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Nanci Danison's NDE (Read 129865 times)
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #150 - Feb 27th, 2014 at 7:49am
Hi Freeman,

I understand your feelings about these books.  My own take is that almost every book contains a new insight or take on things that I might not have experienced or thought of.  For that reason, even if it may otherwise not be my cup of tea, I like to read the accounts.  Indeed, isn't that why we all participate on a forum like this? 

If we have to be open to the possibilities in order not to get tied up in belief systems, this could be a good way to expand our view (as long as we don't approach the text as something to worship from so that we are letting the author do the thinking for us). 

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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #151 - Feb 27th, 2014 at 3:45pm

I pretty much agree about not spending too much time reading the various books regarding the afterlife.  I think your advice about treating others in kind ways is probably much better for our own growth in the long run regardless of how many books we read.

My problem with those books that convey the notion that our actions don't carry any consequences, and that we are here to "experience" no matter what that experience might be, is not whether they are correct or not.

The real problem in my opinion is how they might be interpreted by those who lack their own moral compass.  If experiences are thought to be moral neutral, why not go out and do whatever we want if in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter.  It just adds to the Experience whether it's considered good or bad here in ELS.

Let's face it, there are those who would welcome such a belief for the wrong reasons.

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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #152 - Feb 27th, 2014 at 4:33pm

I agree with you, but see, I feel that from each book there may be some lessons to take away.  From Danison's book, her general cosmology was simpler than Swedenborg's and made a lot of sense.  She may have gotten the "nothing matters" wrong but it was her message - not for all of humanity perhaps.

From Tolle recently, I read one of the best descriptions of living in the moment/the Now, that made sense along with several simple spiritual exercises to be the watcher/observer to have more mindfulness of the soul.  I appreciate this, though I found his attack on the mind/thinking of humans to be disturbing.

I take from these authors what I can.  I challenge my beliefs if the authors present opposing views to my current view.  It is fun.

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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #153 - Feb 27th, 2014 at 5:51pm
Yes, I'm sure we do add to our knowledge/understanding the more books we read.

But as for me, I'm pretty sure when I'm on my death bed I probably won't remember any of them, and if I have any regrets it won't be that I didn't read enough books, it will be that I didn't give more of my personal, compassionate attention to those who were reaching out to me along the way.

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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #154 - Feb 27th, 2014 at 8:43pm
It seems that all outside sources that can be considered credible point to a few basic principles; Love, compassion, outreach, selflessness. If I spent the rest of my life focusing on those four things and never read another book or watched another TEDX video, would I be nearer or farther from spirit?
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #155 - Feb 27th, 2014 at 9:38pm
Yes, and that can be simplified further into recognizing the divinity in ourselves and others. That is key.
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #156 - Feb 28th, 2014 at 2:39am
heisenberg69 wrote on Feb 27th, 2014 at 4:55am:
carl wrote on Feb 27th, 2014 at 12:38am:
heisenberg69 wrote on Feb 25th, 2014 at 6:54pm:
A number of posts on this thread have talked about reincarnation.Here is an interesting link to Jim Tucker's work which has picked up Ian Stevenson's baton and accumulated over 2500 cases, including many North American ones. Interestingly he says ' we know that in 70% of the cases the previous person died by unnatural means, meaning murder, suicide, or accident' and 'he average interval between the death of the previous person and the birth of the child is only 4-and-a-half years '.

Read your post and link to To keep this on topic, here's a link to the said website-forum about Nanci Danison. Love and Blessings in Christ  Carl

Hi Carl,
thanks for the link, I hav'nt come across that forum before. I'm impressed with the quality of debating/dialoguing going on there- with disagreements not being taken personally.

Hi Fella. Thanks for that! I'm having trouble finding Rondele's post where she stated, accused me of  having "Black Energy" around my hands! Perhaps she is a Sorceress with mystic powers? You all read it, her post! Maybe she deleted that post of hers. Blessings and Love in Christ, you too Rondele. Carl      
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #157 - Feb 28th, 2014 at 3:17am
  Rondele is a dude, always has presented himself as such, and definitely has a distinctly masculine energy as well. About as feminine as earlier Clint Eastwood characters like Dirty Harry.

    Since he doesn't ever actively partake in the psychic experiments and group stuff here that i've ever seen, i really doubt he said this.  He has passively participated once in allowing Allen to do a remote viewing on him.  Maybe somebody else, who is a female, said this (about the black energy on the hands), but i don't think it was Rondele. 

   I have casually wondered at times if Rondele works for the government, particularly more like CIA or NSA or something like that, but even if that is true, i don't think he is here because of that necessarily.  Think he has a personal interest in these topics. 

  In any case Carl, what does this have to do with the thread of Nanci Danison, psychism, other lives, etc?   Why not p.m. him, or start a thread in the off topic section?


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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #158 - Mar 1st, 2014 at 11:56pm
  Rondele is a dude, always has presented himself as such, and definitely has a distinctly masculine energy as well. About as feminine as earlier Clint Eastwood characters like Dirty Harry.

    Since he doesn't ever actively partake in the psychic experiments and group stuff here that i've ever seen, i really doubt he said this.  He has passively participated once in allowing Allen to do a remote viewing on him.  Maybe somebody else, who is a female, said this (about the black energy on the hands), but i don't think it was Rondele. 

   I have casually wondered at times if Rondele works for the government, particularly more like CIA or NSA or something like that, but even if that is true, i don't think he is here because of that necessarily.  Think he has a personal interest in these topics. 

  In any case Carl, what does this have to do with the thread of Nanci Danison, psychism, other lives, etc?   Why not p.m. him, or start a thread in the off topic section?


I did ask her/him in a previous post if she/him was male or female. Did you read it? Or do I have to dig it out to remind you! It seems ignoring those, like me, is the norm here, when questions are awkward...Sorry to infringe on your private afterlife clique here. Blessings and Love in Christ...You too Justin, as your heart is always in the right place   Carl
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #159 - Mar 2nd, 2014 at 2:15am
  Rondele is a dude, always has presented himself as such, and definitely has a distinctly masculine energy as well. About as feminine as earlier Clint Eastwood characters like Dirty Harry.

    Since he doesn't ever actively partake in the psychic experiments and group stuff here that i've ever seen, i really doubt he said this.  He has passively participated once in allowing Allen to do a remote viewing on him.  Maybe somebody else, who is a female, said this (about the black energy on the hands), but i don't think it was Rondele. 

   I have casually wondered at times if Rondele works for the government, particularly more like CIA or NSA or something like that, but even if that is true, i don't think he is here because of that necessarily.  Think he has a personal interest in these topics. 

  In any case Carl, what does this have to do with the thread of Nanci Danison, psychism, other lives, etc?   Why not p.m. him, or start a thread in the off topic section?



Justin. Quote: "Since he doesn't ever actively partake in the psychic experiments and group stuff here that i've ever seen, i really doubt he said this.  He has passively participated once in allowing Allen to do a remote viewing on him.  Maybe somebody else, who is a female, said this (about the black energy on the hands), but i don't think it was Rondele."

Anybody else "Out There" remember Rondele accusing me of having "Black or Dark energy" around my hands in her/his post. Come on Lurkers, and members, give your memory a tweak!

Justin said, " I have casually wondered at times if Rondele works for the government, particularly more like CIA or NSA or something like that, but even if that is true, i don't think he is here because of that necessarily.  Think he has a personal interest in these topics."

OMG! Did you write the above? Alan, from South Africa, is spelled Alan, not Allen. I don't think you should partake in Peer Moderation of myself and my posts, and also replies! Blessings and Love in Christ. You Too, Always   Carl      

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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #160 - Mar 2nd, 2014 at 4:43am
Carl, I don't remember anyone ever saying that, but why is it bothering you so much? If it's not true then why not let it go? I tried a search for it and it didn't come up, so why worry so much about it? And, it doesn't have anything to do with this topic, of course. (Your personal grievances with various members here could be approached with a pm, or maybe just let those go too. Sometimes I get over-involved emotionally with people on the forum--does it show?--and that's when I have to take a step back and realize that this is not a life or death matter, just one part of my life, and I can step back anytime.)

Earlier you posted another link which was related to the thread, and it caused me to go read something interesting elsewhere. I wanted to thank you for that, but someone else already did. So, maybe just make a decision to contribute in ways like that. It's nice when you do. Anyway, just my 2 cents, for whatever it's worth.

Yes, sometimes it seems like people might be into their private worlds here, or go on and on and ignore other people, but so what? Each of us can step in where we might make a difference. It's just a big old river and we're jumping in and having a fun time swimming around in our inner tubes and being silly together while the river keeps rolling along.
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #161 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:12am
seagull wrote on Mar 2nd, 2014 at 4:43am:
Carl, I don't remember anyone ever saying that, but why is it bothering you so much? If it's not true then why not let it go? I tried a search for it and it didn't come up, so why worry so much about it? And, it doesn't have anything to do with this topic, of course. (Your personal grievances with various members here could be approached with a pm, or maybe just let those go too. Sometimes I get over-involved emotionally with people on the forum--does it show?--and that's when I have to take a step back and realize that this is not a life or death matter, just one part of my life, and I can step back anytime.)

Earlier you posted another link which was related to the thread, and it caused me to go read something interesting elsewhere. I wanted to thank you for that, but someone else already did. So, maybe just make a decision to contribute in ways like that. It's nice when you do. Anyway, just my 2 cents, for whatever it's worth.

Yes, sometimes it seems like people might be into their private worlds here, or go on and on and ignore other people, but so what? Each of us can step in where we might make a difference. It's just a big old river and we're jumping in and having a fun time swimming around in our inner tubes and being silly together while the river keeps rolling along.

OK, Johnathon Seagull. I must be lying! Anybody else out there remember Rondele accusing me of having Black Energy around my Hands? Typical responses from Guru worship! Blessings and Love in Christ...Carl

Just one word of advice, people. Beware of the cult of the individual(Moen). If he has you by your (spiritual) balls or ovaries, your wallet or purse won't be far behind!

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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #162 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:42am
  Yes, Carl, i misspelled Alan's name earlier.  I'm in a human and sometimes make mistakes. 

  Re: Bruce Moen.  I've met and hung out with Bruce twice.  While i do not see eye to eye with Bruce on everything (i've been vocal about this at times, and actually quite recently), my sense of him was that he was not a negative guru type by any means. 

  He lives modestly (Becky and i went to his place), and struck me as being a down to earth, a kind, gentle, and more loving person than not.  An "older soul" for sure.  Aura wise, emanated a lot of deeper blue, some blue purple and some even gold-gold yellow colors.  This speaks well of him spiritually speaking.

   I'm pretty good at reading people, especially in person.  Yes, Bruce does try to make some money from teaching certain skills, but it's fairly reasonable and especially compared to many, many folks in the New Age scene and business. 

    And, he's at least focusing on teaching skills, rather than belief systems, giving readings, etc, etc.  He's not trying to hook people and create a cult following wherein people have to depend on him and his teachings or services in any long term sense.  He's more like, "hey, these are the tools that have helped me to explore and find out for myself, now that you learned them, go off and explore yourself."

  Similar to what Bob Monroe's approach and philosophy was.

  In other words, it's a fairly constructive and helpful pattern, and i think expanded guidance is more or less happy with and grateful of his service here.  They do recognize he has some limited beliefs and perceptions, but so don't the huge majority of us.  The only one i know, who doesn't, is Yeshua.

    It's not always so black and white and extreme.  In my experience, it's actually somewhat rare for people to be out and out cons in a purposeful, conscious sense, or to be mostly negative, or even mostly or only positive.  Most of us are a curious admixture of light and dark.  Bruce is definitely more light than dark though.   

    You can ask the Teacher of teachers about it, if you don't trust me and my perceptions about him. 
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #163 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:47am
Carl, your response isn't typical from christ worship, which is something. Thanks for the advice, I just ordered 3 books and 6 copies of each and will now commence chanting and funky dancing around my wallet.
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Re: Nanci Danison's NDE
Reply #164 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 11:00am

No NDEr has remembered enough as to write 3 complete books. I think her NDE was real but most of what is written is added by her own way of thinking, not because she remembers all. Many of the things she writes seem logical but contradict what most NDErs experienced
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