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Sun-burn easy, check out this amazing herb (Read 5686 times)
Justin aka Vasya
Ex Member

Sun-burn easy, check out this amazing herb
Jan 3rd, 2012 at 1:16pm
    Having as fair complexion as i do (pretty "celtic" in nature), i tend to burn quite easy--even sometimes with stronger sunscreen and so have searched for things beyond just sunscreen that could help me.  Btw, my experience with sunscreen tells me that many of the ones i've tried seem mildly toxic to the skin--especially ones that predominantly use just chemicals to counter UV effects.

  I've found that the best sunscreens are the ones made with the most natural ingredients and which counter UV radiation primarily through NON nano zincs (these are known more as "mineral based" sunscreens).  The latter aren't always the most appealing cosmetically since they tend to leave at least a little visible residue, but there are potential issues with both the chemical and nano forms of zinc and titanium products. 

  Back to alternative aids for sunscreen.   One thing which i've found which really works is a fern called Polypodium leucotomos\aureum that comes originally from the Central American region (though i believe it may also naturally exist in some northern parts of South America as well).  It is also known under the names of;  Kalawalla, Calaguala, Samambia, Anapsos, etc.  Found in products such as HelioCare, FernBlock (LEF), Amazon Vitality (Raintree), etc.

   Yet another product that if you casually shop, but don't have much money you probably will think you can't afford to buy it, as almost all the pre-made capsule type supplements and companies out there charge an arm and a leg for this product.  Again, Life Extension makes an excellent, but not largely affordable product--there's is the one called "Fern Block".

    So, i did some research and found that one can buy this herb in loose powder form from some bulk herb shops.  I happened to get mine at, where i think i paid about 50 or so dollars (not including shipping) for about 2.2 lbs/1 kilo of it. 

  2.2 lbs is quite a lot of herb and will last a long time!  Next thing i did was to shop amazon for some cheap capsules (i highly recommend the vegetarian versions, not because of ethical reasons alone, but especially for practical ones of they don't tend to expand with humidity as much), and also a cheaply priced capsule maker. 

  The capsule maker i found makes 24 capsules at a time. I got all this in time before a recent vacation i spent mostly in FL and with one day on Grand Bahama Island at the beach. 

   So I tested it out on the Grand Bahama Island beach that we went to.  I have had not had any significant sun exposure for at least a couple of months and am about as white as one can get without being albino. 

   I decided to not use much sunscreen (i don't recommend this to others!), just put a little on my shoulders and top of back.  My face usually burns the worst and i did not put any on my face, but wore a wide brimmed hat for about half the time on the beach, of which we spent about 5 hrs. at, plus the scooter ride there and back. 

   Normally, i would have had a significant burn, yet the day after my face was only very slightly reddish with no tenderness.   I took four 00 sized capsules somewhat shortly before i had sun exposure, and then 3 later after i had it.

   I've experimented with this product before, when a friend of mine gave me an extra bottle of Life Extension's Fern Block product, and everytime i've used it, it seems to have really worked. 

  But yeah, if you buy the herb in bulk, loose powder form, you will save a ton of money even with buying a bag of capsules and a capsule maker.  There may be places where you can buy it even cheaper than what i paid for it at kalyx. 

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