My take on the Howard Storm experience was that he was saved by what may be called "divine grace."
He described himself as callous, uncaring, unloving prior to his NDE. He found himself in a hellish plane, his astral form attacked. In order to be in that plane, his consciousness found a place most suited to itself when he was out of body. His love barometer was low, hence like attracted like.
However, he cried out, and to his interpretation, JC intervened. Somehow, his soul understood that he was in the wrong place. From his book:
"This is a guy lying on the ground in the darkness surrounded by what appeared to be dozens if not hundreds and hundreds of vicious creatures who had just torn him up. The situation seemed utterly hopeless, and I seemed beyond any possible help whether I believed in God or not.
The voice again told me to pray to God. It was a dilemma since I didn't know how. The voice told me a third time to pray to God.
I started saying things like, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ... God bless America" and anything else that seemed to have a religious connotation.
And these people went into a frenzy, as if I had thrown boiling oil all over them. They began yelling and screaming at me, telling me to quit, that there was no God, and no one could hear me. While they screamed and yelled obscenities, they also began backing away from me as if I were poison. As they were retreating, they became more rabid, cursing and screaming that what I was saying was worthless and that I was a coward.
I screamed back at them, "Our Father who art in heaven," and similar ideas. This continued for some time until, suddenly, I was aware that they had left. It was dark, and I was alone yelling things that sounded churchy. It was pleasing to me that these churchy sayings had such an effect on those awful beings.
Lying there for a long time, I was in such a state of hopelessness, and blackness, and despair, that I had no way of measuring how long it was. I was just lying there in an unknown place all torn and ripped. And I had no strength; it was all gone. It seemed as if I were sort of fading out, that any effort on my part would expend the last energy I had. My conscious sense was that I was perishing, or just sinking into the darkness."
Initially, he was by his account in a hellish plane because that is where his consciousness was oriented. He cried out and "remembered the song Jesus loves me" from Sunday school and was then personally escorted by a BL whom he thought was JC to a heavenly plane.
So how did that happen? Where did he get his get-out of-hell-free" card? It seems straight-forward. He opened up his heart to love and all the so called crap he remembered from childhood. That opened up a door for his consciousness to realize that there was something more than the selfish mean spirited man who he was before the NDE. A door opened, and he moved from a hell to a higher plane.