I've gotten another verification from the Spirit of a famous italian singer, Mia Martini, passed on May,12,1995.
Please take a look at this pic to better understand my contact:
http://www.webalice.it/cipidoc/mimivasca.jpgShe was very kinky (at least in the 70's) and did an interview for our State-Channel RAI1 while taking a bath in her bathroom!
She was not a "hot chick", anyway :no one ever saw her undressed on Playboy et similia, in a nutshell, she was very shy and reserved. When i've seen this interview, I was puzzled about her staying nude in a tub, so I tried to contact her. Pretending to be a journalist, I tried to talk with her in F27. After a few I asked her:"Were you naked in the tub?"
She burst in a big, harmonious laugh and told me she wore a low-necked swim suit. At this point I needed a verification, so I wrote to her still existing Fan-Club (she's still very popular after her Transition, her voice has been compared to Edith Piaf's) and today I've received their message: I AM RIGHT! SHE TRULY was wearing a swim-suit that day and it was hidden under the foam!
I higly recommend to all of you for googling her videos: her voice is very beautiful and enchanting and she still sings in F27!