Thanks to you all for you thoughts. Lately, I have had difficulty getting into the non-physical realm. I seem to interpret each entity that I "see", so that it has a common-place overlay from my life, thereby reducing my confidence in the process enormously. As an example, A couple of days ago, I went to do a retrieval, and I saw in the distance, maybe thirty yards away, a woman standing in a pool of light. I thought to myself, well either this is my guide, or it is the aspect of self that needs retrieving. As I moved closer I saw that it was the figure of a co-worker of mine. Then she would melt away and re-form in the distance again. I would call to her and ask her if she was my guide, and then I would attempt to get closer again, and the figure of my co-worker would appear. Finally, to be honest, I just gave up, and said "I can come back to this anytime", and left. What do you make of that?