic look, a pond in front of it (I'll explain about this later), and a boss who sometimes was used as a symbol for Christ level consciousness had an association with the building.

I looked to my left and the energy (but not what was physically there) of the "entire" panorama moved towards me, and as I felt the energy move through me, I experienced the entire World transform to a higher level of consciousness.  The level of peace, happiness and love was wonderful.

An interesting factor, I used to think, even if Earth changes take place on energetic level, what about all of the physical problems that exist in this World (pollution, nuclear wastes etc.). In this experience all of that had also been transformed. I had a knowing this was so.

Next I looked at sharks that were in the pond I spoke of above. For me, sharks are a symbol for negative beings. The feeling I got is that if this World transforms to a higher level of being too soon, negative entities will be energetically repelled and retrievers in this World won't be able to help them ascend to a higher level of being. Therefore, ascension needs to be delayed.  Since I help retrieve lower level beings, this seemed meaningful to me.

Regarding negative alien motive, it could be that they like to syphon energy from people (fear, anger, hate, lust, worship).
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #32 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 2:52pm
  One point, on the other thread you mention interpreter overlay, seemingly suggesting that those who have received information about this, didn't actually receive info about it but preconceived beliefs, fears, or what not distorted it into negative E.T.'s.

   Interpreter overlay is most potentially an issue when it comes the personality consciously seeking or being given information while more fully conscious.
     Do you see where i'm getting with this?  Multiple dreams with clear and straightforward symbolism is not coming from that personality, left brain, interpreter overlayer part of ourselves. 

In my view what I call the Interpreter is an inescapable function operating in unison with the Perceiver function that brings information into our conscious awareness.  We are, again in my use of the term "Interpreter function", never consciously aware of anything that is not processed by the Interpreter.  It's not a choice, it is a hardwired component of the process of becoming consciously aware of any and all information.

What I am suggesting is that information is received, but, always through the "preconceived beliefs, fears, or what not, distorted."

I use "Perceiver" to describe the other hardwired component of conscious aware.  In my view the Perceiver's function is to bring information into our awareness at a subconscious level.  We are constantly bombarded with (metaphorically) gigabytes of information that we are not normally going to be consciously aware of.  Things like body hormone levels and internal regulation of the proper levels, ambient light levels controlling iris dilation levels, and all manner of that kind of body function information.  We are constantly receiving information about our physical surroundings.  We are constantly receiving information about our nonphysical surroundings, etc., etc.  Much of this information remains at a subconscious level.

When we chose to focus our attention on something, our consciousness must have a way to sort through all the information coming into the Perceiver.  That's where the Interpreter comes into use.  When we chose to focus our attention of something the Interpreter uses something akin to "pattern matching" to bring information relevant to our choice into our conscious awareness.  The pattern matching "algorithm" appears to work on a principle of the "nearest similar thing within preexisting memory."  The Interpreter appears to operate within every and any "reality" we are in.  This includes physical reality, dream realities, OOBE realities, Higher Realms, etc., etc.

Whatever "nearest similar thing within preexisting memory" the Interpreter selects to bring information to conscious awareness, that nearest similar thing is the Interpreter Overlay.  The thing chosen will be within the context of our beliefs, expectations, and preconceived ideas attached to that nearest similar thing.  It is only that nearest similar thing that we will be consciously aware of.

Sometimes the Interpreter Overlay will be "thin" so to speak.  Meaning that what we "see" will be very close to what is actually being observed.  Sometimes it will be "thick" meaning that whatever is really there is barely recognizable in the nearest similar thing we are aware of.

Symbols and other visual metaphors are excellent examples of an Interpreter Overlay.  They are not the thing that is really there, they only represent the thing that is there.  And, these symbols carry the effects of any beliefs, ideas, fears, etc. associated with them right along with them into our awareness.

The point of all of this is that we most probably never directly see what is there, we only see our Interpreter's Overlay.  We are then left to try to understand and know whatever we are consciously aware of through the distorted, colored and and "not quite in focus" perspective we have of it.

All that said, our perception of aliens, people, rocks, trees, chairs, planets, stars and ... will always be at least one Interpreter Overlay away from what it really is.  And that's assuming we only use our own direct experience.  As soon as we start considering someone elses' version of whatever we are interested in, we now have to deal with our Interpreter Overlay of that persons' Interpreter Overlay.  It's very easy to get lost doing that.  That's why I recommend only ones own direct experience as a basis for changing our beliefs about anything.  That's why I tell people not to believe anything I say, but rather, have their own direct experience.  I appears that your own direct experience of interaction with aliens (assuming you've had such experience) has led you to believe unfriendly aliens exist whose intention is to keep humans spiritually stuck.  As I have never had such experience, I have no basis on which to take on that belief.  Doesn't mean they don't exist, doesn't mean they do exist.  For me it is an Unknown.


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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #33 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 3:19pm

When it comes to interpreter overlay, consider this example.

I didn't know about retrievals until I read what you wrote about them. While meditating I would have these experiences where I would see an image of a person who was distressed in some way, their image would go away, I'd imagine myself helping them, and then suddenly I would be involved in a scene where I was helping them.

Even though these experiences would include details for which it was hard to believe were the result of my imagination, I doubted that I was actually helping someone. After all, I had read about retrievals and my imagination might've been effected accordingly.

One day while meditating I asked for confirmation about doing retrievals. I was shown the cover of Robert Monroe's book Far Journeys. I had yet to read it. The book opened to what felt like page 145, and I saw page 146. I got a copy of the book and saw that page 145 is the first page of a chapter called "Rescue Mission." In Far Journeys, the first page of each book doesn't have a page number. This is why I felt the page number, rather than saw it. I saw 146 because this number actually exists. As far as I know, Rescue Mission is the  first chapter where Robert wrote about doing a retrieval. I don't see how my subconscious mind could've imagined something it didn't know about.

If we put ourselves in the position where we can't validate an experience because interpreter overlay might always mislead us, we might put ourselves in quite a pickle.

It could be that some people don't become aware of the existence of negative beings because their subconscious prevents them from doing so. I was quite resistant to doing so right away. There were occasions when I would be with a guide in a nonphysical state, and I would be shown a door that was partly open. I could tell that I was being asked whether I want to become aware of something on the other side of the door that I'm afraid to become aware of. Since I could tell that I was with a guide who didn't have the same subconscious limitations that I have, I believe it is safe for me to surmise that I was presented with knowledge that was beyond how my subconscious mind limits me.

I must say that there have been occasions when the door method was used to reveal things I was afraid of that I didn't need to be afraid of, sometimes because they don't exist in the way that I imagined. I've put a lot of effort into trying to determine whether I'm being presented with information that is factual, rather than a projection of my subconscious. There could be occasions when I've analyzed the data in a false way.
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #34 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 3:30pm
  I understand all that Bruce, but i see the issue as relative to the degree that the conscious, personality self is involved in the info.  Again, Cayce is a good example of what happens when you dial that part of self way down. Yes, it still had to be translated into human concepts and ideas, next similar thing, and all that.

  Or for another example, "Ah So" directly speaking through Rosie's body, while she was away doing other things.

   As perception follows beingness, the more expanded, spiritually mature and PUL attuned the Being, the more clear, expanded, accurate, helpful the information from same will tend to be.

  Have you ever directly asked expanded guidance, meaning the most spiritually mature, aware, constructive, etc sources if negative E.T.'s interact with humanity or about the influence of same if they do?  Albert, Becky, and i have, and we've been told in various ways that they do and their influence has a limiting effect.

  When i seek guidance, i'm not content with regular ole helpers, as sometimes your average helper/guide type doesn't always have awareness of certain info, or holistically accurate perception. Perception follows beingness.

  If we go straight to the Source and those consciously fully at One with same and with PUL, these have a much wider and more accurate perceptual field. 

  Yes, we still have to translate and interpret the information.  This is probably why in Becky's first guidance message about this issue (that dream that i mentioned earlier), she had a hard time perceiving and labeling the nature of these beings, and the closest thing she could come up with was "upright, intelligent, Dinosaur looking" like beings.  However, what was obvious, was their negative intent.

  Feelings Bruce, are more a primary and direct way of perceiving, because we have always had the feeling sense of perception, way before we ever started to incarnate in places like Earth. Hence, while even feelings can be skewed to some extent at times, there is less probability of, as a trend, skewing that info than say perceiving something like what an E.T. looks like or certain more specific aspects, because as you say, we have to connect it to the most similar thing in our data bank. 

  If you really want to know the truth of the matter, i would suggest asking to directly connect only to those most expanded etc that i talked about and communicating with that level about same.

   Thank you for the dialogue.  I've pretty much said all i could say on this subject, and have been beating a dead horse to some extent, so i don't plan on talking about it anymore anytime soon.   
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #35 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 3:47pm

I have to say, despite the efforts I made, I can't say I have a pony in this race.  Smiley People should find out about unfriendly ETs only if they want to.  As already stated, this subject started after you and I read what BillB had to say about some of the beings he met.

I don't mean to imply that I don't care. I appreciate that Bruce started this thread. ET issue aside, it brings up the subject of the interpreter issue. My feeling is that even though we want to take care that our psychological conditioning doesn't get the best of us, we shouldn't place ourselves in a box where we can't figure anything out because supposedly, we can never be certain about anything.

I have a friend like this, no matter what I tell him about my spiritual experiences, he doubts. He has a mental state where he won't allow himself to gather all of the data and figure out what the most reasonable conclusion is. Or in other words, he starts with the premise that nothing can be figured out for certain, so there is no point in trying.
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #36 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 6:33pm
recoverer wrote on Jul 16th, 2015 at 3:19pm:
I don't see how my subconscious mind could've imagined something it didn't know about.

If we put ourselves in the position where we can't validate an experience because interpreter overlay might always mislead us, we might put ourselves in quite a pickle.


   In my view everything that exists within Consciousness is accessible and available to our conscious awareness.  You focused your attention on validating your retrieval experience.  Since ALL that exists within Consciousness is accessible your Perceiver is capable of gathering validating information from wherever it exists into your subconscious awareness.  Since within your preexisting memory you have stored images of books, pages and numbers your Interpreter had a pretty easy task of presenting the information to your conscious awareness in those forms.  You "saw" the book, the pages, and page number.  In my lingo the information wasn't in your imagination so much as you used imagination as a means of perceiving the information stored within Consciousness.

Then, when you checked that page number, in that book, you received the verification of your retrieval experience you requested.

I agree that the issue of Interpreter Overlay, or rather, our understanding of the of it, can mislead us.  I believe Interpreter Overlay is the direct cause of most of what is labeled inaccuracy in nonphysical perception.  But, in the experience you describe it is clearly accurately validated.  On previously unread pages of an unread book you received your validation by the chapter title and probably from the chapter itself.

There are ways around the "pickle" you describe.  For example in the final exercise of the first level workshop I teach, participants have the opportunity to validate their nonphysical contact and communication with a person known to be deceased. 

Every participant writes on a small slip of paper the name of a person they personally know who is deceased.  All these papers are folded and put into a basket.  Then each participant takes one of the slips of paper.  Each participant now has the name of an unknown deceased person provided by one of the other participants whose identity is also unknown to them.  Then during a guided meditation exercise participants visit with the deceased person and gather specific information from the deceased.

In the debriefing session after the exercise the visiting participant learns from the person who knew the deceased what is accurate and what is not.  Even with the issue of Interpreter Overlay distortion, typically 75% to 95% of participants have their visiting the deceased experience validated.

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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #37 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 7:33pm

In the first paragraph you wrote it seems as if you are saying that the book came from my subconscious memories. In the third paragraph you state differently. To be clear, I hadn't seen the specific pages I referred to before they and the book were shown to me. The fact of feeling page 145 rather than seeing it is a very pertinent detail.

You know those instances when you received PUL from the Planning Intelligence and others? In those cases information was being passed on to you by a being other than yourself. In my experience, when beings pass on information to me, they aren't limited. They might be limited to the extent that they need to consider what I'll understand and be open to receiving. They consider what kind of memories I have in place.

The images of the book I saw came from such a being.  On a number of occasions they have provided me with information I didn't know about at all that I was able to verify later. In a way, I might've received some of this information from my subconscious self, if by subconscious self one means higher self. However, I don't believe my higher self has the same limitations as my subconscious self.

The first time I became aware of my Disk was after three back to back dreams. These dreams were created in such a sophisticated way that by the time the third was about to end, it became very clear that they were created by an intelligence beyond my own, including my subconscious. I woke up in an expanded state and was in contact with my I-there. I thought of it as an I-there rather than disk because I hadn't read any of your books at the time.

For much of what I've experienced, I've made a point of being very methodical about validating what I experienced. I wanted to make certain that my intellect didn't have any doubts. Especially when it comes to whether I received some information from spirit beings rather than my subconscious mind (funny, one of them just said something with a noise that is hard to describe).

This process helps, but what matters the most is what I feel.  Some people speak of connecting to their higher self via head areas, but I believe our heart area is important. This reminds me of when you say we are connected to our Disk via our back. The knowledge that has been most meaningful to me seems to include a connection to universal knowledge and PUL. This knowledge probably relates to the intuition Justin speaks of. We have ways to understand that are beyond our intellect and psychological conditioning. This is a part of what enables us to go beyond our psychological conditioning.


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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #38 - Jul 18th, 2015 at 10:06am
  The OP mentioned being involved in an exercise of expanding beyond the solar system, and conceivably having some experiences with an E.T. group.

This possible E.T. group told him they were Creators, and humans were like ants to them.

  This, among other things the OP said (experiences with dragons etc), rung red flags to Albert's and mine intuition. 

  After a long time of not talking much about negative E.T.'s here i decided to go into it again, because i thought it might be related to his experience.

   Because you haven't received info about it, you do not consider it an important topic or issue. Heck, you don't even think it's real it seems.  That "spiritual course" you use to recommend, did a good job programming your subconscious to not see/perceive more harmful/deceptive etc influences spiritually.

Since this thread starts by quoting me I thought I'd butt back in; looks like a variety of topics were mixed together.

The quote is taken out of the context of the thread.  Yes, the ETs did say we are as ants to them.  I also explained in that thread I believe, that later those beings did apologize for not being high functioning in "our" language/thought process.  Therefore their comment didn't come off right to my point of view.  And I explained "we" may be insulted by such a comment, but it is still a fair description of us.  That whole "reaction" is do to man's ego reacting to bluntly stated truths. 

Those same beings explained their role in creation of this region and in that sense since they "encoded parts of us - intellect" did not consider themselves as ETs because they are actually part of our roots.

Moving on, I also acknowledged that there are dark forces, forces that are oppositional and that I have encountered them too.  I simply don't dwell on them or that.

My sarcastic comment made while bashing Tom Campbell's Big TOE was made to suggest that if one actually buys into his ideas then when questioning the origin of the great computer in the sky, one has to consider that the whole virtual reality of Campbell may be a deception, or manipulation. And we all "know" from the Internet that the Reptilians are the greatest suspects as deception originators.  After all, we've all seen YouTubes of Reptilian shape shifters AND Reptilians do look scary, so they must be bad.

Again my sarcasm pertaining to what one may learn from the Internet public bathroom.  Are the Reptilians real?  WHO KNOWS?  Are they bad because they look different from us?  Is our reality "actually" a virtual reality and the real reality is a big computers?  Of Course Not.  That's like saying your life in some TV channel's sitcom isn't real, the real channels are in some broadcasting control station, but no one has actually seen the control station and none of the laws of physics promoting that transmitter science of the electrical engineering behind the station and your TV have been specifically explained, demonstrated, or proven - another analogy.

What can one say about other evolved forms of being and consciousness?  That they are there?  Why not.  Otherwise it simply the whole universe and man.  Does that really seem sensible? No.

What and who are the ETs?  Well I think there are other organic life forms in this plane, or level, or frequency, or dimension, or whatever hijacked technical word is used to describe something we can really describe, BUT I believe that there are also other beings that are simply forms of consciousness with various species residing at different levels.  Are they ETs?  If they don't have physical bodies are they counted as ETs?

What difference does it make.  The lurking question is are they "bad", dangerous, or manipulating us.  If one removes all religions overtones, one would simply have to acknowledge at least that our own experience shows us that there are oppositional forces that have their own agendas in nature; creatures occupying different ecologic niches.   

Kinda like people that presume the whole planet is for their personal exploitation, like people free to disregard the well being of every other species on the planet while promoting man's or some individual's own self interest, free to enslave those other species on the planet to experiment on in tormenting ways, or simply enslave them for consumption.  Now I'm confused who's the dark menacing force on Earth? 

If one doesn't like the notion of encountering an animal spirt such as a dragon, one should throw out all the mythology of various cultures, throw out Rudolph Steiner, throw out everything that so call modern sensibility snickers at.   

Throw out all the alchemy of early spiritists, that became the alchemy of Isaac Newton that lead to F=MA, throw out all the religions of the world including paganism including Hinduism. And then throw out this whole forum because modern sensibility snickers at this too.

Do I believe oppositional forces are involved in our minds and lives?  Yes.  Do I believe their are aliens on Earth?  Sure, why not.  Can we talk about that?  Well, if ya throw out all the traditions in our cultures that addressed this topic because you think these have wrongfully conditioned us, what are you going to replace that with?  The say-nothings of somebody's rambling changelings on the Internet says?  Well I guess we would still have all the above top secret documents of the government on which to build our new understandings of life.  Wait, we'll keep Bob Monroe's book as the corner stone of truth.  We could keep Bruce's books too. 
So if this thread is "about" Aliens, what exactly is the question? 

- Bill
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #39 - Jul 18th, 2015 at 12:01pm
Hello BillB:

When it comes to your TMI thread, I didn't analyze everything you said thoroughly enough to come to a definite conclusion about you contacting unfriendly ETs. The ant part didn't stand out to me. What stood out to me was the emotionless beings.  Since I had an encounter with empathy lacking ETs that seemed to have an insidious agenda, I wondered if the same """might""" be true with the emotion lacking beings you encountered. I was trying to be helpful.

What is the purpose of this thread? Going by how it has played out, I suppose its purpose is to see whether it is possible to become aware of the existence of unfriendly ETs that interact with this Earth, without being a deluded person. This is what I look like.  Cheesy
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #40 - Jul 18th, 2015 at 9:04pm
It's hard to say what unfriendly means.  Are the animals in the forest unfriendly?  Maybe they just don't need people's company.  Maybe they've learned to steer clear of people.

Maybe there are lots of species out there that just aren't interested in humans.  Who could blame them...
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #41 - Jul 18th, 2015 at 10:00pm
BillB wrote on Jul 18th, 2015 at 10:06am:
So if this thread is "about" Aliens, what exactly is the question? 

- Bill

Here are some questions - and proposed answers, without explanation:
1. Are there such beings as interplanetary and interdimensional aliens? Probably.
2. Have they previously or currently been to Earth? Probably.
3. Is there a race of evil reptilian aliens trying to detrimentally influence the minds and spiritual development of humanity and take over control of the Earth?  No. But there is an explanation.

And by the way, regarding:
recoverer wrote on Jul 14th, 2015 at 11:43pm:

It seems as if you are poking fun just for the fun of it. Isn't that the sort of thing bullies do? Do you believe that there might be a much better way for you to find fullfillment? If you could see into Justin's heart, you probably wouldn't feel so good about poking fun. Even if you believe he is mentally disturbed (he isn't), do you believe it is good to poke fun at mentally disturbed people? Is this what loving your neighbor as yourself is all about?

A few days ago after I asked Justin how he can see people's auras and how he knows that reptilian aliens are trying to detrimentally influence the minds and spiritual development of humanity, you two put up a page of posts gossiping about me, saying I am a right wing extremist, materialist, Christian hypocrite, full of hate, conservative, intolerant of homosexuals, generally a bad person, and don't even understand my own religion or I would believe in reptilian aliens because they are in the bible, etc, etc., and Justin saying Jesus had given him a message for me that I was spiritually off track and Jesus was angry with me saying I should "Wake up dude". All of which I found quite funny and had a good chuckle at some of it.

Then either yourselves or the moderator deleted it all.

And now in response to me putting up two links to the Jungle Book cartoon (Reply #13) you two grown men play the victims, suggesting I'm not loving my neighbour and that my putting up those links to a cartoon is bullying you, and you show a link about how internet bullies drive school girls to depression and suicide by sending texts like, “You’re so annoying”, and, “Get a life”.

The purveyors of vulnerability and victimhood are the cause of the high rates of depression and suicide.   

I take a dim view of those who play the victim and who spread the sickness of victimhood. They are the real problem.

And yes, I was having fun just for the fun of it. When I saw this thread continuing about reptilian invaders influencing humans, I naturally put up the links in reply #13 to scenes from the Jungle Book cartoon because it is funny and relevant to the subject matter. I love the Jungle Book cartoon; it is a genuine work of art, and when I read or hear anyone talk about reptilian aliens hypnotising people I am always reminded of the snake Kaa hypnotising Mowgli the jungle boy and trying to hypnotise Shere Khan the tiger but with less success. On the same cartoon I also love The Bare Necessities and The King of the Swingers. If a reader appreciates well drawn animation and happy jazz then do look them up on you tube.
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #42 - Jul 19th, 2015 at 1:40am
BillB wrote on Jul 18th, 2015 at 10:06am:
Since this thread starts by quoting me I thought I'd butt back in; looks like a variety of topics were mixed together. . .
- Bill


Have you ever considered doing metaphysical standup in ashrams and Buddhist temples?  In your way with words and turn of a phrase I feel the spirit of Lenny Bruce, George Carlin and Robin Williams.  Seriously.  If you stood on a stage, solo, and did your post as a monolog people would get such incredible knowledge and insight, packed in a humorous, entertaining way!  I guess you can probably tell I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Your description of your contacts and thoughts on the matter resonate so well with my own  experiences with intelligences from other areas of consciousness (aska (Also Sometimes Known as Aliens)).  Realities being what they are, their inhabitants appear to be just adaptations to niches within consciousness.  One's just about as good as any of the rest, as long as I understand I perceive them from within my perspective as a human (still learning what that is).  Sometimes some, dare I say species(?), tend toward believing their reality is the real one, and the realities of other species are often viewed as less than real and sometimes threatening.

I remember meeting a nonphysical guy years ago and I said something to him that must have implied that my reality was physical (real) and his was nonphysical (not real).  He got a funny look on his face and he said, "Bruce, you've got it all wrong!"  'Where I come from, my reality is solid and real.  When I hit a wall in my reality it's solid.  But Bruce, here in your reality I can walk right through your walls.  Bruce, the reality you live in is the nonphysical one!'

My first thought was to argue with him.  Fortunately, I let a few seconds pass before I spoke, and I thought about what he'd said. After a few more seconds, I smiled at him, nodding my head, and kept my yap shut.  I gotta admit, he had a point.

Thanks again Bill for a thoroughly entertaining post filled with wisdoms' pearls.

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Bruce Moen
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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #43 - Jul 19th, 2015 at 2:29am
recoverer wrote on Jul 18th, 2015 at 12:01pm:
What stood out to me was the emotionless beings.  Since I had an encounter with empathy lacking ETs that seemed to have an insidious agenda, I wondered if the same """might""" be true with the emotion lacking beings you encountered.


The "aliens" I called 2ndGathGroup in my 3rd and 4th books were a variety with a complete lack of experience or knowledge of emotion.  It turned out the evolution of their form of consciousness required the inability to feel or express emotional energies of any kind.  As a telepathic race an irrational, emotional outburst by one would be felt and experienced by every member of their race simultaneously.  It would be impossible for them to exist as a coherent form of consciousness.  Their evolutionary adaption was to never develop emotional experience within their form of consciousness.  It wasn't an "insidious agenda," just part of their chosen path in the evolution of their "telepathic" form of consciousness.  At least that's my opinion, based on what I've come to believe about them from experiences exploring their form of consciousness so far.

Like I said earlier, I've never encountered any beings that were an actual threat to me.  And the few times I actually thought I was threatened it turn out to be my own "stuff" projected onto others and reflected back to me.

Glad we made this a separate threat, I am enjoying the conversations and focusing on the issue of harmful or unfriendly aliens.  Still haven't met any of those kind yet. 

Sorry for the loss of a few of the posts.  Some violated Posting Guidelines or were just too far off topic and were deleted without notice.  Unfortunately I think a few babies went out with the bath water :d(

Thanks for continuing to post here, I'm enjoying this ride,

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Re: Unfriendly Alien Posts from TMI Lifeline Thread
Reply #44 - Jul 19th, 2015 at 10:35am
Hi Bruce,  Interesting thoughts about telepathy and a need for lack of emotion.  Is it also possible that the emotions are more readily regulated then as in our case?

Also, I could never do stand-up comedy because I start to laugh at my own jokes before I get to the punch line.  What can I say, it's a birth defect.

About Reptilians:  I should clarify I use the Reptilians as a joke.  I have no idea whether there is any truth to them.  Rather, I see them seem largely as an Internet creation.  Wait, does that make them real?  Now I'm really worried.

About Emotionless Beings:  Again I think the problem with this issue is largely a matter of human's expectation that all beings have the same emotional composition as us and that they project warm fuzzy peaceful emissions of cuddly love.  As an aside, if an ant were to talk to you how much emotion would that invoke in you - as opposed to a lion talking to you?  My thought here is just because a being appears to not have emotions doesn't mean it doesn't.  Perhaps an emotional response is not illicit in them by the encounter with us.  Like the ticket taker at an airline boarding gate saying, Have a nice day.  How much emotion is in that?

To clarify the jab at cuddly love:  I recently wrote a blogger that writes about her personal thoughts.  In her blog she commented on this special "place", that is warm peaceful loving...full of friendship, etc.  So i wrote her "what" or "Where" is that place and whether she knew the purpose of that place.  Nothing in return.  My point here is many people key in on those themes - feelings - and are satisfied with job done.  We've confirmed our need for emotional affirmation that we are safely tucked in bed; everything is completely wonderful.  My beef with such things is that they don't go beyond the cuddly "feeling" and I never learned to like poetry. Undecided

I'm gonna go have more coffee... Cheesy
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