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Quite interesting site and free program (Read 7599 times)
Justin aka Vasya
Ex Member

Quite interesting site and free program
Mar 31st, 2011 at 1:21pm
  I actually found this site via Christopher's (aka the poster known as here) site. 

  The site he linked to from his site is,

  It's a really interesting site and interesting technology if it has validity.  The woman who invented it has a free version of the program on the site linked above. 

  Basically she figured out that the human voice has accurate markers of physical, emotional, and spiritual information coded within the varying frequencies and tones when one is speaking on a certain issue or subject.  Not just the individual tones, notes, frequencies etc., but also the relative interaction between and overall harmony or lack in the whole spectrum. 

  I remember reading in the book called the "Mozart Effect" that it's well known in certain circles that the lower or bass tones primarily affect and resonate to the physical body, the mid tones primarily affect and resonate to the emotional part of us, and the higher tones primarily affect and resonate to the mental and/or spiritual aspects. 

  This is very interesting because it also connects to the concepts of color frequency indications/resonation and also to Chakras. 

  But that book was primarily talking about it in relation to music and it's effect on us. 

  This is like a whole other, holistic way of looking at and utilizing frequency information. 

I view it as analogous to if there was a device that could accurately scan and then holistically analyze one's auric field (i'm not convinced by the aura reading devices out there), and then give a person feedback on general strengths, weaknesses, etc. and what a person is really feeling and thinking when speaking, etc.

  Anyways, i downloaded the simplified free program and analyzed my voice frequency patterns and it seemed fairly accurate to me, though it was a generic print out. 

  I'm sure with a learned and practiced interpreter, like the lady who designed the technology, it probably could be very accurate if a full "reading" was done. 

  Anyways, if this site and the technology has validity, it would be a great addition to the various practices of "knowing self" like astrology, aura and chakra reading, etc.

Check it out and let me know what you think.
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Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #1 - Apr 7th, 2011 at 1:45am
Very interesting concept, especially to a musician!  I must admit I haven't downloaded the program, but the following thoughts do occur to me:  the Buddhist temple chants from Tibet are expecially low, deep tones which have an amazingly powerful effect on the listener.. .

Personally, I have always preferred low voices (bass, bass baritone & contralto, as in Hans Hotter, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, & Ewa Podles, Kathleen Ferrier & Nathalie Stutzmann, all of whose interpretations I listen to at least daily). They have, to my ear, more power of expression & "soul" than high voices simply because of their inherent timbre (I can appreciate sopranos & coloraturas intellectually, but not emotionally) This is all regardless of the emotional tone of the music as intended by the composer.

So, I can't agree with the blanket notion that lower is more "physical" or dense than "higher", if that is what is being said; but certainly I agree that one can deduce a great deal about a person from their voice, though I think that would depend more on timbre than pitch.

Yet again, when I think of the booming, bass- thumping horror that passes for music in my neighbourhood. . . . . .  Huh
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Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #2 - Apr 7th, 2011 at 12:10pm

Check out Volu/Cato's music, for which he has posted links here among his posts.  He composes beautiful music with an amazingly wide range of tone and speaks also of the need of having a wide range of experience. Maybe PUL alone is too squeaky to him  Wink

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Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #3 - Apr 8th, 2011 at 5:54am
yes that is very interesting. People have used drums for healing for..ages, really..but Sharry Edwards puts a new aspect into it with voice analysis.

vocal print can be used to match the most compatible treatment remedy to each client. The introduction of the proper low frequency sound to the body, indicated through voice analysis, has been shown to control: pain, body temperature, heart rythm, and blood pressure. It has also been shown to regenerate body tissue, and alleviate the symptoms of many diseases (in some cases, even those considered to be incurable).

So I assume she uses the voice analysis to diagnose and them treats with sound.

Hmm what happens when Sharry Edwards meets Robert Monroe? or is that where Christopher comes in?

We probably are taught to just use sound for entertainment in this culture. We probably miss alot. When we ae young we seem more inclined to be attracted to strong beats; some kind of high physical energy must be needed to tolerate that.

I once read that Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy) talked about being about to tell alot about people from their voices, not exactly the same but related. Actors probably know this intuitively. Edwards just legitimized it all by quantitating voice patterns.

Jane Roberts had a character in one of her fiction works doing things with sound. Moving stones by creating the right voice sound. I guess that assumes that the sound thing is a two-way street..sound going in can affect the body and the body can produce sound that affects the physical reality, and also carries hidden information (ie besides the words).

Sounds like a topic that can be mined for knowledge for a long time.
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Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #4 - Apr 8th, 2011 at 11:32am

Another sound-for-healing item:

Duke U recently released information about a program they have for tinnitus (ringing in the ears). They've determined the ringing is caused by the brain, trying to create a tone that that particular brain is missing.  Seems that the brain wants to hear/feel the energy of a whole range of tones. (Maybe why Volu's music is so satisfying?)

Based upon that idea they've developed a program that finds the tones needed by the tinnitus sufferer, the same one (s)he hears, and then plays those tones from CDs or somewhere.  When the brain is saturated by the tone it's seeking/making, it quits making the tone, and the tinnitus disappears. I don't know how often one must play the tones/music to keep the brain fulfilled.

Instead of paying the approximately $1500 for the program, I've been humming the tone.  Wink  I get relief very quickly with this method but have to repeat it frequently, -- and it isn't always socially aceptable to break out into a long humm Cheesy

Ring-free Bets  Smiley

Justin, you must have quite a collection of natural healing methods by now.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #5 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 1:20pm
Do you have a link?

What if you "hear" more than one tone? Chords? can't identify the tone? How long do you have to hum before you ...hear...a difference?
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Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #6 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:42pm
Hi Lucy,

I heard about it on local news and can't recall the researcher's name, but a google search came up with 'neuromonics' as a name for this field. 
Try and scroll down to neuromonics.
If my tinnitus is a chord, then it seems to be notes separated by octaves. I get some relief in about a minute, although I have to slide the tone around abit to start, much as I when I played the violin.  Wink

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Justin aka Vasya
Ex Member

Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #7 - Apr 11th, 2011 at 1:11pm
kirolak wrote on Apr 7th, 2011 at 1:45am:
Very interesting concept, especially to a musician!  I must admit I haven't downloaded the program, but the following thoughts do occur to me:  the Buddhist temple chants from Tibet are expecially low, deep tones which have an amazingly powerful effect on the listener.. .

Personally, I have always preferred low voices (bass, bass baritone & contralto, as in Hans Hotter, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, & Ewa Podles, Kathleen Ferrier & Nathalie Stutzmann, all of whose interpretations I listen to at least daily). They have, to my ear, more power of expression & "soul" than high voices simply because of their inherent timbre (I can appreciate sopranos & coloraturas intellectually, but not emotionally) This is all regardless of the emotional tone of the music as intended by the composer.

So, I can't agree with the blanket notion that lower is more "physical" or dense than "higher", if that is what is being said; but certainly I agree that one can deduce a great deal about a person from their voice, though I think that would depend more on timbre than pitch.

Yet again, when I think of the booming, bass- thumping horror that passes for music in my neighbourhood. . . . . .  Huh

  Somewhere around here Bruce talks about an interesting experience involving a device that seemed to be measuring a person's frequencies and which generated an audio tone reflection. 

  The person they tried it on, had a lower tone to begin with, and as a healer attuned to healing energies and channelled that into the person, the tone kept going up in octaves interestingly.

  This is similar to the idea behind and the connection between the different Chakras and colors. 

   For example, if we compare the colors of red and blue, one of the differences is in the rate of vibration.  Blue vibrates at a much faster rate than red. 

   In auras, red is said to symbolise more physical, survival type issues.  When a person tends to have a lot of red consistently in their aura with a lack of the higher frequency colors showing at the same time, certain characteristics and tendencies are often seen like a lot of self centeredness, a lack of patience with others and life in general, a tendency towards being easily angered or frustrated, a strong materialistic bent, power hunger, domineering, etc. 

  Or in other words, someone with a lot of consistent red in their aura if there is at the same time a lack of the higher frequency colors or expressions like the green blues, blues and purples, golds, or pure White Light (not an actual color btw), then often such an individual could be termed an "immature" consciousness or going through a very immature/lacking in attunement to PUUL phase or cycle. 

   I'm really oversimplifying the whole issue, but essentially the idea is as one attunes more and more purely to PUUL, the faster and faster vibratory their emanations will become.   Someone emanating a lot of the more clear, bright, deeper blues, purples, golds, and/or White Light will be someone who has a strong attunement to PUUL in the more pure and consistent sense.

  Emanating only pure White Light or Golden tinged White Light, shows or reflects a consciousness who IS PUUL personified.   These are the fastest vibratory rates, and yet interestingly White Light contains all other major colors within it, but in a perfectly balanced/harmonised state.   

  Or in other words, relating to the above, we all need some red in us, but in a good balance or proportion with the rest... becoming overly red attuned then we become to separative in nature and consciousness, and will only suffer more and facilitate suffering in the rest of creation.

  Re: some of the Buddhist chanting, i'm not sure why so many are kept at such low tones.  Maybe it is for the purpose of initially grounding self before expanding into faster frequency consciousness states?  I don't know.  Let's not forget that these are religions and religions often involve following dogma for dogma's sake.  To think that Eastern religions are completely free from this is to miss the whole idea of completely going within for truth.

When i tone, i often start at the lower tones to ground and then raise it up.  This i've done intuitively. 
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Justin aka Vasya
Ex Member

Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #8 - Apr 11th, 2011 at 1:19pm
betson wrote on Apr 8th, 2011 at 11:32am:
Justin, you must have quite a collection of natural healing methods by now.

  Oh sure, but nothing beats going within and directly and more purely attuning to PUUL and to the pure White Light. 

  That is the most healing energy and experience there is.  People like Yeshua who could so call 'miraculously' heal others of all kinds of dis-ease or disfigurement, could do so because they were pure channels for that level of consciousness and energy. 

  Btw, quite interesting info on Tinnitus and how to treat same.
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Re: Quite interesting site and free program
Reply #9 - Jan 7th, 2012 at 8:00pm
thanks for the tip/url
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