Only the person who has a dream or vision knows
how much it affects him/her and so whether it is a vision or just a regular nightmare or dream.
This time I'll admit up front that I haven't read what these people said about theirs, some maybe even before they were sainted. But it seems like there's a possibility that their stories got so emphasized, exaggerated even, that some regular nightmares were declared 'visions.'
I believe saints are examples for us, reminders that even ordinary people -- like many saints were before they were sainted -- can have life-turning experiences while sleeping.
Do you know where I can read what some of these people told about theirs? I don't mean what the Church said they saw, but in their own words, what they saw?
The only one I can remember might be Paul when he was on the road to Damascus, and he was gentler and kinder after he'd seen the Light, as I recall.
We're all on our own road, our own journey, I think