I used to be into non-dual teachings, in particular the teachings of Ramana Maharshi. Eventually I found that non-dual teachings aren’t completely accurate and are incomplete.
One evening my spirit guidance showed me an image of Ramana Maharshi sitting at one half of a table, a lady sat at the other half. Ramana wore a business suit and this meant, he was too conservative with his approach, because he didn’t acknowledge the creative aspect of being, which was represented by the lady in the image I saw. His image smiled at me, perhaps because some time after his body died, he found out about the creative aspect of being and found that there is much to like.
I believe it is a big mistake to conclude that some person was or is an enlightened person, as people do with Ramana, because when one does so, whether or not one is conscious of it, one presupposes that the viewpoints presented by said enlightened person can’t be questioned, because according to how one thinks, the viewpoints of an enlightened person couldn’t be wrong.
I’ve seen this happen with so many people. They won’t allow themselves to seriously question the viewpoints of a supposed enlightened person, and their ability to understand is limited accordingly. If you try to get such a person to see beyond the box that is created, it isn’t any different than talking to any other person who has been brainwashed in some way. In fact, it can be harder, because since they concluded that the viewpoints come from a person who is enlightened and therefore infallible, they consider the viewpoints with a root concept that determines what the rest of their mind will be able to believe and understand.
Many non-dualists make the mistake of contending that they don’t have to worry about the contents of their mind, because, after all, according to what they believe (with their mind), they aren’t their mind, so it doesn’t matter what the content of their mind is like. The fact of the matter is that if a person doesn’t deal with his or her psychological issues while in this world, then he or she will have to do so afterwards, no matter what some supposed enlightened person has to say about being beyond mind.
If mind and the creative aspect being weren’t brought into action, then even basic yet profound qualities such as love, peace and divinity couldn’t be experienced and understood, because consciousness/being/awareness wouldn’t be differentiated enough for aspects of being with specific properties to exist. Nor would there be souls who could enjoy such properties. There are people who have experienced their soul existence in a manner where they know it is more than a mere illusion, despite what some nihilistic gurus have to say about individuality.
In fact, it is rather dualistic for a person to deny that souls exist while applying the rational that differentiation in a valid way doesn’t exist, because the creative aspect of being and mind come from no other place but source being, and therefore are just as real and valid as pure awareness. If the creative aspect of being didn’t bring qualities such as love into existence, there wouldn’t be anything for awareness to be aware of. What would be the point of a conscious being existing, if it didn’t have anything to be aware of? How fun would existence be, if there weren't other beings to share it with?