While its certainly true that materialist science still has enormous clout (I challenge anyone to find a supportive article of parapsychology on Wikipedia for example) there are a band of scientists (and growing) who question the materialist, biology creates consciousness paradigm. I am thinking of people such as Pim Van Lommel (cardiologist), Peter Fenwick (neuropsychologist), Gary Schwartz (neurologist/psychologist), Julie Beischel (pharmacologist), Stuart Hameroff (anaesthesiologist ). The problem materialism has is that an emerging amount of evidence contradicts it or at least is unexplainable within it- the traditional tactic has been to ignore it or dismiss it as fluke, chance,fraud or whatever, but as the body of evidence grows that becomes increasingly hard to do. Science itself is not the problem; dogmatic, ideologically driven science is the problem. An attitude which was demonstrated by the biologist Lewis Wolpert when he declared 'An open mind is a very bad thing - everything falls out'.