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Well, finally got around to reading Nanci's first book. Impressions, first part very dry and lecturing, with some interesting and insightful parts, sort of reminded me some of Tom Campbell's MBT in that sense.
Overall, very much agree with her main message, that "love is all that matters" or what matters most, rather. Much that i agree with. It's not that there is much specifics that i would disagree with, more the emphasis of certain parts.
A number of parts confirmed my earlier impression that she tends to be a bit over polarized to the Yin side of consciousness in her perceptions and translations.
There are some major contradictions with other respected sources of info.
For example, she says that it doesn't matter what you do or don't do, etc each individual will merge with Source, that there is no discriminating, nothing to rectify, etc.
Contrast this with Bob Monroe's experience with going beyond the aperture, starting to merge with Source, and communicating with some Consciousnesses that already were consciously within that state. *We made the transition as a species at the same time*
Bob was told by some of these completed Beings that he was still yet small and incomplete (and thus could not stay). In a sense, he did not yet belong there, he had work to do, parts of both the smaller self and some of the larger to gather. He was to bring "gifts" back to the Whole.
In other words, according to the Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like Law that Source built into reality as a universal law. Bob was not yet in full resonation with Source.
Neither was or is Nanci. She didn't get to merge fully with Source, and if she had, it would have been temporary, like Bob's experience (well, Bob didn't fully remerge either).
This is a consciousness law that cannot be side stepped. To be fully One with Source consciously, you have to be fully like Source again.
Anyone who understands and is attracted to the life, example, and teachings of Yeshua, knows and understands that is what his whole life here was about, to show and demonstrate what this full Source attunement looked, acted, and was like. And he out and out said, if you want to be One with Source like me, you must be like me, must live and choose like me.
It is not enough to just "know", say, or perceive that we are One with Source, a part of same, etc, but to live it. The "way" to same, is via pure, universal, unconditional love. But "Love" is bigger than what even Nanci perceived. There is a tough love, or Yang side of Love too.
See Aramaic to English translation below in my signature area of a quote of Yeshua to the misleading, corrupt, self serving, and spiritually harmful Pharisees, etc.
Strong words, no? Yet, while he called them out and pointed out to them and to the people in general that these groups were largely in league with the serpents of old, aka the "Reptilians", he still loved them. He wouldn't do anything to truly harm them, except to hold a mirror up and call them out.
He had it within his power, to just think them dead. He even had it within his power to dismantle their Soul's consciousness--a true and final death. Neither did he do. Yet, the people who had let themselves become dependent on these needed to be warned what and who they were dealing with. Tough love, tough words.