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A plea to former and current forum members (Read 14970 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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A plea to former and current forum members
Aug 15th, 2010 at 9:10am
Come back.  We need you and the meaningful conversations we used to have.  I don't post much of late, but loved it here when we had intersting,  insightful and sometimes somewhat spirited posts about the afterlife.  I know it can happen again.

Is there no way for Bruce to make a weekly post or topic?  He has been generous enough to create this site at all - for free for all to use.  Yet the discussions have really fallen off, and we need an infusion of energy.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #1 - Aug 15th, 2010 at 2:29pm
DocM wrote on Aug 15th, 2010 at 9:10am:
Come back.  We need you and the meaningful conversations we used to have.  I don't post much of late, but loved it here when we had intersting,  insightful and sometimes somewhat spirited posts about the afterlife.  I know it can happen again.

Is there no way for Bruce to make a weekly post or topic?  He has been generous enough to create this site at all - for free for all to use.  Yet the discussions have really fallen off, and we need an infusion of energy.


Hi Matthew: Because of the subjective and experienctial nature of what we do in this sphere of activity... I suspect when one is new and excited about the forum's subject... one gets into a lot of intellectual back and forth... once one settles into the routine of the exercises and inner skill development the intellectual part of it falls away and the doingness becomes central. Also, the stochastic nature of this experienctial aspect makes it difficult to really put a linear frame on the work.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #2 - Aug 15th, 2010 at 2:45pm
Hi Matthew-

I agree, I also miss the provocative give and take that used to characterize this board.

I especially miss Don (aka Berserk).  His intellectual grasp of things combined with his Biblical knowledge was such that I looked forward to his posts and many times would print them out to read and re-read.

He was finally run off by some posters who apparently think that being a cheerleader is preferable to someone who challenges their beliefs and encourages them to examine the things they claim.

The best teacher I ever had was a woman who almost everyone intensely disliked (including me at the time).  Having the benefit of hindsight, I now realize she taught me more than any of my other teachers combined.  Why?  She challenged her students every day.  Not for the sake of arguing, but for the sake of having them defend their positions in order that they could grow intellectually. 

It's easy to vilify someone like that.  And it's easy to be a cheerleader.  Everyone wants to be liked and accepted.  The thing is, no one grows that way.  Growth comes by admitting that you might be wrong or that your premise might be faulty.  And having to reexamine the things you thought were true along with the reasons you came to believe the way you did.

Yes, Don was not the most diplomatic person on the board.  But he was the most stimulating precisely because he didn't "go with the flow."

Come to think of it, dead fish also go with the flow.   Not always a good thing.

For those people who get agitated whenever someone disagrees with them, remember that some of the most important scientific discoveries were made by persons who challenged the popular beliefs.

Maybe Don will return,maybe not.  I don't know.  The last exchanges were pretty brutal and uncalled for so I can't blame him if he stays away.

As for you Matthew, you are one of the few posters who I always read.  So please don't get discouraged.

I hope Bruce takes your recommendation.  His absence has led to entropy, and by having a weekly topic might re-energize the board and return it to where it was when I first joined over 10 years ago.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #3 - Aug 15th, 2010 at 6:16pm

If I remember correctly, the exchanges with Don were brutal partly because he showed such a lack of respect for people with new age thoughts.

If somebody basically says, "You're stupid, so you better listen to what I have to say, should people listen to such a person?

Plus, it isn't as if Don was completely open minded, even though he presented himself in such a way. For example, he scoffed at the higher self/disk/I-there viewpoint, as you have done to a lesser degree, perhaps because you haven't experienced such a level of being.  Perhaps people who have had such experiences  know what they are talking about.

I appreciate that Don speaks up for God and Christ,  but I doubt that Jesus would call people stupid and then expect them to listen.

Billions of people have belonged to churches for the past two thousand years, and the world is still a mess. Perhaps a better way needs to be found. Perhaps it would be easier for the Christ spirit to come into people if they weren't misled by the fundamentalist viewpoints of others. Perhaps something other than demons speak of disks, spirit guides, earth changes (we sure need them) and reincarnation.

Is it okay that I spoke bluntly, or should I have spoken like a cheerleader? Smiley

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #4 - Aug 15th, 2010 at 7:26pm
Thanks for the replies,

I didn't want this thread to be a plea for any one specific old timer to come back and contribute to the forum.  Rather, it was a general request. 

Seraphis is correct that as we pass through the intellectual/rational discussion, there is a sense of "knowing" about spiritual matters, and thus perhaps, less of a need to discuss them. 

I would argue that we should overcome this docile feeling for altruistic reasons; that if we discuss what we feel and know, others might benefit.  It is no different than doing a retrieval in some ways, to share your point of view so that another may open up and enjoy/understand. 

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #5 - Aug 15th, 2010 at 9:54pm
I agree.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #6 - Aug 15th, 2010 at 10:07pm
DocM wrote on Aug 15th, 2010 at 7:26pm:
Thanks for the replies,

I didn't want this thread to be a plea for any one specific old timer to come back and contribute to the forum.  Rather, it was a general request. 

Seraphis is correct that as we pass through the intellectual/rational discussion, there is a sense of "knowing" about spiritual matters, and thus perhaps, less of a need to discuss them. 

I would argue that we should overcome this docile feeling for altruistic reasons; that if we discuss what we feel and know, others might benefit.  It is no different than doing a retrieval in some ways, to share your point of view so that another may open up and enjoy/understand. 


Hi M: That's why I post my exercise results. I think more people should provide the clinical details necessary to build a picture of how the non-physical works relative to the attainment of meditative skills and how they build and what releases the energy blockages that are the real source of our clouded vision... that is the clouds of darkness, illusion that prevents us from seeing God, The Light, The Oversoul or whatever one wants to call the Divine.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #7 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:22pm
I'm sorry if Don felt pushed out, but frankly I don't miss him and that is primarily for the reasons already covered by Albert. What he did stimulate was good argument amongst the open minded even though he could hardly count himself among them. I have enjoyed some of the newer posts, but I haven't felt the need to post much of late. I guess I'm not a big diary fan because they get so long and involved and I don't have the patience ...don't hate me because I'm a simpleton Wink
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #8 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 4:08pm
This site is one of my favorites and I check in at least daily.  My contributions have not been as frequent lately for some interesting reasons...namely, that certain events my guidance told me would occur are beginning to manifest.  These are causing dramatic changes in my current version of reality.  While I am aware of the general direction I am going, I cannot now see how far and to what extent I will travel nor the scope of the changes that will take place.  Large scale alterations are quite likely in my domestic and financial situations, a little less likely in my occupational situation...some changes are ascertainable while others are beyond anything I can conceive.  Guidance has told me that my October is going to be rough, however, the life I have on the other side of that long month are going to be absolutely wonderful.

Naturally, while my interest in the afterlife and former lives has not waned, I am forced to spend my time currently dealing with the "realities" I face...after years of floating along playing a minor role in this stage production, I am about to take center stage and play the role I came here to is my hope that I am able to perform through pure unconditional love and in the best interests of all involved.   
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #9 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 4:52pm

I'm not certain if this is the same thing, but I received messages about October. I'm not certain if these messages were personal or more universal.

The thing is, I've received messages about earth changes taking place, life being difficult, and then life becoming very positive. So is October a time when universal changes will take place, or individual changes?

One time I asked for a clarification about October,  I saw a pot I use for cooking turned upside down (probably means energy being turned upside down), then I saw a man pole vaulting, which could be a symbol for ascension. Perhaps even pole shift.

One time, without a reference to October or another time, I saw people going through great difficulty, and then I saw groups of very happy people dancing hand in hand in circles.

Recently I asked what's going to happen to me during the earth changes,  I found myself floating over a landscape and I saw soldiers and troubled people running about, and then I saw a bright sun like star in the sky, and it represented the Christ spirit.

As far as some are concerned this information might not seem scientific, but once you know you can trust your guidance (spirit friends Smiley), it is better.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #10 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 12:54am

I have wondered what happened to Dave. He didn't un-join, he just disappeared. I miss his posts.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #11 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 12:38pm
He went into the restaurant business, which can be very time consuming. Plus he still had his practice.

Lucy wrote on Aug 17th, 2010 at 12:54am:

I have wondered what happened to Dave. He didn't un-join, he just disappeared. I miss his posts.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #12 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 1:17pm
As a newcomer, I have a couple of thoughts. I have found that the posts on this board are often either beyond me experientially, or outside of my "belief system". Either I cannot relate because the poster and responders are so far beyond where I find myself, or I find myself doubting the credibility of the reported experience. I have seen little debate, or what I would call intelectual argument.  This is most likely due to the factors described by the OP, and my relative newness to the site. What I sought when coming here was a community with a sense of shared experience and knowledge, where newcomers could post their experiences and questions, and find a group of mentors or fellow travelers, as well as a place where the more experienced could share experiences and have spirited discussions about them. Was it ever like that? To be honest, I sense a few of those here, but also many more folks residing in their own belief worlds, focused more on defending them than on reaching out. Thats not a knock on any of you, just my own disconnect with the reality of on-line communities like this.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #13 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 3:17pm
Yes, we did have that even with critics like Don, check out the archives esp pg. 10 and past posts by Bruce. It's just right now we're probably going thru some sort of transition period as reflected globally.Thanks for your input.
Love, Jean
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #14 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 10:11pm
Bardo wrote on Aug 17th, 2010 at 1:17pm:
As a newcomer, I have a couple of thoughts. I have found that the posts on this board are often either beyond me experientially, or outside of my "belief system". Either I cannot relate because the poster and responders are so far beyond where I find myself, or I find myself doubting the credibility of the reported experience. I have seen little debate, or what I would call intelectual argument.  This is most likely due to the factors described by the OP, and my relative newness to the site. What I sought when coming here was a community with a sense of shared experience and knowledge, where newcomers could post their experiences and questions, and find a group of mentors or fellow travelers, as well as a place where the more experienced could share experiences and have spirited discussions about them. Was it ever like that? To be honest, I sense a few of those here, but also many more folks residing in their own belief worlds, focused more on defending them than on reaching out. Thats not a knock on any of you, just my own disconnect with the reality of on-line communities like this.

Hi Bardo: Unfortunately that is the nature of the beast. The belief system is the barrier... it locks up energy in a specific pattern and IT controls your ability to relate or experience... that's its job... to do just that... thus you subjective reality can't get past it without dismantling it...

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