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10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions (Read 42015 times)
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #30 - Jan 22nd, 2013 at 5:07am
The assumption that the NDEr's identification of the BL is always projected on the basis of expectations

Pray tell, what perception IS NOT on the basis of expectation?

Perception that we still can not quantify.
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #31 - Jan 22nd, 2013 at 12:18pm
Lucy wrote on Jan 22nd, 2013 at 5:04am:

Thanks for your comments. I guess this sort of experience is more common than we acknowledge.

I worry about the soldiers who have PTSD. That's what they said Ihad but there are "worse" cases than mine. But I think your point about this state being part of the process of awakening is true. I think it applies to the PTSD people experience ..hence the connection to the sublime... but we don't talk about it.

Does the experience have anything in common with kundalini rising experiences? The classical book on that describes a very intense and sometimes debilitationg experience, sort of unique. But if there are degrees of kundalini, then maybe some of this PTSD stuff could be related to that.

                                                                                                                                                                I realised later that I had invited the experiences through a prayer I use before inner work; "I gather together all the merit from all of my past lives and dedicate it to the great fully awakened state".   It would happen at work, in the waking state. I would dissolve as a separate being. A group of invisibles would appear up in the air, always in the western side of the space. An entire long history of memory would flood me related to them. When the state faded, the memories would be gone too. My body was in panic-mode, energies running wild. I think because what was left of my ego was frantically trying to maintain itself as an separate individual. Meanwhile I'm surrounded by customers & co-workers in the bookstore. It was as-if the non-physical & physical realms were merging. I wonder what would have occurred if I had been able to let go. It was bodily panic that was most difficult. It went on at times for years. It's why I first came to this site years ago, to find an answer to it. I had to find my own answer. I guess because we have to "paddle your own canoe"
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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #32 - Jan 22nd, 2013 at 3:18pm
Why am I sharing these accounts? Because they illustrate a serious problem in assessing the variety of NDEs: dramatic paranormal spiritual experiences always seem to come with seductive counterfeits. In ES's view, this danger was so great that he discouraged others from developing astral gifts like his own. All I'm saying is this: when we evaluate the full spectrum of various NDEs, we need to be alert to counterfeit experiences and the symptoms that might expose these. Feel- good is not always the same as bo-good. Discussions like this can't prove anything, but I believe that such multi-faceted reflections provide the best hope for developing the spiritual discernment that can detect any counterfeits.

Don, you're talking about apples and oranges.  Both can be categorized as fruit, but are not the same thing.  Same with the realms where NDE experience takes place and realms where entities with negative intent hangout.  With both NDE and channeling a person is accessing the non-physical, but the reality/dimension they're accessing is completely different, each with their own rules of interaction. 

An entity with mischievous intent will not be able to cause mischief within a dimension where the purpose is to accommodate the newly deceased.  Even if the mischievous one were to visit a NDE reality/dimension, they would have no power to do naughty things. 

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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #33 - Jan 22nd, 2013 at 5:22pm
Does the BL often lie or deceive in the name of love so as not to alarm the NDEr with an unknown or disturbing identity?

Oh, this sounds a bit sinister. Smiley  Sure it would be possible, why not?  It would be easy enough for a highly evolved being to know the newly deceased and what their beliefs entail simply by accessing their past history memory that would be stored in a database.  But there's more...

Take for instance Eben Alexander's NDE where he receives verification of his sister.  Couldn't his entire NDE have been orchestrated by a BL for the purpose of giving him exactly what he needed for personal growth as well as verification of the existence of a non-physical reality, of which he previously didn't believe existed?  All the BL or guide if you'd prefer, would need do is access Eben's past history and create the experience as a stream of consciousness/data for Eben to interpret however he chooses. Easy peasy if the BL/guide is any good at its job.

An entire event could be orchestrated including the appearance of Jesus, but I don't think you can rule out the possibility that Jesus does indeed appear to people for whatever reason.  Nor can you rule out the possibility that a person may simply interpret the BL to be Jesus, Allah or whatever.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #34 - Jan 22nd, 2013 at 7:03pm
[Kathy:] An entity with mischievous intent will not be able to cause mischief within a dimension where the purpose is to accommodate the newly deceased.  Even if the mischievous one were to visit a NDE reality.

During his NDE, atheist Howard Storm is lured by entities to follow them because they give him the impression that they have his best interests at heart.  These entities then attack him and rip his spirit body to shreds.  Storm's desperate prayer brings Jeaus to the  rescue.   So deception can be part of an NDE.  As you know, NDEs contain contradictory claims about spiritual truths and NDErs vary greatly in their level of spiritual development and interest..  So why is it a stretch to doubt that NDEs are carte blanche exempt from counterfeiting?  Your reference to the purpose of NDEs begs the question of whether authentic NDEs can be consistently presupposed.  In other words,  the counterfeit possibility challenges the real purpose of specific alleged NDEs.  One the points of my channeling examples is that initial ecstasy that seems like love can later be found illusory. 

Lucy, many atheists who experience NDEs are confronted by "Jesus" in (as?) the BL.  Their typical reaction: "But I don't even believe in you."  Jesus' typical response: "But I do believe in you."  So in such cases, it seems hard to claim that experience always follows expectations.   


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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #35 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 1:27am
Don, I think what you're missing here is that numerous realities/dimensions exist.  All with their own rules/laws of interaction. When Storm initially left his body he wasn't in a reality such as the ones we've been discussing with the BL.  He's likely in an OOB reality.  He's extremely fearful and confused.  It is his state of being that created his experience. 

Note that he willingly chose to go with the other beings.  He was free to make a different choice, however, he didn't recognize this because of his state of fear.  It was his fear and confusion that prevented him from moving to a benevolent reality specifically designed to receive the recently deceased.  Instead his fear created either a symbolic hellish reality or he was in a reality where deceptive entities were able to take advantage of him once he made the choice to go with them.  Still, he was given a way out.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #36 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 2:27am
[Kathy:] Don, I think what you're missing here is that numerous realities/dimensions exist.  All with their own rules/laws of interaction. When Storm initially left his body he wasn't in a reality such as the ones we've been discussing with the BL...He's extremely fearful and confused. 

No, he was angry and confused, but not fearful.  The voices in the doorway reassured him, "We are here to take care of you.  We will fix you up.  Come with us." 
Howard has no reason to doubt them and, with just some hesitation, choses to follow them.  He only becomes afraid when they show their true colors and begin to taunt and attack him.  So you can't say that he creates this experience through fear; it was the other way around. 

[Kathy:] He's likely in an OOB reality. 
I think you beg the question by assuming that his ascent to Jesus should not be classified as OBE reality.  In other words, we have no way of knowing whether other atheists less open to transfornation might experience a deception that includes NDE elements.  The contradictory elements of many NDEs do in fact suggest some deception.  As you know, Paul has OBE type experiences and ascribes the deceptiove ones to an "angel of light." 

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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #37 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 11:12am
No, he was angry and confused, but not fearful.  The voices in the doorway reassured him, "We are here to take care of you.  We will fix you up.  Come with us." 
Howard has no reason to doubt them and, with just some hesitation, choses to follow them.  He only becomes afraid when they show their true colors and begin to taunt and attack him.  So you can't say that he creates this experience through fear; it was the other way around. 


He states on page 12: "I became increasingly upset as anger, fear and confusion filled me."  He even states on page 21 that all of his life he'd fought a constant undertone of anxiety, fear, dread, and angst.

Also look at what he says before that... he thought he must have gone crazy... Somehow split his being into two parts. He says: "I was schizophrenic, completely mad, delusional..."

All this was before he heard the voices. I stand by what I said.  It was his fear and beliefs that gave way to his experience of a hellish reality.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #38 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 2:27pm
Sorry, I didn't have his book handy was following Howard's alternative description on the NDE website.   In his online report, he mentions no fear, only anger and confusion.  Still, I doubt he would have responded to "their" deceptive offer to help, if he suspected they might be dangerous.  In any case, it seems too easy to suggest that his fear created the attack, especially since the details are paralleled in other hellish NDEs. 

Kathy, you acknowledge the reality of deceptive astral spirits; so what makes you think that variations of standard NDE elements are off limits to such deception?   Wouldn't deceptive spirits try to deceive in contexts where the victim is most vulnerable?  In view of the contradictory and missing elements of NDEs, your theory of self-created hellish experiences makes no sense to me. 

Any attractive spiritual experience from the realm of warm fuzzies is a ripe candidate for counterfeiting.  I recently encountered a haunting experience in which a friend's son saw light in his closet.  Clcihes like "PUL", "born again experience," and "speaking in tongues" are all nebulous experiences that invite politically correct claims and mean different things to different people.  My point is not to debunk NDEs; in fact, I deem them the best evidence for an afterlife.  But their underlying reality and power need to be assessed on a case by case basis and their authenticity must never be blindly embraced as dogma.  Ouija board deception can be set up by euphoric paranormal experiences that can be misconstrued as love (Paul's disguised "angel of light" phenomenon). 

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #39 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 3:33pm
My take on the Howard Storm experience was that he was saved by what may be called "divine grace."

He described himself as callous, uncaring, unloving prior to his NDE.  He found himself in a hellish plane, his astral form attacked.  In order to be in that plane, his consciousness found a place most suited to itself when he was out of body.  His love barometer was low, hence like attracted like. 

However, he cried out, and to his interpretation, JC intervened.  Somehow, his soul understood that he was in the wrong place.  From his book:

"This is a guy lying on the ground in the darkness surrounded by what appeared to be dozens if not hundreds and hundreds of vicious creatures who had just torn him up. The situation seemed utterly hopeless, and I seemed beyond any possible help whether I believed in God or not.

The voice again told me to pray to God. It was a dilemma since I didn't know how. The voice told me a third time to pray to God.

I started saying things like, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ... God bless America" and anything else that seemed to have a religious connotation.

And these people went into a frenzy, as if I had thrown boiling oil all over them. They began yelling and screaming at me, telling me to quit, that there was no God, and no one could hear me. While they screamed and yelled obscenities, they also began backing away from me as if I were poison. As they were retreating, they became more rabid, cursing and screaming that what I was saying was worthless and that I was a coward.

I screamed back at them, "Our Father who art in heaven," and similar ideas. This continued for some time until, suddenly, I was aware that they had left. It was dark, and I was alone yelling things that sounded churchy. It was pleasing to me that these churchy sayings had such an effect on those awful beings.

Lying there for a long time, I was in such a state of hopelessness, and blackness, and despair, that I had no way of measuring how long it was. I was just lying there in an unknown place all torn and ripped. And I had no strength; it was all gone. It seemed as if I were sort of fading out, that any effort on my part would expend the last energy I had. My conscious sense was that I was perishing, or just sinking into the darkness."

Initially, he was by his account in a hellish plane because that is where his consciousness was oriented.  He cried out and "remembered the song Jesus loves me" from Sunday school and was then personally escorted by a BL whom he thought was JC to a heavenly plane.

So how did that happen?  Where did he get his get-out of-hell-free" card?  It seems straight-forward.  He opened up his heart to love and all the so called crap he remembered from childhood.  That opened up a door for his consciousness to realize that there was something more than the selfish mean spirited man who he was before the NDE.  A door opened, and he moved from a hell to a higher plane.

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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #40 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 4:14pm
I doubt he would have responded to "their" deceptive offer to help, if he suspected they might be dangerous.  In any case, it seems too easy to suggest that his fear created the attack, especially since the details are paralleled in other hellish NDEs. 

Kathy, you acknowledge the reality of deceptive astral spirits; so what makes you think that variations of standard NDE elements are off limits to such deception?   Wouldn't deceptive spirits try to deceive in contexts where the victim is most vulnerable?  In view of the contradictory and missing elements of NDEs, your theory of self-created hellish experiences makes no sense to me. 


Actually I do think he suspected danger, but in his fearful, confused state he chose to ignore his intuition. In the book he said he was "afraid of those people calling me... they were irritated by my questions...the hallway looked strange... I had a feeling that if I left the room, it might be impossible to get back in... I stepped out into the hall, full of anxiety...

Even if the entities were real beings, they were able to find him because of his fear.  They wouldn't have bothered with him otherwise.  I don't have time today, but let me know if you're really interested and I will outline why I think the hellish experience could have been symbolic.  I'm not saying it was, only that there are signs that it could have been a symbolic representation of his fear.  Remember that even a lucid dream can seem more real than real, so it is possible.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #41 - Feb 15th, 2013 at 12:29am
Kathy, the encounters with evil spirits experienced by Raphael Gasson ("The Challenging Counterfeit") and Johanna Michaelson ("The Beautiful Side of Evil") involve belief in the goodness of channeling and a lack of fear of deceptive evil spirits.  So even if Howard Storm was more fearful than curious in the misunderstood invitation to follow the beckoning spirits for help, I don't think fear can be postulated as the decisive force that creates the hellish experience.  Years ago, a poster on this site independently recounted  virtually identical astral experience (being torn apart by hostile spirits), and he ment ioned no fear in the lead-up to that horrifying experience.

In any  case, let's now expand our discussion to Assumption #3: The assumption that Paradise (the Park) is generally the same plane (e. g.. Focus 27): Why not instead assume that each BST has a Park, a Reception Area, and Rehabilitation Center?  (a) Some NDEers experience Paradise as containing many colors unknown on earth; others experience no new colors.  (b) Some Christian NDErs experience the flowers and water (including waterfalls) as not only alive, but as producing musical harmonies.  The NDEr can experience these harmonies individually or collectively as one all-encompassing cosmic harmony.  One NDEr insists that these musical harmonies even surpassed reunions with loved ones as ultimately satisfying.  Should these differences be explained as different spirit levels? Or should they be explained as varying levels of spiritual development and perception skills focused on the same plane?  (c) ES learns that even evil people can begin their postmortem journey by exploring the beautiful Park region, before they are drawn down to lower planes through the gradual application of  the principle that like attracts like.
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Lights of Love
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #42 - Feb 15th, 2013 at 4:27pm

One could assume that each BST does have a Park, etc.  Still to me it seems as though that way of thinking is projecting the physical world physics onto the non-physical world where no physical objects exist.  Everyone's experience is defined subjectively by the experiencer.  Flowers, water, musical harmonies are all symbols of the feeling being brought out in the experience of interpreting data received.  It doesn't mean that there is one realm/level here that has a musical waterfall and a different realm/level somewhere else that has a garden of flowers that smell of rich earth.  None of those actually exist unless you or someone else creates them in your mind.  They are representations of information received and interpreted. The non-physical does not even remotely resemble the physical world's physics.  There are no objects, only representations of them, and these metaphors we encounter and interpret is relative to our ELS beliefs because that's all we know.

I'll give an example to try to make what I'm saying clearer.  Since this is posted publicly I don't think Matthew will mind.  A few days after his mother passed I used my intent to try to make contact with his mother for the purpose of trying to help ease Matthew's sorrow. I received information that his mom was fine and got a visual of her sitting on a bench surrounded by potted plants, flowers, etc.  I saw her scoop up soil with her hands and let it run out through her fingers.  I noted she was wearing a blue dress and that there were other beings present that were running multi-colored energy into the locale. I felt as though I were intruding, then I heard words that seemed to be spoken in my head, "Tell him I'm fine."  And then something like "get to" or maybe "go do" "your own business." The scene disappeared and I began my prayer session, which I always do at the beginning of my meditation sessions.

Matthew said this sounded like a hit as his mom was wearing a blue dress and loved potting flowers, etc.

The visual I got was a representation of the information I'd received/accessed from the data stored within consciousness.  Either I or another being or the consciousness system itself created the visual as a means of communication so I could interpret the data.  It doesn't mean that the locale actually existed.  What exists is a realm of consciousness that is conducive to this type of experience. 

Is this Focus 27 or paradise or the park?  I suppose one could label this realm of consciousness as such.  However, someone else could have done the same thing I did and received a completely different visualization, but the meaning still would have likely been interpreted similar to my interpretation.  That mom was fine and adjusting to new surroundings with the help of other spiritual beings.  Mom may or may not have been the woman I saw.  The woman could have been a representation of mom.  Same with the beings.  They could have been a representation of the communication that mom is not alone, she is with those who love her and are tending to her needs.
In the non-physical, you don't have a spirit body unless you create one and many do create one out of habit because they're use to experiencing a body. So how is it possible for someone's "spirit body" to be torn?  It is all subjective interpretation that represents something within the person's inner being.  Reread Matthew's above post.  It's what's inside of you that counts.  Have you ever felt "torn" emotionally? Hence, the torn spiritual body could likely be a representation of a person's inner being.  It's been quite awhile since I've read any ES material, but didn't ES talk about this quite a bit?  I think what I'm saying is similar to what he said with the exception that he didn't really understand consciousness as fundamental.

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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #43 - Feb 21st, 2013 at 5:54pm

The focus of this thread on assumptions means that I'm basically playing Devil's Advocate to question implicit "doctrines" uncritically embraced about the structure of the afterlife and the criterion for distinguishing ADCs from lucid dream consciousnessness and other conscious equivalents.

I'm struck by NDEs that imply a fixed georgraphy for afterlife territories.  For example, Maria has an NDE at age 5 and, at age 50, paints the scene.  Her doctor asks for a copy and posts the copy among 10 other scenic paintings in his office.  A patient sees the painting and exclaims that she too visited that parklike region--not that of the other 10 paintings-- when she had an NDE at age 5.  The 2nd woman's identification of this astral region is based on shared details that are recalled and suggests fixed geographic reference points, despite the so-called mental aspect of astral territories.  Do this shared geographially based identiification imply a well-defned region for deceased young children (5-year-olds)?

ES also speaks of fixed scenery that can be revisited and verified.  He distinguishes the implied map from an earth map by insisting that the time it takes to travel this route to see a specific discarnate spirit depends on the affinities of the explorer with the target spirit.  But the implied geography remains constant! 
NDEs sometimes focus on a very structured arrangement of houses and buildings that suggest permanence, for for most NDEs, it's hard to tell whether the mental realms perceived imply "gengraphical" relationships or not. 

As you know, astral exploration often speaks of a  rehab center, mall-like meeting places, a House of Knowledge, a stadium, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and planes with distant mountains.  Some OBEs describe realms in which scenery and characters of novels come to life in astrally replicated scenery and character interaction. 

Why not assume that the fixed geographical experiences point to real spirit planes, whereas much of the rest is merely the product of the imagination operating through a lucid dream type consciousness or its waking equivalent?  The alternate asumption that fixed points can't be expected due to the mental nature of these realms seems to make such exploration unfalsifiable, even in principle, and therefore untestable and meaningless.  More research needs to be done on the quest for fixed points and, for that matter, fixed discarnate spirit targets.  If two astral explorers can't even get the same information from independent visits to the same disnarnate spirit, then the reality of NDEs and ADCs is in all honesty called into question.


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Pat E.
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Re: 10 Unquestioned Core Assumptions
Reply #44 - Feb 22nd, 2013 at 2:42am
Terry Gross interviewed Dr. Sam Parnia on "Fresh Air" this morning about his work as a resuscitation doctor and researcher and his new book, "Erasing Death."  I think it will be well worth the read and quite relevant to some of the topics on this forum and this thread.  He is a scientist but based on his research open to the ideas, among others, that our consciousness is not limited to our brain and that we continue to live after physical death.  Very interesting interview.
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