Hi there,
All I can say is that I'm certain that there is an afterlife.
I lost my 15 month old son back in march and I have come a long way since then in learning the truth on what happens after death. I have had numerous things happen since his passing which has blown my mind wide open.
I can assure you that I'm not in denial, I haven't had to take any medication to help me or had any form of counselling for it, I don't need them.
Also it's not a comfort as some non believers seem to think, I still won't see my son grow up or be able to teach him the things I was going to teach him. I'm only certain because of what's happened since his death and I can't deny them as I would be lying to myself, that's not a good thing.
Feel free to read my post history, I have put some of my experiences on here but there is a hell of a lot more which I haven't.
I will also say that I am not religious, I never have been although I have never said god doesn't exist as I don't know just like Dawkins, Hawkings etc although they seem to think they're in a position to say this when they don't have the faintest idea in reality. I'm a normal 29 year old lad from England, I'm into cars, video games, women
you get the idea lol.
Also I have never had an NDE or OBE.
Having said that my experiences won't convince everybody, I'm not trying to either, but I know they are what they are and that's what matters to me at the end of the day, but as you asked for help then I'll try my best to help you, it's best to experience things for yourself though to be certain from my point of view.
Thanks, Andy