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A plea to former and current forum members (Read 14994 times)
george stone
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #15 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 11:05pm
ive had a great many spiritual experiences,but I dont plan to post them again.mostley because,they wount be answered,or they dont get looked at.a lot of them are very good,like seeing loved ones who have past over.bruce had all my posts.George
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #16 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 11:21pm

Perhaps it isn't a matter of how many people look, but who looks. If what you share benefits a few people, even if they keep mum, this is a good thing.

george stone wrote on Aug 17th, 2010 at 11:05pm:
ive had a great many spiritual experiences,but I dont plan to post them again.mostley because,they wount be answered,or they dont get looked at.a lot of them are very good,like seeing loved ones who have past over.bruce had all my posts.George

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #17 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 12:21pm
I agree totally with recover so don't give up on us yet-we may be going thru a bit of a rocky period here. I know there are many I would like to respond to but wind up getting side tracked.
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george stone
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #18 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 4:55pm
Most people think,that the body is the true self.that when it dies we are gone forever.I thought the same way,untill I found that we live on in spirit.I asked my guide,what happens after death?he said its just like going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning.I saw a man who died of cancer,a few days after he died.all dressed up and smiling.I saw my wife in the park at focus 27.she and another woman who died a few years after she did.They both waved to me.I walked over to the park bench,and huged my wife.she said,dont blame yourself,it was my time to go.she said its so nice here,I dont think I will ever go back..more later.George.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #19 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 5:08pm
Hi George,

The park was where Bob Monroe used to meet his wife after she died. It caused him to miss her more.

So I'm glad that you involved now that your wife is gone even if it's this crazy site. My dear husband lost 2 wives to cancer and now we've been married for 25 years.

So life does continue as long as we stay involved.

Kind thoughts, Jean
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Lights of Love
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #20 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 6:02pm

I miss the people and the lively disscussions that use to be here, too.  Perhaps that's one reason why I don't visit this board much anymore. Another is my time has been so limited this past several months.  I'm still sort of active at linn's and mbt though.

If I'm not mistaken, Dave passed on a couple years ago.  I, too, loved his posts.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #21 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 8:24pm
Dave MBS passed away? Kathy, if you know this for a fact, please let me know.  I hope not, despite my deep conviction that he will be fine and continue to evolve.  If anyone knows for sure, please let me know.  I know he has a website which is active called "hypnoclinic" with his name in California.  It is still up, though no one may have taken it down.

He was/is one of the most enlightened souls I have ever come across.

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Lights of Love
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #22 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 11:52pm
Matthew I don't remember who told me, but as far as I know it's true. There are phone numbers listed on his website. You could try calling. It looks like links on his site go to another server that was taken down.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #23 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 8:01am
DocM wrote on Aug 15th, 2010 at 9:10am:
Come back.  We need you and the meaningful conversations we used to have.  I don't post much of late, but loved it here when we had intersting,  insightful and sometimes somewhat spirited posts about the afterlife.  I know it can happen again.

Is there no way for Bruce to make a weekly post or topic?  He has been generous enough to create this site at all - for free for all to use.  Yet the discussions have really fallen off, and we need an infusion of energy.


Hi Matthew: I woke up this morning with this: You are trying to recreate the past... there is no past there is no future there is only NOW! The 1/10,000 of a second... is where one should attempt to live.

Moen's 'Silly Litttle Finger exerciss' is a start to find and experience that 1/10,000 of a second state of  NOW.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #24 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 8:45am
Thanks, Seraphis. 

I'm not sure what to say.  Of course, we all want to recreate feelings and conversations that nourished us.  However, I think your guidance may be a wee bit off based here. 

I posted this thread, because there are enlightened loving souls out there who could post but left this website.  You see this as a personal ego searching for me; I see it as a sharing exercise for the board. 

I know that Bruce, Alyssia, Kathy, Lucy, Vicky, Kyo, Albert, and a myriad of other old timers from this board are out there now.  Some have moved on to other websites for their own reasons. 

Hundreds to thousands of people still check this site though.  Perhaps my call will be for naught, but then again, it is what my gut told me to do at the time.

Gotta go with the gut sometimes.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #25 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 3:42pm
DocM wrote on Aug 19th, 2010 at 8:45am:
Thanks, Seraphis. 

I'm not sure what to say.  Of course, we all want to recreate feelings and conversations that nourished us.  However, I think your guidance may be a wee bit off based here. 

I posted this thread, because there are enlightened loving souls out there who could post but left this website.  You see this as a personal ego searching for me; I see it as a sharing exercise for the board. 

I know that Bruce, Alyssia, Kathy, Lucy, Vicky, Kyo, Albert, and a myriad of other old timers from this board are out there now.  Some have moved on to other websites for their own reasons. 

Hundreds to thousands of people still check this site though.  Perhaps my call will be for naught, but then again, it is what my gut told me to do at the time.

Gotta go with the gut sometimes.


Hi Matthew: I think I understood that.. just pointing out that the past and future are illusions... I can't speak to why people have abandoned the site and new blood is not necessarily coming in and carrying on with developement... but, these things move in cycles... I am sure there will be another group cycling thru as time goes on..

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #26 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 4:58pm

Thanks for mentioning my name as one of those old timers you are thinking of!!  I haven't abandoned the site by any means, just have been through personal things that take up my energy emotionally. 

You've inspired me to share some of my recent experiences though, so I'm working on typing it up and will post at some point today.  That's usually what I'm good at, is sharing my own experiences. 

I never seem to be good at coming up with questions to ask the board or great conversation starters like you do.  Honestly, I love to read your passionate posts like that. 

Anyway, I'm moved by your devotion and contribution to this site and like I said, you've inspired me to give my input more in whatever way I can.  It's nice to know I'm appreciated too.


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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #27 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 8:55pm
You've been branded now... "OLD Timer", and so young, welcome to the
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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #28 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 9:40pm

You are definitely one of my favorite old timers here.

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Re: A plea to former and current forum members
Reply #29 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 11:19pm
DocM; aka ??? ( I’ll stop here!)….Smiley

Your inputs and knowledge of afterlife is quite extensive/provocative/challenging/ interesting, also insightful and sometimes spirited, I like it. Wish you would post more often.

You don’t need anyone to challenge your posts, whoever wants to do it,…..will !!
And you may end up with a great discussion/exchange of ideas.
New members may find that it will challenge their Belief System? Who know.

We are all seekers one way or another. Some learn fast some learn slow it’s individual.
Just keep on posting you’ll get your answers/comments/and like everyone else learns something new.

Blessing to you and yours.

PS. And I tend to agree with some poster that if you start name calling/disregard others feelings/thoughts/Believes …that where I draw the line
. And if you’ve read some of Bruce replies to Don re: pushing the envelope you’ll understand. Wherever he is i wish him the best.
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