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The Being Outside of Myself (Read 1030 times)
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The Being Outside of Myself
Sep 28th, 2011 at 1:27pm
You know, throughout my entire life, I have always believed that everything that I have done, all of my actions and behaviors was me, is only me, came from me, and is my own full responsibility (perhaps due to the conditioning from my teachers, parents, associates, and pretty much everyone I have come to know). Yet I sometimes wonder if some of the actions and behaviors I have taken was really me, came from me, and is only me. I am fully aware of the internal self, accepting the self, and acknowledging that many of the answers in life lie within me yet within me, I still yet wonder where these answers come from that is supposedly within me. I sometimes wonder how I have survived some illnesses and as I much as I want to believe that I healed my own self, I cannot see this to be the actual case because I recall I did not have any thought processes associated with the healing of myself whatsoever. I totally respect those who believe in the internal self wholeheartedly, believe in the Supreme Being that is inside oneself, believe in the Supreme Being that is or are themselves, and believe in the Angel and Fairy that is or are themselves. Yet on the contrary, I can still conceive of Beings that are outside of myself, linked to me, following me, very much alike me yet separate from me. They are Beings in which from the eyes of the average being, seem to be me, just me, and only me yet in reality they really are separate from me with the traits and personality like me. Hence, it is only by automatic logic, that they are assumed to be me and only me.

Some of the actions I have done, I have come to realize that it can’t possibly come from me due to the sophistication in those actions and behaviors. Some of those actions and behaviors I believe, are programmed behaviors and actions originating from some Independent Variable that is probably superior to me, knows more than me, and possesses the kind of knowledge not explainable in words and language. This Independent Variable is a variable that is of course a part of me, is within me, and can influence me yet I can clearly see its separateness from me. This Independent Variable is a variable that is of course a part of everyone else, is within everyone else, and thus, by its automatic logic, assumed to be everyone else and that includes me too. The very nature of this logic can only make one come to the conclusion that everything is them and themselves only due to the similarity of such highly sophisticated behaviors and actions. Yes, indeed, I acknowledge the confusion of this overlap yet I can still see with my perhaps what others may call a wild imagination, a Being that is separate and outside of myself, is separate and outside of other people’s self as well. It is this Being that is truly all-knowing, all-powerful, and what some may term God. Yes, I am able to see the beauty and uniqueness within each and every individual in this planet, it is this uniqueness that only makes me see an all encompassing Creator because each individual cannot have the uniqueness of another individual. In other words, a special God-given talent is truly a gift from God but this gift is unique, very unique in which one individual possesses but another individual cannot possess it but that individual possesses a gift in which the preceding individual cannot possess. It is that in which one cannot possess in which somebody else possesses that leads me to conclude that there is a Being outside of myself. A potential counterargument would be that each and every individual are expressions of the Creator (Creator in this context defined as combining the intellect and consciousness between all thing and all creatures) and that this is what constitutes the Creator. I agree but I can see this Being that creates all kinds of things for this Being likes all kinds of things, likes variety in all kinds of things, is indeed very very creative, something in which one person or one individual cannot enact or engage in such various acts of creation.

As I am sure discussions of light and dark and what constitutes them is discussed often in many spiritual forums, I can perfectly see clear labeled distinctions of light beings and dark beings. I can see beings that are good, indeed only good and I can see beings that are psychopathic and indeed only psychopathic. And of course, there are beings that are somewhere in between or have no classification whatsoever. Perhaps the notion that light needs dark and dark needs light is not as accurate as I had initially thought for I can clearly see one living without the other. It is this very reason why although some may suggest that there are no levels, no labels to distinguish power differentials, which only lead me to believe in power differentiation. The Creator that is outside of myself is Perfect, Separate, and All Good. It is the creatures that were created that need proper training the way a parent sees a child, pushes a child, and perfects the child. Evil is only manifested in its creatures, the goal I believe, is to grow out of them. In growing out of them, we go through an evolutionary process, and it is in this process in which we become more Creator-like. Smiley

Finally, I must remind myself of the countless times in which I have relied on outside forces that inevitably only resulted in my successes. For example, I was able to defeat my competition in obtaining a job at a bank. I went up against two other people that had four years of experience and I had none. I believe I was put there for a reason, reasons in which not even the collective consciousness of everyone (including the team I join too, yes, not even them would know the real true answer as to why I was put there) would be able to comprehend, such comprehension can only be understood by the Mysterious Entity/Being that controls all. I was able to survive illnesses in which I was literally out for three weeks without any intervention at all from myself. There was no positive thinking or positive imagery and from what I recall, it was mostly negative thinking and negative imagery. I was also drinking fluoridated water, used fluoridated toothpaste, ate foods containing monosodium glutamate, food coloring, and basically all my food came from the local supermarket so I guess all the meat and fruits and vegetables I was eating came from the government too and God knows what they have done to the food. I am not sure if I had ever ate pure organic foods in my whole life which indeed I find very intriguing and interesting. And yes, I have to remind myself of someone I know who also claimed to have an experience in which something outside of herself took control of her vehicle and she didn’t crash (even though she thought she was going to crash). It does makes me wonder if her internal self can save her. Smiley
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