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Partnered Exploration Experiment (Read 11397 times)
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Partnered Exploration Experiment
Jan 11th, 2009 at 12:32pm
In the last five years, my mother, grandmother, and uncle have passed. Three months ago my mother-in-law died from a sudden stroke and now it looks like my father-in-law will pass soon as well.

I can not seem to get the techniques Bruce describes in his books to work or at least work for me. I'm in some serious need of some personal proof of what does or does not happen after physical death.

I'm looking for someone who is experienced in retrievals with a good track record who can help me out with an experiment.

I'd like to try parterned exploration which would accomplish a few things. One, if the person helping me can reach me in a sleeping state to do this, it'll be a big part of the "proof" I need so I can continue exploring this realm of possibility. Second, it would help me start down the path of my own retrievals.

Here's the idea. If it works this way, we can determine a specific night or a range of days to try this. You would have to do the initial work to contact me while I'm sleeping. If contact is made, I'd like you to pass along to me three pieces of information you've selected:
  • An animal you've selected
  • A color you've chosen
  • and an image of your choice

If we're successful, I'll ask you to supply those things via email to verify the information I think I've received from you. After that, I'd like to learn as much as possible about retrievals and how to do them from you.

If anyone's interested, please send me a private message or email me at the address on my profile.

Thanks for your help,
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channy aka cbuk
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #1 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 6:26pm
Hi, there are many excellent retrievers on this board. Hoping one of them can guide you further.

However, reaching someone in a sleeping state is not recommended. However, it does not stop experimenters trying to do so.
I came to this conclusion after doing a detailed review of the Robert Bruce material found on the web.

What usually happened when Robert Bruce tried to reach the sleeping experimenters.

1. They were already out of the body – they reassured him that they were expecting him – talked to him and reassured him they will remember meeting him in the morning. NEXT MORNING NOTHING WAS REMEMBERED BY THE EXPERIMENTERS. NO RECALL.

2. They were already out of the body - they greeting him and then went on to talk with someone else saying that they will remember him on the morrow. NOTHING REMEMBERED BY THE EXPERIMENTERS IN THE MORNING. NO RECALL.

3. Some experimenters who wanted Robert Bruce to pull them out of the body – despite the setting of the time and the day when this was to happen – on the actual occasions when Robert Bruce went to give them a helping hand – this was viewed as an astral attack on their being. This was most unpleasant for the experimenters.

What you are asking for is not impossible but very difficult. I am sure it can be done.

I hope you do find the proof you are seeking.
Good Luck with your search.

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The lifting of the fog of forgetfulness will lead you to the realisation of your true spiritual  nature-CBUK.
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #2 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:37pm
Hi Jeff,

I'm up for experimentation and am always looking for practice and techniques myself, but I'm not highly experienced.  I'm not coming from the same point of view as needing proof or looking for specific loved ones.  I just want more experience.  

Although I'm not one of the experienced ones here on the board, I am very impressed and pleased with the past experiences I've had so far.  I just desire to get a lot more expeirence under my belt, and now that I have made certain changes in my life, I do plan on giving a lot more focus to that desire.  

Have you had anyone help you yet, or had any experiences yet now that you've made the determination to do so?  I find that sometimes just by wanting something bad enough, we tend to pull those things into our lives immediately.  I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.  

It sounds like you want to work in the OBE state.  About remembering your experiences--I do believe we're all already "out there" having spirit journeys and OBEs, we just don't easily recall them.  You definitely have the right idea in assuming it is easiest to work during your sleep cycles.  This is because you're already in altered states then.  No matter what kind of sleep habits you have, try this:  While preparing to go to sleep, don't think of anything else but desiring to notice the act of falling asleep.  Also, because you are a man (wink) you have to make the effort to pay attention.  Men seem to be able to hit the pillow and be sleeping within seconds, am I right??  If you think it will mess up your sleep cycle and you won't get enough sleep, try it while going to bed earlier than normal or at a time you know you can sleep in the next morning.  After a few days of practice, you will have trained your mind and it will become easier to recognize when sleep begins, and then you can consciously enter it.  That mind-awake/body-asleep stage is a fun thing to experiment with.    

My point in suggesting this is so that you set your mind to focus on what you desire.  Because your desire is already set in your mind, a logical next step is for you to pay more attention to your conscious awareness during sleep.  If you find you are falling asleep without being able to stay consciously aware, you might try telling yourself while falling asleep something like "I want to become consciously aware of any altered state."  You can word it however you want, but the point is to set it in your mind and expect it to happen.  (In order to learn lucid dreaming, I thought of the words "tonight I will dream with conscious awareness" while falling asleep and within days I was having lucid dreams.  It isn't the wording so much as the determination and intention of your desire).

Also, you don't need to be asleep or be out of body to do retrievals or partnered exploration.  

I'd be interested in hearing any results you get from any of your experiments and practices.  The above technique I gave you is what taught me (many years ago) to have lucid dreams and OBEs and better dream recall.  

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #3 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 11:00am
Thanks to all who responded and posted a reply. For the last three and a half week I've not been able to respond as my father-in-law had been in ICU in a hosptial 150 miles from my house.

Friday of last week he was doing well enough to be transfered to a nearby long-term care facility. Yesterday, "Wild Bill" Eldred, took an abrupt turn for the worse, was not able to recover, and peacefully passed away with his family at his side.

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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #4 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 11:10am
Thank you for keeping us posted.

Sending love healing energies to you and your family in this time of need. So be it.

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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #5 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 1:36pm
May Wild Bill enjoy his new ride! None of us are here auditing the planet; we are here for a grade. We ALL get an A+, and I know Wild Bill got one, too. There is no other grade to get.

I agree with channy. When I have tried it in the past with friends, sometimes they remember bits and pieces of a dream. More often, they are either not there (already gone, to class, as we all do most nights as our body sleeps) or they have a fearful reaction. I have MUCH more luck "meeting" folks at an agreed upon spot "out there" even if they have to fake it 'til they make it. I happen to find "pretending" quite effective, and often right on as far as details and physical memories. I am working with a friend now who I meet almost nightly on a bench near the fountain in The Park, but mostly he does not remember meeting me. He does, however, know his wife (who passed away a few years ago) is sitting to his left, holding his hand. In time he will remember more; it is important only that he practice, with intention.

I hope this helps. I found the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook invaluable, especially the orange exercise and the chapters on technique and imagining. Fake it 'til you make it is good advice. You think it is all in your head? It is. Where else would it be? That you are making it all up? You are, ALL of it, even this post..... and what would be the difference anyhow?

I found that with practice, practice, practice I had many undeniable and verified hits of information, like dog's names and hair color and details of the passing, many of which are posted on the retrieval forum. I did go to Lifelines at Monroe, but that has had little to do with my success. I was the same: left-brained, needing proof, and frustrated after many Monroe Institute programs. Gradually it got easier, and the success created more success. And listening to binaural beats through headphones has helped a lot as well. Check out and all the free presets for the book Mastering Astral Projection (Mercer and Bruce-- not Bruce Moen). The download is free, the presets are free-- though the full program is worth the money, too. Listen to the later ones, but consider buying the book and working the 90 day program as well. There are many, many useful techniques in the book, and a CD of the full program is included, again for free. These are binaural beat files, just like Monroe's, without the $2000 per program fee.

Feel free to contact me if you need more guidance, but also consider asking Bruce, as he is a wonderful guy and has a lot of experience answering these very questions.

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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #6 - Feb 5th, 2009 at 3:31pm
Thanks everyone for your help and support. Once things quiet down, hopefully after this week is over, I can get busy on practicing.

Thomas, I took your advice and ordered Bruce's "Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook" with CDs. I'll start with it once it arrives.

Thanks again,
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Mark Andrew
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #7 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 10:31pm
Anything ever happen here behind the scenes (PMs)?
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #8 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 9:11am

Yes, you are free to ask specific questions of specific people.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #9 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:33pm
Mark Andrew wrote on Jun 8th, 2009 at 10:31pm:
Anything ever happen here behind the scenes (PMs)?

Yes there're a lot happening behind the scene here. Lips Sealed

Like any forums; lots of fun and gossips also.... Cheesy

It's just a matter of reading between the lines, and you'll know who/what/where/when and by whom....the 5 W's... Huh

Again welcome and enjoy.

Sending PUL you way.
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Mark Andrew
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #10 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 11:16am

I was wondering specifically if anything ever came of jbb3141's situation.
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #11 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 3:28pm
Hi Mark Andrew,

You could PM him and ask  Wink

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Partnered Exploration Experiment
Reply #12 - Jun 6th, 2011 at 6:28pm
Hi, I'm new to this site, but i have had shared dreaming experiences and i have passed on messages from the other side many times. I don't have a lot of control yet, but i noticed you posted the three things. I found that interesting because recently someone with  brown hair and eyes has been trying to reach me in my dreams, and well he told me three things that stuck out in my mind.
let me know if any of this seems familiar

1.Salt water crocodiles zest
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