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Any Christians on here? (Read 23257 times)
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #45 - Aug 5th, 2011 at 10:45am
    ... Another self of mine was considered more of a "Gentile" during that time, met and was moved by this Teacher of teachers, and i've/we've been "hooked" since in the sense that i know and understand that he was the closest thing to a perfect spiritual pattern of livingness within the Earth. ...


If you don't mind me asking; are you aware of any particulars of the life of the Gentile during that time?
Such as the personality type, social role/position, life highlights, relationship to others and to Jesus' following, ...that sort of thing?

I know these sorts of things can be obscured but I just wondered if you were aware of any particulars.

Thank you,

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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #46 - Aug 5th, 2011 at 2:33pm
Regarding Jesus, I can't say for certain, but I doubt that he ever had it in mind that people pay a lot of attention towards "him."  Rather, he was interested in sharing some knowledge.

What kind of knowledge? Mainly knowledge about the value and importance of unconditional love, that the afterlife exists, and how you live your life determines what happens when you rejoin the spirit World.

I don't believe a person needs to know about Jesus in order to obtain such knowledge.

Because I had experiences with the spirit of Jesus and and have received messages about him, I went through a period of time when I felt as if I needed to let people know about him, but I no longer believe it is necessary to do so to the same extent.  What's important is the truth that he represented.

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« Last Edit: Aug 5th, 2011 at 3:51pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #47 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 7:15am
recoverer wrote on Aug 5th, 2011 at 2:33pm:
Regarding Jesus,...I doubt that he ever had it in mind that people pay a lot of attention towards "him."  Rather, he was interested in sharing knowledge...about the value and importance of unconditional love...

I don't believe a person needs to know about Jesus in order to obtain such knowledge....What's important is the truth that he represented.

Of course he knew they would pay attention to him, even worship him, because its natural, and because many could do no other, and he made full use of them doing so, by ensuring his life was an accurate physical model and representation of his greater message. So that their worshipping "him" would ignite the virtue in them. So that those people with concrete minds who cannot grasp the concept of love and forgiveness in its abstract sense (formless & energetic sense) - for their concrete thinking can only create in thought what they can physically see and hear - can envisage and worship His person and personal life story and pray to Him the man. And because he made his life an accurate physical reflection of his message, by their focusing on their idea of "him" and his life, their minds and hearts could - via that idea - tune with and tap into the greater concept of the boundless love, which is the message he came to teach and demonstrate. The shape/form/structure of the man and his demonstrated life, when imagined, loved and worshiped, carries into the worshiper a seed of the quality of the great shapeless concept of unconditional love, which without an imagined container to give it shape and form and quality, could not be fathomed by someone unfamiliar with it. 
Recoverer, with due respect, you write like you think that because you have caught hold of the concept of "unconditional love" that therefore your level of understanding of the concept is all that others should need. But why do you put off those with less comprehensive ability than your own from comprehending Jesus' message in their way. Do you think that those with less ability than yourself to comprehend the wider concept should not be catered for?...their needs not met?...perhaps you don't care for them and think that if they don't get the concept then too bad for them?

So if you were in "His" sandals, how would you have taught your "unconditional love" to those who had no inkling of the concept; whose hearts had not yet known the feeling of imparting unconditional love; whose minds could not fathom formless abstract concepts but could only reproduce in thought what they had physically seen and heard; who could not fathom virtue as a shapeless force, but only as personified and demonstrated in human form and action? Or could not even fathom it in human form, but only in God form?...and not as internal God, but only as external God?  How would you have taught "unconditional love" to them?

Perhaps you would have just kept repeating the term "unconditional love" at them, and looking at them like you thought you were clever and they were silly for not understanding what the term means.

And what if by chance there were a few who were able to vaguely grasp the concept, despite you only speaking it like a parrot and not demonstrate it with your life, how would you throw those ones off? Perhaps you would then encode the concept in an acronym like PUL to make it extra tricky for them and that way you could speak about it with your friends and better keep it from those ones who might otherwise figure it out.   

Fortunately, Jesus knew how to teach masses of people. And he did not mind if they worshiped him, if that carried the message and idea of what love is into their minds and hearts. He was not so proud that he would stop people worshipping him as the embodiment of his message, as long as they got the message. He was the reverse of secretive, he taught on all communicative levels; his words, actions, and even the model of his life carried his message, so that even when people worshiped the messenger instead of the message, or confused and blended the two together, and even people who could not grasp the message at all but could only know and worship the messenger and his example, the message still got across and took seed because he built it into his person and into his example of living

Christ the spirit of love for Earth is happy to be communicated with directly, or via his Personification. And the Personification, Jesus, is happy for people to communicate directly to the Christ, or via Himself. Neither have hang-ups about it. Its all about what suits the individual.

But then, as the Christ said to one Christian: "Why speak to my personification when you can speak to me?"   
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #48 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 11:56am
recoverer wrote on Aug 5th, 2011 at 2:33pm:
Regarding Jesus, I can't say for certain, but I doubt that he ever had it in mind that people pay a lot of attention towards "him."  Rather, he was interested in sharing some knowledge.

What kind of knowledge? Mainly knowledge about the value and importance of unconditional love, that the afterlife exists, and how you live your life determines what happens when you rejoin the spirit World.

I don't believe a person needs to know about Jesus in order to obtain such knowledge.

Because I had experiences with the spirit of Jesus and and have received messages about him, I went through a period of time when I felt as if I needed to let people know about him, but I no longer believe it is necessary to do so to the same extent.  What's important is the truth that he represented.

  Hi Recoverer,

   I sort of agree with you, and yeah ultimately it's the message which is more important than the messenger.  However, this is the only case that i'm aware of wherein the message and messenger were fully One and inseparable.  There are many out there that teach and preach spiritual messages like unconditional love, but other than him, i don't know of another who fully lives that to the nth degree, especially when it comes to love in the pure, universal, unconditional sense. 

  What you wrote reminds me of what i wrote earlier:  Quote:
Yeshua came to show and example what pure love and Godliness really looked like.  This makes it easier for us in the clarity and power of such an example.  He is also an active Guide both in the physical and nonphysical, who is always there to offer advice, suggestions, or to just share his super fast vibratory emanations with us to help uplift and expand us.

   For example, i've found it's common within the New Age community and belief systems as well as various Religions, for various teachers and people to teach, example, and preach forms of subtle and not so subtle selfishness.  Often this is related to materialism in some form or another.  Often it is packaged in a "spiritual form".   

  Many have been mislead by these not so intune and love attuned teachers and examples.  The reality is we tend to teach, live, perceive and example what we are and there are very, very few who are even close to being attuned to PUUL consciousness like he is.

  If they looked at Yeshua's example and life, they would understand where and how they are being mislead and/or misleading.

   Having been involved in the New Age scene for awhile, and having interacted with a number of people in person, and many more on forums like these, i've learned that many people out there believe and/or have a knowingness about the importance of love. 

   As regards more "teacher" types, yet many of these i've met who teach that love is important, also live and by their example "teach" (for it's our example which is ultimately more effecting to others), subtle and not so subtle forms of selfishness.   Like i wrote in the above, often this relates to materialistic urges, tendencies, and patterns. 

  Isn't it a wonderful thing though, that we have Yeshua to look at, a person who truly regenerated all selfishness within and overcame the power of the world over his consciousness and choices?   This is a man who gave all of himself freely with no thought of material return or reward whatsoever.  This is a man who never sought to make money off his teaching and teachings (or looked for ego propping by having people become attached to him in a personality way).   He quite simply didn't care a damn about money or image and really lived that.   Many teachers i've run into however are still attached to this to various degrees depending on the individual.

   To get these parts of his teachings, we have to look more closely at him and his life, and how he led it.   Hence, people could benefit by focusing more on him.  But NOT in a personality worshiping kind of way. 

  Is it completely necessary that one becomes aware of and looks more specifically at him?  No, and people that truly go more within and contact higher levels of guidance from within, probably don't need such focus on him in the above sense.   They will be told and shown similar by their guidance eventually as they near the kind of attunement to love he was about and lived.

  However, these also i've found are somewhat rare in this world.   Many are still primarily focusing on this or that book, this or that teacher, this or that class, etc., etc.   The latter is why i somewhat often reference to outer, well known or somewhat well known sources.   I do so when their info matches up to what i've received, because i know that others will not so much listen just to me and my perceptions on things because i'm not in a position of being a teacher or some kind of well known and respected "figure" like a Monroe, Cayce, Moen, Campbell, etc.

It's about reaching people and opening up minds, it's not about self.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #49 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 12:20pm
crossbow wrote on Aug 5th, 2011 at 10:45am:
    ... Another self of mine was considered more of a "Gentile" during that time, met and was moved by this Teacher of teachers, and i've/we've been "hooked" since in the sense that i know and understand that he was the closest thing to a perfect spiritual pattern of livingness within the Earth. ...


If you don't mind me asking; are you aware of any particulars of the life of the Gentile during that time?
Such as the personality type, social role/position, life highlights, relationship to others and to Jesus' following, ...that sort of thing?

I know these sorts of things can be obscured but I just wondered if you were aware of any particulars.

Thank you,


  Hi Crossbow,

  Yes, i am aware of a number of the particulars.  I've also met a few individuals that i've received info about us being connected to each other in that life.  (these were more closely personal connections though, family, lover type).   Oddly, some of those past patterns played out eerily similar to, but reversed, in this life. 

  What about yourself?
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #50 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 2:07pm

I used to work as a volunteer at a hospital. When I would visit with patients I would make a point of not trying to change anybody's spiritual beliefs. I had it in mind to simply share love.

Nevertheless, there was one man I used to visit who used to be a drug addict. He got away from his addiction mainly by becoming a Christian in a somewhat fundamentalist way.  One time he said something that was fundamentalist and didn't sound right, and despite my intent to not try to change any patient's viewpoints, I started to do so. I felt the presence of Christ on my left cheek (a warm fuzzy feeling he is able to share with me). I also got a strong feeling that I shouldn't continue saying what I was saying because Christ was taking care of this man in a way that was appropriate for him.

That said, I do understand that people have different needs. Nevertheless, the more I have grown spiritually and the more I have come closer to Christ Consciousness, the more I've realized I would never want anybody to treat me in a worshipful way. I respect their own divinity too much.

Regarding teaching people about living according to unconditional love, I'm not going to give a big lecture on how to do so everytime I mention unconditional love. I have written two books that I am very close to publishing, and within them I speak about things that have helped me grow in love.

I believe unconditional love is something each person has to tune into on an individual basis.  Once a person does he (or she) will find that it is something he needs to work on because each of us has contrary aspects of mind that make it difficult to live according to unconditional love completely. Learning to live according to unconditional love is partly what soul growth is about.

Some say that Jesus said: "Be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect." When he said this, I doubt that he had it in mind that such perfected people would need to worship somebody else.  Getting together in a harmonious and loving way is far beyond what takes place when worship takes place.

To sum up, I figure Jesus was wiser than I, so I doubt that he had it in mind for people to worship him. In fact, in some cases such an approach leads people in a direction that is opposite of what Jesus taught and what he was about. This is especially so when fear of God and Christ is a part of such an approach. How can you love another completely if you fear that other in some way?

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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #51 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 2:23pm
I'd like to add something that sort of relates to what I just wrote.

I have three friends I discuss spiritual subjects with (we do so verbally). None of us belongs to a spiritual group so we basically state our own beliefs and understandings rather than beliefs that come from somebody else.

One key thing that enables us to communicate in a harmonious way is that none of us feels compelled to get the other person to believe as we believe.  Yet, we are open to learn from each other.

If I was a member of a church where a particular way of thinking was followed, I doubt that such purposeful and harmonious communication could take place.

I believe it is possible that Jesus did not have it in mind that people should limit themselves by attaching to a particular belief system that is defined by the person (or people) who put themselves in charge.  My guess is that Jesus' approach was more like Bruce Moen's. Bruce recommends that people find out for themselves. How often do Christian leaders recommend that people find out for themselves through their own experiences? Doing this is quite a different thing than saying verse [] says this, so don't believe differently. 
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Josh Langley
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #52 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 9:47pm
nicely said Recoverer.
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #53 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 10:19pm

Re: "To sum up, I figure Jesus was wiser than I, so I doubt that he had it in mind for people to worship him."

Maybe he was wise enough to know that many would worship him, for they have little abstract conceptual ability with which to grasp his fuller and higher message,  and so he had it in mind to meet them on their level and be the same as his message, so that the effect would be the same for them, whether they worship the message or the messenger. And so the message gets across, either in abstract or concrete form, or anywhere on the spectrum in between, as suits the degree of refinement of the recipient's mind and heart.

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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #54 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 10:32pm

Chances are that he did understand that things might work out as they have. I figure there are many people who have benefited by what he had to say and his example, even if they interpreted some things inaccurately.

I believe that his spirit is available to help people if they want his help. He can help them to the extent they are willing to be helped.

crossbow wrote on Aug 6th, 2011 at 10:19pm:

Re: "To sum up, I figure Jesus was wiser than I, so I doubt that he had it in mind for people to worship him."

Maybe he was wise enough to know that many would worship him, for they have little abstract conceptual ability with which to grasp his fuller and higher message,  and so he had it in mind to meet them on their level and be the same as his message, so that the effect would be the same for them, whether they worship the message or the messenger. And so the message gets across, either in abstract or concrete form, or anywhere on the spectrum in between, as suits the degree of refinement of the recipient's mind and heart.

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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #55 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 10:33pm
Thank you.

Josh Langley wrote on Aug 6th, 2011 at 9:47pm:
nicely said Recoverer.

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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #56 - Aug 7th, 2011 at 12:22am
Re: "What about yourself?"

Yes the patterns of old relationships repeat themselves. Hopefully each time a little improved. And sometimes with some curly twists. I find the twist and turns and ironies so amazing - how the laws of life work, how things unfold, is truly wonderful, also scary in funny sort of way. I am not looking forward to them coming around again to improve on them from this time, but they will. I have never known past lives in my other lives, only in this one, same with consciously leaving the body, as far as I remember. But there are blacked out stretches of time here and there that I don't know anything about, also blacked out portions of lives, because it wouldn't do me any good now to know about these lives. Things seem to have come together in this life to make me what I am now. I only learnt to remember other lives the last 12 or so years. Before that I could astral travel in sleep and meditation. Several years before that I had asked an escort/assistant about how to see past lives and he told me the rules/laws of remembering/knowing them. The rules put me off, so I didn't have any more interest in them, but over several years I think I subconsciously adjusted myself in line with the laws and so I started to remember. Now I can often see someone and I know their past lives and where we met last time and what our relationship is like. I see all the similarities between then and now. I used to think this was very interesting for a while but I soon learnt about the difficulties and dangers involved. So now when I sense it is there I don't "look" there, I "look away", and only concentrate on the relationship as it presents now. Only if I sense it is safe and helpful for the here and now, and after prayer for suggestions, I might have a little look, but not too much, just a peek. It can be unpleasant and troublesome to know, sometimes very emotionally wrenching.

I can remember from about 3 and half (maybe 4) thousand years ago, a stretch of lives between the rivers; then several in Greece; then more in and out of the Roman empire in Europe, with one or two back in the middle east and holy land; then back to the empire; then many European lives through dark age, medieval and renaissance times; some intense ones in Germany; many in Britain especially from 1500 to recent, on land and sea, travel, war, etc; an odd one in Spain; odd one in China; then British empire (traveling redcoat)to middle east, India, Africa; then WWI; then now, whew! I squashed a few in, but many were short - only 20 to 30 years, especially the war lives, and I came back here pretty quick - most people take more time off between lives but I have been a bit manic. But this one is exhausting, because I know so much in this one, and I have hard things to do that make me enemies, and I see consequences and feel weight, and it is lonely, and I have made mistakes on top of mistakes, whereas in the other lives I was a normal person with lesser sight and understanding. I would like a good rest now. I don't think I want to be like this again. For all its benefits I often wish I was a normal person. But I think it is only when I am tired and overwhelmed; at other times I am so thankful to God for all that has come to me. I do feel undeserving because I know some very kind people who have not done wrong by others and yet they don't have what I have - and I have been a bastard. 

And I still am. So watch out.   Wink
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #57 - Aug 7th, 2011 at 11:24am
Why do you think you chose to live so many lives here, in so short a time? It seems that many spirits choose to spend long stretches in the non-physical realms before coming back here.  It looks like you set yourself a very arduous schedule.
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Re: Any Christians on here?
Reply #58 - Aug 7th, 2011 at 1:18pm
I don't think; I remember. It was decision, not a sudden one, but a developing one, following one decision upon another, like most paths are. I had a go at a certain group practice in the heart of Mesapotamia, it was a sort of occult magic type of thing that boosts an individual's communicating ability with his over/upper soul. This experience was a major pivotal event in my history, like turning a corner or hitting a ramp. I did it several times over several lives. There was also psychology being developed then and I studied that too. Then the abilities gained from the "practice" were put on hold while I went to Greece for several lives to learn thinking. The "practice" was still being practiced in Greece too so I indulged again, along with studying reason and logic which was what I went there for. I was there on and off over about 400?yrs. Then I got involved in early Christianity - it hadn't settle down yet and there were still esoteric type teachings involved. These teachings were all rapid learning methods for accelerating through the Earth school system, that is for gaining maximum knowledge and growth from life experiences. Its from that time that I sort of went into turbo charge. So there were three major pivotals, the Mesapotamian practice, study of Socratic type thought, and early Christian teachings. After that came lives through the last 2 millenia mostly chosen by the method of selection taught in the early esoteric Christianity. I don't feel quite right about explaining it because I haven't checked its ok. Then started pressure training/learning through lots of short intense lives. I also studied occult medieval practices/teachings. So that's it. A lot of its results, like astral travel, second sight, remembering past lives, and sensing energies, came about on me this life time, not before, unless they are in the blacked out parts and I can't see them. Its not all fun though, it has a down side - a coin has two sides, however much its worth.     
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