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10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions (Read 42068 times)
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #75 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 1:08am
I've been very busy the past month, but thought I'd report a paranormal experience I heard about today, though it doesn't fit too well with this topic.

Today was the annual trustees parsonage inspection.  One of the trustees, Shane (a science  teacher) said to me, “Guess whom we had over for dinner last night?”  Blank stare!  “Danny.”  Danny was a musically gifted 21-year-old who had played guitar and keyboard for one of our 2 worship services.  He was very respectful to our older adults, but, outside of church, he was a troubled young man with addiction issues that made him drop out of college in his freshman year. He came to church so he could play in our band, but was otherwise angry at the idea of God and was not a professing Christian.  But as Shane explained, Danny had recently had a dramatic conversion experience. 

Around 2 AM, he was driving his souped-up car over 100 m.p.h. on a remote country road with no traffic.  Due to the high speed, he lost control of his car and plummeted over a small cliff.  A police officer later measured the distance he was airborne as 125 ft.  Danny said time dramatically slowed down and even the shattering of his windshield seemed unbelievably slowed down.  As he numbly awaited his fate, an inner voice said, “You are not in control; God is.”  To his great dismay, he was fully conscious after his car was totalled and quickly exited the car as it burst into flames.  God had indeed been in control.  Danny couldn't believe he could stagger up the small hill by the cliff virtually unscathed.  At the top, an old man was walking with a cane.  The man asked Danny, “Are you all right?”   Danny replied, “Yes.”  Then the old man gave him a penetrating stare with steely blue eyes and added, “Yes, you are all right” (as if to say, “Remember what I just said.”).  Then the old man shuffled on with his flashlight.  At that moment, the thought struck Danny, “There's no way an old man would be shuffling along around 2 AM in the middle of nowhere!”  Danny was convinced that a guardian angel had ensured his safe landing and that the old man's sudden appearance was intended to reinforce that thought.  Shane glowed as  he said, “That experience has set Danny's heart on fire for God.” 

But Danny dropped out of his community college after just one year because he became obsessed with composing and performing music.  He played and sang some of his songs for Shane, who remarked how awesome they were.  In fact, Danny has just been signed by Warner Brothers to produce and perform his songs.  I want him to come to my church to share his testimony first-hand and perform his music for us.  His life struggles had greatly endeared him to the hearts of our members.      

This incident reminds me of a similar experience Rondele reported having as a young boy.  I have no answer for the apparent inconsistency with which so-called "guardian angels" intervene, other than the victim's time was apparently not up.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #76 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 4:51pm

A great story with a life changing impact.

I will always wonder why some are chosen to be protected against death while some are not.

As far as the old "it's not his time to go" is concerned, I am doubtful that is the answer.  After all, the many young kids that were killed just recently in Oklahoma....was it their time to go?? 

Seems if it's true that some people don't die because it wasn't their time, then for those who do die prematurely does it mean that it was their time? 

Questions to which I doubt we'll ever know the answers.

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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #77 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 7:04pm
Wonderful Story!

I have no answer for the apparent inconsistency with which so-called "guardian angels" intervene, other than the victim's time was apparently not up.


I don't have any answers, but if you want to speculate:

A - Some "guardian angels" aren't as attentive as they could be.
B - Some "guardian angels" decide the person needs an extraordinary experience to lead them to complete their life's task.
C - Some souls are evolved enough to intervene on their own behalf.  Others are at the mercy of their immature self.
D - All of the above, plus a few others that I likely haven't thought of.

If God shows no partiality... doesn't that leave fallible others to make the decisions?  Uhg... now I've reminded myself of the question of free will and how much free will we really have?

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #78 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 9:18pm
Hi Kathy!

Yes, your speculation seems as good as any.  Two
observations come to my mind: (1) Danny is the embodiment of both a noble passion and dissolute living.  His angelic intervention was life-transforming in terms of unleashing great creative and spiritual potential.  I wonder of the anticipated impact of such interventions is a facilitating factor.  In NDEs, the patient is routinely told in the astral realm:  "It's not your time; you have more work to do." 

(2) If evolution is the dominant force in the history of earth life, might there not be parallel evolutionary processes in the afterlife.  In earth life, special individuals or groups seem to have a genetic mutation or mental change that makes new more adaptive behavior possible for more members of the species.  Perhaps ADCs and spirit interventions result from a combination of lucky experimentation in consciousness and unique vibrational compatibilies between incarnate and discarnate spirits. Perhaps the stress of dying inhibits the necessary groupthink that makes such ADCs possible.  Perhaps prerequisite vibrational compatibilities are as elusive as radio-TV frequencies that must be honed through patient experiments.  Now I'm rambling because I don't want to get ready for a long drove to a boring 4-day United Methodist conference tomorrow.  Sigh!

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Alan McDougall
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #79 - Jul 8th, 2013 at 7:03am
Below is an excerpt of my writings that might answer some of Dons questions.

Excerpts from my writings on the near death phenomenon
The Being of Light might be Jesus, but I think in most cases he/she is your guardian angel which has been allocated to you, from birth until death.

This part of the journey was much like an enormously speeded up movie. Science will tell you the neutrino particle can go through light years of lead without slowing down, likewise my spiritual body going through a planet is within the bounds of possibility, and maybe this is how ghosts or spirits are able to walk through walls. Maybe an ethereal spiritual body is made up of neutrinos? I could not touch or interact with the material universe, which is but one dimension or realm within the countless others that make up all of existence.

Not bound to a physical body’s visual spectrum, one could view the universe in all spectrum's’, from, gamma rays to infra red and more. The ethereal eye is hugely more sensitive than the physical eye and one could peer much deeper into the universe than even the greatest earthly telescope. Try to image this of course is impossible? Instead of space being black, with this heightened sense of vision, the universe lit up with a billion, trillion ever changing colors of breathtaking beauty. Blind people who have had a near death experience often report seeing visually for the very first time using their ethereal senses. I call this soul senses or soul sight.

Racing outward and outward through the universe it seem to shrink behind us and the arrow of time reversed from future to past as we moved closer and closer toward the zero point moment of creation or big bang singularity, the void we call outer space shrinking out of existence into nothingness.

Size or scale is really meaningless in the grand order of existence. the singularity the point of infinite density and energy was also infinite in size and dimension in the beginning because it was all that is, it did not emerge into a vast empty void, it brought the void with it, and this void we call space is both finite and infinite because there exist the grand multiverse that contains all of existent within it. Existence is infinite and eternal. Each universe is like infinity with all universes all expanding or contracting into each other for eternity. Did I understand all this no I did not?

The best description I can give of existence is that there is an infinite eternal colossal ocean; God is the cause and creator of all existence because everything must have a cause to exist. Only God has no cause he is the unfathomable un-caused, cause, on which float an infinity of universes, like bubbles of foam, each different but all evolving living and dying just as if they were great beings. To get from one universe requires punching a hole between one into the other. (Black Hole?)

Our universe is a universe of both light and dark, other universes might be pure living light and other infinite abysmal dark and cold. Heavens and hells I am sure are located in some of these universes and the ethereal soul body can with permission pass easily between them.

Exploding out of our universe, the whole universe began to recede at a colossal rate, first becoming an enormous sparkling dark plane, a sort of flat surface. (Like the earth appears to us when we view it from a little height). This beautiful plane , or surface or edge of the universe (of course in reality the universe has no edge or surface just my semantics) twinkled with brilliant a billion trillion multicolored pulsating aurora borealis like lights, unexplainable beautiful.

As we continued outward further and further from our physical universe it changed from being a vast plain slowly becoming a colossal almost infinitely large orb, then shrinking down and down as we traveled further and further away from it, until it became into a smaller and smaller globe finally at a colossal distant, it became but a tiny spot, a mere tiny small singularity, within the infinity that makes up all of existence, amongst the eternal infinite foam of numberless other realities, and physical universes that reside it this blazing infinite dimensionless golden light that is the breath of God.

I relate this of course in the dimness of my limited mind as these things are unexplainable in human terms or languages.

This light of purest golden light is limitless, boundless, and infinite in every direction, it is where the “ Holy Spirit of God” is so concentrated unimaginably pure holy and so intense that an entity could vanish from existence if it tried to enter without permission. Gods concentrated awareness is like a welcoming warm golden sun,” The “Sun of Righteousness” shall rise with healing in His wings”

If we remember the “Lords Prayer”, Our “Father” who art in “Heaven”, this is the domain, within the ocean of foam that contains all the universes is where the presence of God is all most tangible, the highest state of pure inexhaustibly indestructible energy, it is were Gods awareness is most concentrated it you like, this might seem an oxymoron, that

God is also omnipresent, but He is inconceivable.” To the mere puny understanding of man.

Jesus said in the Gospels that in my “Fathers House” are many mansions. It is the “Great Ocean” of all Existence the source of all creation, and all the great rivers of life flow into it. It is the experience that millions of mystics over time have tried to obtain, but all in vain, no matter what they claim.

As we hovering quietly, in this Infinite Sacred a silence blanketed us with unspeakable, peace and love of this purest stillness of holy golden light, which I knew, was Gods presence. I, nevertheless inquired as to where we where? In my inner self I knew it could only be what, I heard a voiceless voice was saying to me, “you are standing in the “Breath of God” also called the “Holy Spirit”

We were temporarily existing within the Pure composite golden light of Almighty Living God which is outside of normal material space and time, where the ethereal realms, heavens, planes and higher dimensions are. These are our destinies after we die.

Indeed, I now dwelt in the everlasting infinite moment. I knew God was a loving forgiving God only a Holy God that will not tolerate any depravity in his house. There are those who will have to endure hells of their own making. We should note that we will all have to account to a Holy God for what we did right or what we did wrong after we die.

Lifting my soul eyes into this great light from a vast distance with the Being of Light still at my side as my guide, bliss and ecstasy filled my soul as I tried to look at the golden radiance of God the Creator who is brighter than any sun, yet I could behold some of his glory without hurt or flinching my spiritual eyes.

God’s pure translucent light and love moved over and through me, washing every hidden place of my heart, removing all hurt and fear, transforming my very being into a song of joy. Gods love is conditional on how we behave in life
It was a love so Divine so unimaginably so non-judgmental to those that love him, that I wept in joyful wonder at our beautiful God, who I can say without any reservations I love beyond words because his forgiving love is complete yet, the light toward which we were soaring was the fulfillment of my search, the loving Source of all that exists, the God of truth and unconditional love, the originator and author of all creation.

Then for a brief moment the mysteries of eternal knowledge flowed through me and filled my mind with the wonder of the power of it. Although I could not retain this knowledge I was assured that one beautiful day I would have access to it, without any reservations. It would be the ultimate trust that God could give to one of his creations.

God spoke to me saying “life should be enjoyed, understood, meaningful and nothing should be feared, the very worst that mortal earthly life can throw at you is transient and temporary, your essence and my essence will always exist and will always continue to exist within the grand orders of reality. Indeed I knew you before the earth existed”.

It was clear to me then that the universe was mostly good and that evil will never prevail against the light. Beautifully interconnectedness into one glorious harmonious whole is the final purpose of God for our universe. “This is still a work in progress”. Evil was allowed in the physical realms so that people can use their free will to love God and their fellow beings as they love themselves.

I felt the warmth of the eternal fire, within the spirit of my being and I was filled by it with a sustained sense of exultation, immense joy, peace, rapture and sublime bliss.

My awareness or consciousness expanding until it encompassed the entire universe and all existence. While I knew I was not God, and that I was only bright tiny facet of the unimaginably beautiful diamond that we call God. It was like riding on the shoulders of God, looking out at the universe with his eyes and understanding everything from time immemorial, to the present, into the unimaginable far future.

Everything at once in an instant moment, but also I saw all things and understood all things through all of eternity, both somehow, at once. Time became meaningless and did dot flow in the linear way it did in the physical realms.
Then without traveling we immediately stood in a marble Parthenon like palace, the walls glowed in crystalline inner blue luminosity. Strange beings of glowing light of seeming unimaginable noble wisdom walked the corridors of this universal library of the souls. Where these great beings the Great Arch Angels of God?

An intellectual illumination beyond any description overflowed my mind and. I knew then that the will of Gods was for all humanity to be immortal and possess eternal life. “Death was not the natural order of Gods creation” and this mystery of life, death and evil remain a mystery to be revealed as God said in the Book of Revelation. The crucial plan of the universe was for the good of all that dwelt within its as yet still brilliant unimaginable beautiful and vast golden boarders.

The heavens declared the glory of Gods handiwork and his creation is so wonderful that I have no words in the English language to describe it. Our mortal bodies are wonderfully knit together a work of infinite precision and meticulous creativity by the awesome intellect of God, and our human brain a prime example of the infinite mind of God. Our mortal bodies, however, are not in the image of God. It is our spirit or soul that mirrors his image and thus God made man to think like Him albeit in a lesser way. God Imagined man (imagine-man.).

The concept of time vanished and I seem to exist in an everlasting moment. The physical universe was indeed a most precious jewel in the mind of God. God created time, he is the Timekeeper if you like, he has a sort of a stop watch, starting at the Alpha moment and stopping at the Omega moment, the Beginning and End. I saw in my “minds eye” a huge clock. Something like a doomsday clock, it had only a second hand and this hand was turning towards the top of the hour, but it would advance clockwise and reverse anticlockwise, sometimes advancing fifteen seconds and retreating ten.

I think when the second hand finally reaches the top of the hour something catastrophic and cataclysmic is going to happen, maybe the end of the world and time?

We are Gods observers if you like, things exist because there is someone to observe them, and we are also co-creators with other souls and indeed God himself

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #80 - Jul 9th, 2013 at 2:59pm
Don quoted
In that case, the principle of like attracts like may be only one of many principles that drive the shape of these virtual realities.  Perhaps, then, we should give up the concept of Focus 24-26 as BSTs, not because it is false, but because this label is too oversimplified.

A thief's hell consisting of thieves might serve as a mirror of one's core desires, so that the misery caused by robbery schemes boomerangs enough be experienced as a window into one's own rapacious soul.  But one is never just a thief; rather that character flaw is normally part of a complex of flawed core desires and aptitudes.  So virtual worlds might need to be morally multi-faced in their construction to serve as teaching tools for complexes of core desires, rather than for a just one obvious flaw.

Perhaps the principle of like attracts like prompts an astral explorer who has just encountered a dead thief to then encounter other thieves to sustain the explorer's current focus of thought.  In this way, the illusion of just a thief's hell might be created, when in face the moral and spiritual issues addressed in that virtual reality might be far more multi-faceted.   

But, Kathy, if your suggestion is correct, surely astral explorers should be discovering planes in which such an adapted learning curve is more obvious. Then again, perhaps that is precisely what George Ritchie was exposed to during his prolonged NDE.  He witnessss hellish planes over which benign beings (helpers?) hover.  He also visits a plane "below haaven" which strikes him as the astral equivalent of a university with all sorts of exotic labs and subjects under study.

Hi Don,

I wonder what the likes of Hitler, or his cronies, or Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dimmer are/did experience?

Now that they are existing somewhere in the afterlife. I won't say where (?) because people only want to believe in the heavenly planes in the afterlife, not the just as real opposite realms.

Take Hitler for example, in isolation, in this post. If his passing- over was like most other nde"s his "life review" in itself it must have been unspeakably horrible. He would have to experience both objectively and subjectively, all the pain, deprivation, cold hunger, terror, go though the same gas chamber deaths, be slaughtered by poison gas and have his body burned over and over again in the furnaces of his death camps. In addition this psychopath would have to:

Observe his family/friends being separated and torn out of his arms and taken to the death chambers to die and unspeakable death. He would relive, as if he were the very people, all the suffering caused by his actions and decisions, each individual victim in turn, right down to all the each relatives of his each of his victims.

He would have to live the life of each person (As if he were each person) The total suffered of all the holocaust victims in the death camps as well as live the life, death of all the fifty plus million people (As if he were each of them) that died in the Second World War. It would not stop there, because in the “life Review” he would also feel the exact same sorrow and desolation,despair and hopelessness of every person on earth, that was effected/affected by his evil decisions while he was a mortal on earth.

As far as God is concerned the "buck stopped with him" because he was prime cause of all the unspeakable, suffering of the Second World War. He started it so he was/is accountable to God for what happened during all those appalling years.

Yes! we are accountable to a Holy and Righteous God for all our actions during earthly life, both good and evil. And there are rewards for goodness, altruism, such as brotherly love, agape love, and severe punishment for all forms of depravity.

Killing , murdering or molesting a little child is the most despicable act a human can do, in this life and Jesus made a special comment about the eternal consequences if you do this. Pedophiles beware!


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Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #81 - Jul 10th, 2013 at 1:34am
Quote by KarmaLars

Alan. How's it's going. I've wondered where you got to? I've been reading your wild, far out, mentally mixed intuitive posts over the last 12 years on the net on various new age sites. I've heard from my Afrikaner friend living in the Johannesburg suburb of Centurion, that you had a brief stay in a hospital for stress and mental recuperation. Stay Well. Lars.   

Your user name is familiar, do I know you?
I have never been hospitalized for stress. However, I admit to being hospitalized years ago for bi-polar disorder from which I have recovered and I am now very balanced and well. Who is this Afrikaner friend?

My main interests are in the in the sciences, especially astrophysics.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #82 - Jul 10th, 2013 at 10:08am
Hey Lars,

You just had to get that dig in, didn't you?  Alan's personal medical history is not important to this forum, and your implication that it somehow should be taken into account when one reads Alan's far out writings is, well - loathsome.

Why not just comment on a thread when you have something to add, or avoid it if it is not your cup of tea, instead of making it personal?

Just a thought.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #83 - Jul 10th, 2013 at 1:23pm

As far as God is concerned the "buck stopped with him" because he was prime cause of all the unspeakable, suffering of the Second World War. He started it so he was/is accountable to God for what happened during all those appalling years.

Hitler was the brain, which had it's influcences, and needed a lot of hands to turn visions into reality. Higher up in the hiearchy, the prime cause of everything - the originator and author of all creation - is accountable for everything. What a mess.

The total suffered of all the holocaust victims in the death camps as well as live the life, death of all the fifty plus million people (As if he were each of them) that died in the Second World War.

Fifty plus millions, where does this number come from?

Kudos on the imaginative vengance. How unfortunate that we don't remember anything when coming into this world. There would be a lot of foaming around the mouths. Even in the astral people would imagine mouths so that they could take part in the foaming.

Killing , murdering or molesting a little child is the most despicable act a human can do, in this life and Jesus made a special comment about the eternal consequences if you do this. Pedophiles beware!

One god is god of truth and unconditional love, but the other god isn't?
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #84 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 8:50am
Hi Lars,

This is exactly what you do - try to personally attack or bully people on the board, rather than talk about the topic (10 unanswered core assumptions).  Kathy and Alysia here know me, (from this board), and in discussions with them, I have shared my last name, (and with others here). I am a real physician, and work at a well  teaching hospital in NYC.   I have PM'd people on this board offering what help I can regarding medical advice. I don't go by my full name here because it is a public forum, and I feel that afterlife beliefs shouldn't filter into my professional life.

  Does that information somehow make a difference in this discussion?  Of course not.  But that is typical in your posts.  That you have repeatedly attacked people in this way (referring to Alan's past trouble; wondering aloud if I were really a physician) is just mean spirited and hateful.  Do everyone a favor and take the attacks somewhere else.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #85 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 10:49am
Doc is the real deal, not that he need defend himself to the likes of you.
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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #86 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 5:57pm
KarmaLars wrote on Jul 12th, 2013 at 12:50am:
DocM wrote on Jul 10th, 2013 at 10:08am:
Hey Lars,

You just had to get that dig in, didn't you?  Alan's personal medical history is not important to this forum, and your implication that it somehow should be taken into account when one reads Alan's far out writings is, well - loathsome.

Why not just comment on a thread when you have something to add, or avoid it if it is not your cup of tea, instead of making it personal?

Just a thought.


Hey M! Are you really a medico? Tell us what hospital you work at?..If you want it kept secret, send me an email and I'll ring you up to confirm it...Or are you going to put it into the 'too hard basket' just like many on this forum do. Lars.


More like this belongs in YOUR "It's none of my business basket" however, I can absolutely tell you that Matthew is a doctor that practices medicine in NYC.

btw... it seems you have a bit of trouble relating to people in meaningful ways.  I'm a psychologist and spent much of my adult life working with children.  Perhaps I can help.  Roll Eyes


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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #87 - Jul 14th, 2013 at 8:53am
She is, obviously. She responded to you.
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #88 - Jul 14th, 2013 at 9:43am
KarmaLars wrote on Jul 14th, 2013 at 12:18am:
DocM wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 8:50am:
Hi Lars,

This is exactly what you do - try to personally attack or bully people on the board, rather than talk about the topic (10 unanswered core assumptions).  Kathy and Alysia here know me, (from this board), and in discussions with them, I have shared my last name, (and with others here). I am a real physician, and work at a well  teaching hospital in NYC.   I have PM'd people on this board offering what help I can regarding medical advice. I don't go by my full name here because it is a public forum, and I feel that afterlife beliefs shouldn't filter into my professional life.

  Does that information somehow make a difference in this discussion?  Of course not.  But that is typical in your posts.  That you have repeatedly attacked people in this way (referring to Alan's past trouble; wondering aloud if I were really a physician) is just mean spirited and hateful.  Do everyone a favor and take the attacks somewhere else.


M. I never really bullied anybody. It is your egoistic reaction to my post that annoys you! I just asked questions. Lars 

The question didn't seem so innocent when you are basically questioning the honesty and intregity of Matthew to begin with.  That might not be technically bullying in this case but its probably not necessary and at least wee bit inconsiderate.
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #89 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 8:24am
Don't respond to Lars and thus likely encourage him is my suggestion. This thread is very interesting, I'd love to read more about the original issues discssed here.
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