Freeman and Matthew, I'm very grateful for your supporting posts and spiritual assistance. We need it. Life has really changed and our family has become very self occupied. We spend much time together and live day by day. Every day is like the only day. All med examinations aren't done yet and we don't know what the medics will decide about the treatments. Next week there might come a decision.
I can tell you that the healing we receive works. We have become very positive and calm, after the first few days when things were up and down. I hope it will last for long. We really have a good healing atmosphere here. My mind has developed. I can concentrate and visualize better. I can focus on the healing for half an hour or so. Haven't managed to do far that long focusing periods before in my limited spiritual activities. Two nights ago in a dream, I experienced something looking like a light brown frame surrounding a light wooly-looking diffuse interior. The picture were so colorful and sharp, like in real life, not like the stuff I experience in my dreams. I tried to change the picture. I succeeded and made the color of the frame turn into dark blue. Was this a first step toward doing the same thing in my healing visualizations? Future will tell.
My healing efforts are partly spiritual, but much of the healing are physical activities: cleaning the apartment more frequently e.g. (Two different pipes became clogged up almost simultaneously and I had to clean them just after I had started my healing work. It was very symbolic to me. Today, when I was vacuum cleaning, mental tumors disappeared in the tube
), making loving gestures, giving my wife company and relaxing massage, preparing for her birthday and so on. I also try to live healthier than before, eating better food. I think it's good because of the frequent healing I'm doing. About three times a day.
If anybody want to send us some additional healing, you can direct it to the small tumors in Tina's liver, or to the extended one around her small intestine, or to her spiritual 'Rose Cloud' that 'I' have created and that surrounds and penetrates her body with an intensified vibrating healing energy, stimulating her internal healing forces like her mind and immune system. All love energy that can boost her body and assist her healing I am so grateful for.