Howdy folks--back for the temporary,
Fasting is a well known method, used since the most ancient of times, to not only heal the body physical but for those with a spiritual/consciousness focus, to help better align the body physical with the mental and spiritual aspects or levels of self and reality. (how it does so, would take a small book to write to fully explain, and surprisingly, i'm not willing to write that just now)
I've had some limited experience with fasting in the past, but with more brief fasts--usually within 1 to 3 day period of time. But recently, I was inspired by a few different factors to try a longer period. One was the experience that my friend had told me about (and no, i'm not trying to physically levitate) with his some 22 day fast, two--i've decided to write a book, started it a week ago, and want to be as "Clear" as possible during writing it, and 3. it just felt like the right thing to do at this time (or in other words, nudges from Expanded self/Guidance).
I originally set a goal for a 30 day all liquid fast, but when i told my wife that, she pointed out that her birthday fell within this period and she said no way jose are you not going to take me out and dine with me on my b-day. Case closed. Exclamation point for emphasis.
So, with my goals and hopes dashed against the hard and strong rocks of her Aquarian nature (and part of me secretly happy it was
), i decided to instead to do a full 7 day, all liquid fast. Besides which, a more subtle "voice" wryly noted, "don't worry, you'll be doing plenty of fasting in the near future"
I'm on my 7th day, today, and happy to say, stuck with it completely the whole time, and on the 5th day after the hunger pangs, some weakness and headachyness left, i've started to feel clearer and clearer physically, mentally, and intuitively, as well as actually have more energy than before i began. I know i have more energy, because i'm needing less sleep than i use to.
In my next post, I will describe the specifically
cleansing liquid diet that i've been using for any interested in this account. Btw, i definitely don't recommend everyone trying something like this. I'm starting off relatively somewhat healthy. Someone with moderate to severe blood sugar issues may have problems or issues with extended fasts, especially if they don't do it right.