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How to collect love energy (Read 3669 times)
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Posts: 12
How to collect love energy
Aug 11th, 2012 at 9:25am
I was wondering how I would gather love or love energy in order to send it to someone.  I see there is a post at the top of this forum about taking three breaths.  In a quiet moment I asked for this answer.  A while later I saw this current news story about the guy with his dog. He takes the dog into the lake everyday to relieve it's arthritis and the dog falls asleep in his arms.  They have been together for 20 years so there is a powerful love bond.  Could contemplating similar real life situations be a way to aid in sending PUL?  I have been trying to do this for my son who is stationed in Qatar.  He said it was 120 degrees there a day ago and they have to work outside all day.  His comfort is my intention.
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Re: How to collect love energy
Reply #1 - Mar 3rd, 2013 at 5:04pm
Dear deric,

You are on the right track.  Intent is everything, and the way you are thinking about gathering love is right on.  Love is a real tie we have with each other.  As a Reiki master, I send healing everyday and that is pretty much how it is done. 

I hope you keep sending that love and healing.

Baroness T'ressa
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