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Methods of OBE (Read 5127 times)
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Methods of OBE
Jul 25th, 2012 at 9:27pm
I got this link from The Monroe Institute newsletter.  Thought someone might be interested.  I have used and still practice these methods. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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dutch spirit

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Re: Methods of OBE
Reply #1 - Jul 26th, 2012 at 1:22pm
That's an interesting article.
I wonder if I will try myself to get an OBE. I question the use of it, I have satisfactory knowledge of the afterlife, and honestly I am also scared that my body could be taken over by the wrong kind of spirits if I would succeed in leaving my organism.
Also, at present my focus is on making my body healthy by optimizing my food consumption.
Your spiritual body is the same as your physical body. So you don't do it for nothing. God had a plan to put you on this planet.

But considering the fact that you have to focus yourself on having an OBE then in support of getting it I thought affirmations could be a good help to get you on the way.

If I would want to have an OBE I could write and repeat affirmations like:

I want to leave my body.
Mogenblue, you want to leave your body.
Mogenblue wants to leave his body.

I am going to leave my body.
Mogenblue, you are going to leave your body.
Mogenblue is going to leave his body.

I am determined to leave my body.
Mogenblue, you are determined to leave your body.
Mogenblue is determined to leave his body.

Stuff like that in all kinds of variations up to a point where you would write stuff like "Mogenblue will have left his body".

If you do it on a computer you can change colors, sizes and typefaces.
Computer makes it ease to copy and paste, but you have to put your energy in it, otherwise it doesn't work. So to keep it interesting and alive I suggest to use your creativity and play around with parameters like colors, etcetera.

You can also use pencil and paper, but personally I would really prefer the computer. Which ever way you use affirmations, it is about content, repetition and variations on the same topic.
Use your creativity. Have a great OBE.
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A View into the Hereafter
Only by serving and loving the life of God, the human being conquers his Universe
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Re: Methods of OBE
Reply #2 - Jul 26th, 2012 at 1:39pm
As far as being afraid of being taken over, it's all a matter of what one allows one's self to believe.  For instance, I know and believe that you don't actually leave your body during an "out-of-body" experience.  All you're doing is shifting your focus of conscious awareness.  We're so accustomed to believing we can only be conscious in one place at a time, so we tend to carry that belief with us even during OBEs, and even after death.  I believe that spirit takeover can happen whether or not you're having an OBE.  It depends on the person, their beliefs, fears, and weaknesses.  But as with anything in life and in consciousness exploration, it's always a good idea to protect one's self through self guidance, prayer, or whatever means makes you feel protected.  As beings of consciousness, we always have that right and ability to create, change, and particpate in what we experience. 
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Methods of OBE
Reply #3 - Feb 28th, 2013 at 7:41pm
Good Article.
I have tried to achieve an OBE for awhile now. I am curious as to what you have experienced during your OBE.
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Re: Methods of OBE
Reply #4 - Feb 28th, 2013 at 9:05pm
Hi there, and welcome to the conversation board.   Smiley

I’ve had many OBEs and many different types and have had them my entire life.  It’s one of my favorite topics of study.  I’ve had OBEs in the physical world.  In nonphysical reality which is like exploring areas of consciousness. I’ve visited with the deceased and the living.  Some of them happen from physical wakefulness and/or physical reality, and many I get through dreams and sleep.  Some through meditation where I am sure that my body has technically reached the first stages of sleep but consciously I feel that nothing’s changed.  I’ve seen future events and have seen things from a physical distance that could not be seen with my physical eyesight or known from other physical senses. 
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