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Love exercise re_do! (Read 58595 times)
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Love exercise re_do!
Feb 16th, 2010 at 6:56pm
2/16/10 - morning session:

This pass can best be characterized by the adjective “warmth”.

Return to Cranford… tv program… images coming in… realized this is actually good… all visuals are good they suggest the third eye is active and working well… face at the bridge of my nose… it maybe be my face!!! I may be obe… or my poc… is wandering tho… it can’t be the poc… I would recognize being exterior to my body… but… this could be a mind split… mom appears… see young man riding… I see him from the rear… he is wearing a brown suit in the Victorian style… bowl hat with brim… blue pulse… straita of blue light… george Washington… visual of The Cornish seaside… waves slamming against a shear clift… three musketeers… French ornate costumes…


1. Were you able to re-experience the feeling of love? If not, repeat this exercise until you do. Describe the feeling.

This pass I remembered a flood of emotion of joy and exaltation from a song I heard recently… I remembered how the music caught me by surprise how my heart soared… 

2. Were you able to allow that feeling to build up within you? If not, repeat this exercise until you can?

I was able to hold it and nourish it for some time.

3. Did you feel it more in some places in your body than others?

This was a whole body experience. Not localized.

4. Did you have any impression, visual, auditory, or other during the exercise?

I might characterize the imaging as coming out of the feeling of exaltation… which projected me into a Victorian lifetime which was quite successful.


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #1 - Feb 18th, 2010 at 4:24pm
2/18/10 - morning session:

A sleek jet aircraft appears… heart chakra kicking in… song begins (Lyrics only??)… ‘you are the angel’s glow that’s what you are… you are the things I know… that’s what you are… you are the magic touch of spring time…‘

This session was characterized by a very deep almost trance like state but a kind of semi wink out… it ended with me aware… but, with no memory of events and I did not seem to find a need to talk into tape.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #2 - Feb 20th, 2010 at 1:05am
2/19/10 - morning session:

Man moves across my field of vision… from the right… bearded… possibly Rick… something with a light on it… horizontal line… light under it…

These sessions are puzzling… I seem to have hit a fallow place… like being becalmed in a sailboat… I am not sure how to proceed except to just keep doing the exercise until I break through somehow… I expect I will intuit the right way to go.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #3 - Feb 22nd, 2010 at 10:55pm
2/22/10 - morning session:

Things aren’t going as strongly as they started… this may be normal… since, the real question is how much intense dismantling of ancient belief systems and habit patterns can one undergo with out a major breakdown… but, I find it odd that two days running I felt great love for people at Walmart when I was shopping… it surprised me… I took it in stride… today I felt a great soaring of my heart when I heard a particularly moving melodie… but, it isn’t necessarily happening in session… and that is puzzling tho one takes what one gets in this work…

Lots of coughing… unusual… energy streaming around the deltoid left side… woman in a high bun hair do in a shiff gown… casual… looks like a party in progress… looking for newspapers… airforce uniform… heard my name called… lights… very shape image man at a desk in a khaki uniform… like Pacific war theatre attire… possibly british… rather than american (a retrieval potential from jap invasion of Singapore??)  right hand jolt…

Winked out again in the last segment of exercise…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #4 - Feb 23rd, 2010 at 5:46pm
2/23/2010 – morning session:

I made an interesting discovery. The exercises are like scaffolding on a building or a form for pouring concrete. The scaffolding or the form is not what is important… what is important is the concrete structure that will exist after the concrete is poured, dried and cured.

Image appears… a mountain range in the background… a highrise building in a meadow… small village… red light flash above the left eyebrow… light at third eye level… light… interpreter worried… my brain fills with light… interpreter worried that if I fill my brain with light I will lose contact with the physical world and cause a lot of problems in my present environment… this in not a monastery where people know about spiritual ecstasy and the like… this belief system is preventing me from having a major light event… see an face… looks like 50’s aquaman… might be my guide Sibelious… heart chakra checking in… itching in right nostril… outside flare like a sunrise behind a mountain… purple light pulse pastel blob… pulsing out… what is more important seeing light or getting the letter of the exercise… light purple light… I’m an excessive compulsive cancerian… rigid, fix in my way… linear Newtonian paradign… nonlinear… chaos theory… paradigm is the nature of the non-physical universe… sudden coughing… definitely psychosomatic… must work my way passed my current ego’s attempt to survive and control events… mountainous, horizon… cafeteria setting appears… see a woman in royal blue slacks… (from behind) big helmet hairdo round shaped… strawberry blond… inside a building …  food line… rice being served… now in large reception area of an office building… man with mustache grey… purple pulsing light… deep purple… green colors… rome narrow corridor… nero escaping… see man from rear riding on a horse in a light powder blue uniform with a yellow sash strap… Austria… happy  time…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #5 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:11pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Feb 22nd, 2010 at 10:55pm:
2/22/10 - morning session:

Things aren’t going as strongly as they started… this may be normal… since, the real question is how much intense dismantling of ancient belief systems and habit patterns can one undergo with out a major breakdown… but, I find it odd that two days running I felt great love for people at Walmart when I was shopping… it surprised me… I took it in stride… today I felt a great soaring of my heart when I heard a particularly moving melodie… but, it isn’t necessarily happening in session… and that is puzzling tho one takes what one gets in this work…

How much intense it will get ....quite a bit more believe you me.
Wait til you go see a movie and start sobbing during the clips.
Music does that too..never used to for myself but when it started...
Your well on your way Ser, keep it up.
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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #6 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 6:33pm
2/25/10 - morning session:

Saw a Golden Deer Buck with great antlers at the end of the exercise… I also know that love is not an emotion… per se… tho the triggering mechanism to evolve into the higher forms of love begin at the stage in which one remembers those moments of being in appreciation of beauty in landscape… music… Wagner’s Tannheuser for example…

So I think I can now move on to the next exercise… I am getting deeper and deeper into the relaxed state… and the energy exercises are now producing the effect of greater awareness of the energy itself… like being in a cocoon of energy… tho I am not feeling the flow of the energy… but, its presents…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #7 - Feb 26th, 2010 at 10:01am
Moved to the 'Gathering Love energy in the Heart area':

2/26/10 - morning session:

Important discovery… there are many ways to experience the love energy… for reasons of a noxious lifetime I have barriers to love and loving… so this exercise is quite difficult for me but I was able to use my dog Tippy’s love of my mother and of course me to experience or attempt to experience love from her point of view which is a major discovery… love is not just a personal point of view or personal experience… being aware of others ability to love is also a trigger, because the whole point of the exercise is to get the feelings and be able to re-experience them and then turn them on at will and in this exercise one moves the sensation to the heart itself…

Session begins with heart chakra kicking in… see a triangle… no… a pyramid… clear crystal pyramid at right cheek bone level…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #8 - Feb 27th, 2010 at 9:50pm
2/27/10 - morning session:

Session opens with energy streaming in left deltoid area… energy streaming upper left clavicle… heart chakra engaging… ringing right ear…

Lost rest of session in a major winkout…

But I am very pleased by my growing sensitivity to being in an energy cocoon and feeling it…


2/27/10 - afternoon session:

I’m encountering the same phenomena… the exercises are taking on a direction of their own… they are powerful in their unfolding result…

Got deeper than usual… closer to the trance state and definite my body is asleep and my mind is brilliantly awake… in a wooded area… only barely sense I have hands… heard two gunshots… heart chakra is now developing seems like it is unfolding… I think up till now I have been experiencing the blips of the budding impulse and now I am feeling the bud forming it is definitely taking some kind of shape attempting to become whole… now I am getting energy definition it is around the left shoulder in the area if the deltoid muscle… the third eye is picking up forms… I seem to be in a purple place… pain in left kneecap… lots of images I don’t think I can talk about… saw a light wheel full gemlike lights pastel sky blue, greens, scarlet…

Had an interesting realization... the left side of the body is controlled by the right frontal lobe... THIS IS THE SPIRITUAL (ABEL) SEAT!!!!

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #9 - Mar 1st, 2010 at 3:09pm
3/1/10 - morning session:

Heart chakra checking in… solar plexus chakra engaging… upper left lobe area light… middle aged woman shows up… for some reason the relaxation depth was less deep in this session… uneven and consistent ability to get into optimum levels is a bit frustrating, but, one lives with the situation… things going on and I am reluctant to speak… less it breaks the spell… but, remembering is a problem… I still am a captive of my habit mind… I want to do the morning session before breakfast… but, I have a breakfast schedule which is fixed and if I miss it I have to go take a ride… my habit mind does not like breaking a pattern… maybe that is why I had difficulty with the depth of trance state.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #10 - Mar 2nd, 2010 at 2:05am
3/1/10 - morning session:

See a number one in a purple haze… coming in and out… body asleep attained… big toe right foot… energy stream… sharp… short… Fort Funston… flying glider…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #11 - Mar 2nd, 2010 at 11:32pm
3/2/10 - morning session:

Projecting Love Energy Exercise:

Solar plexus chakra loosing up… helicopters… gathered around preparing for take off… suicide in the mormon church talk to Virginia… seee someone from behind with blown hair decoration something coming from my right… it seems now some attention is going back to dealing with the right side and left brain… after months of work on right brain… light… (session aborted by housekeepers)… continued… heart chakra attempting to kick in… sky… angelina jolie… face on left looking right about eye level… man with high full head of dark brown hair… triangular face… favors Richard Belzar… street scene… italy… rome?? Narrow cobble stone… stone facades… woman with bun hair do… looking right eye level… favors Helena Bonham carter… mom?? Pressure on my chest… clear a new heart chakra event… the pressure goes deep to the 4 or 5th thoracic vertebra… first time I am aware of a flowing river of energy up the spinal/central channel?? Energy cocoon differentiating??? … I want spiritual freedom for everyone… even Adolph Hitler… there is a little hitler in all of us… forgive hitler, forgive myself, forgive the world, forgiveness for past actions… aware of the river of energy flowing from above… sparkling radiant energy… right side ribcage… I am aware of the universe… see stars… blackness of space… constellations… right side active… see Robert Monroe, nancy penn Monroe, laurie Monroe… I am saved… mob scene… French revolution, robs pierre, napoleon all on the right side.

This is a major change of direction. The French Revolution is back and I guess there is more to resolve for me here… it involves love and projection of love…


1. Did you notice any differences in the level or intensity of feeling love by using Gathering Energy at the Center of you Chest and Feeling Love together?

The answer to this question is yes and probably not in the spirit of the meaning of the question, but, I am definitely engaging the heart chakra now and for the first time feeling energy flows and things coming into the heart area.

2. When you projected Love Energy, describe how you did it.

I gathered it and sent it to people I have problems with.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #12 - Mar 3rd, 2010 at 2:40pm
3/3/10 - morning session:

Projecting Love Energy Exercise:

Heart chakra kicking in bud sensation… see a person not well defined looking right now on the left half turned looking over my right shoulder… pulsing… pulse… lobes pulsing… I love this exercise… purple light… am I experiencing the 3d blackness?? Feel pressure of my skull against the pillow… attempting to drop into an abyss… (must overcome the belief system idea that this is a bad thing) pressure is around the cerebellum… (thought am I going to experience Wahunka???)… skull quite heavy pressing into the pillow… losing consciousness of form… pressure in my head… looking for an explosion of light… left side activating… see a pantheon temple… Athena is seated at the back of the temple… start hearing and singing the beatle song… love, love, love, love, love, love all yhou need is love love love is all you need… I am pure love… powerful exercise… began the cole porter song… ‘when I give to you and you give to me… true love, true love, true love…. Guardian angel on high with nothing to do… when I give to you and you give to me love forever true….‘      


1. Did you notice any differences in the level or intensity of feeling love by using Gathering Energy at the Center of you Chest and Feeling Love together?

Can’t answer this question as posed… but, the exercise elicits, invokes or turns on powerful forces that come into awareness just at the right level which I can handle, process and experience without being overwhelmed… don’t know what would happen if the light explosion would take place at this point in my work.

2. When you projected Love Energy, describe how you did it.

I used the squirt gun technique mentioned in the chapter. I like it for its directional and focus potential.

3. Did you have any impressions of a response by the person, situation, or other target to you Projecting Love Energy?
One person looked up.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #13 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 12:47pm
3/4/10 - morning session:

Projecting Love Energy Exercise:

I love this exercise… it has amazing potential for developing a broad crosssection of capabilities from a spiritual unfoldment point of view. I could do it indefinitely… tho, at some point I think one needs to branch out and introduce some versatility… but, we will see.

Pulsing temples… soIar plexus chakra activating… it is a different sensation now… pressure in frontal lobes… pressure of skull against the pillow… brain activating… heart chakra lake atmosphere man in Hawaiian shirt and beach bum attire walking toward me… tall man on my left… Victorian box lamp nestled in a kind of pillow like formation… cream color glow… on right side… thick white milk splattered over a bowl..

My analysis of this last part is that the pineal is attempting to bring the light in… but, I am not ready for the level of radiation the real thing would expose me to… thus the white milk splatter over a bowl…

[highlight]Ecclesiastes 12:6New American Standard Bible (©1995)

Remember Him before the silver cord is broken and the golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed;

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #14 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 5:09pm
Analysis of important symbolism in the session.

Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 4th, 2010 at 12:47pm:
3/4/10 - morning session:

Projecting Love Energy Exercise:

…Victorian box lamp nestled in a kind of pillow like formation… cream color glow… on right side… thick white milk splattered over a bowl..

My analysis of this last part is that the pineal is attempting to bring the light in… but, I am not ready for the level of radiation the real thing would expose me to… thus the white milk splatter over a bowl…

[highlight]Ecclesiastes 12:6New American Standard Bible (©1995)

Remember Him before the silver cord is broken and the golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed;


[highlight]The pineal gland is reddish-gray and about the size of a grain of rice (5-8 mm) in humans, located just rostro-dorsal to the superior colliculus and behind and beneath the stria medullaris, between the laterally positioned thalamic bodies. It is part of the epithalamus.

The pineal gland is a midline structure, and is often seen in plain skull X-rays, as it is often calcified.

The above description suggest that the Pineal gland fits snuggly in a cushion of surrounding organs and tissue… like a pillow… especially …laterally positioned thalamic bodies…

Note in my visual image… Victorian box lamp nestled in a kind of pillow like formation…

That is trying to tell me something about where I am at in the exercise… I think the Pineal is activated to the extent that I can safely experience it… the full experience would be an explosion of Divine Light… if that would happen prematurely… I would probably become a babbling idiot… so this gradual and systematic exposure is acclimatizing me in preparation for the BIG BANG…

I am not sure whether to continue with this exercise exclusively or start gradually doing other exercises and continue in the book working my way to the end and as inspired come back to this exercise periodically to expand and consolidate this accomplishment. Very puzzling.. This is the ultimate experience… I want it bad!


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #15 - Mar 6th, 2010 at 10:40pm
3/5/10 - afternoon session:

Potpourri of exercises:

I got creative for this session I was interested in the ‘Golden Beetle’ meaning so I decided to combine the ‘Using Heart intelligence - burning question tool’ with the ’Gathering of Love Energy’ and since these are fairly short exercises I decided to experiement with the “D” disc of Journeys Out of the Body.

Well I winked out on the UHI cut… so don’t know if that will result in a gradual unfoldment of information from the ‘interpreter’ or not…

I continue to be surprised by the ’Jesus’ appearances… since I am a Buddhist by preference.

Session opens with energy surges in hands and wrists… Circles appear… a predominant circle develops that is a clear color on the left and a deep red on the right… something about these circles remind me of Robert Monroe’s home universe of sound, geometric forms and motion… vibration in the brain… then in the front of my head… my pov… in the pineal??… is back inside my brain looking out… the Last Supper painting appears… but, I become more aware of Da vinci on the far left of Jesus with his index finger sign which he always introduces to suggest his affiliation and loyalty to John the Baptist…

Then I get into JOOB… and this is really good because I am close to triggering the vibrations which precede the classic o.b.e. event…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #16 - Mar 8th, 2010 at 5:29pm
3/8/10 – morning session:

Potpourri of exercises:

At first I didn’t think I got an answer to the burning question about The Beetle and the Jesus archetype… but as I got into writing about it The Interpreter came up with something that seems right so I decided to continue with the ‘Potpourri scheme’ mainly because with the JOOB ‘d’ tagged on at the end it give me the potential to have a classic o.b.e. event.

Heart chakra engaging in a very different way… instead of the usual pulsing, there is now pressure on the left side of my chest in the heart area… throat chakra engaging… and as it does there is a tendency to cough…  energy from below… pressure along the seven cervicals… pushing against the pillow… I’m able to finesse the cough… body asleep… go deeper… inner thigh right leg… in a shower… blue sky… tending to become formless… pressure right foot… 3d blackness coming in… things moving within the space… melody and words… Ave Marieeeeeeea…

Ave Maria, gratia plena.
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris,
Ventris tui, Jesus.
Ave Maria.

The JOOB tape came on and I am close to getting the vibrations.

Sensations in the left big toe (reflexology answers this… it is related to the brain) there are stimulations or subtle awakenings in my brain which can only be felt in the reflexological realm in the foot…

Hamal Kar Barca… (HKB was the father of Hannibal… don’t know what this means.


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #17 - Mar 9th, 2010 at 5:21pm
3/8/10 - afternoon session:

Potpourri of exercises:

I changed the mix but still am keeping the Potpourri scheme… going back to ‘feeling and building love energy… the burning question is… who was john the baptist… but, I think it should be …what significance does John the Baptist have for me?

This was a good move for me because it resulted in taking me to the edge of ‘joy and exaltation’… it didn’t happen in the session, but, while I was walking to breakfast… I got a flash of the edges of those emotions…

In the session I got another song:

From the Chorus Line:

What I did for Love.

Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you.
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love.
Look my eyes are dry.
The gift was ours to borrow.
It's as if we always knew,
And I won't forget what I did for love,
What I did for love.
Love is never gone.
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow.
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for

Love is never gone
As we travel one
Love's what we'll remember
Kiss today goodbye.

And point me t'ward tomorrow.

Point me t'ward tomorrow
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for love.
What I did for love.

What I did for love


Blue light left side… a face appears… I am looking up at it… so the chin and nose are above me… this is when The Chorus Line song came in… throat chakra kicked in… I began to cough… heart chakra follows suit… pressure in the temples… flat planes… rows of boxes… (?)… (the flat planes could be what Robert Bruce describes in Astral Dynamics… that means I must be o.b.e… by phasing and not projection…)… diagram with dimensions… (this could be The Solomon’s Temple diagram… which in reality the description of The Brain and its esoteric nomencalure… also the Parthenon’s layout with Athena seated)… I am in a city… I see a great spherical dome on a mid-rise building… off the left… looking down a street… blue, purple pulsing…

The JOOB session was very productive… formlessness… vibrations coming in… will o.b.e.. soon I think.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #18 - Mar 10th, 2010 at 4:01pm
3/10/10 - morning session:

Potpourri of exercises:

I dropped the burning question exercise out of my potpourri because my interpreter says that the Da Vinci reference is not significant and of course The John the Baptist one was only marginally of value.

But I don’t think I gave enough information for it to be useful to anyone who is interested in this potpourri series: disc 1: Relaxation exercise (this is the most powerful relaxation exercise I ever encountered… I have in a very short time gone into the marginal areas of trance and body asleep to this morning was the most powerful trance/body asleep state I have had to date… caveat… I don’t know if it is the exercise itself (I think it is… I’ll explain… or that I have been doing it now enough to where I have crossed a threshold… wherein I am now ready for the deeper trance/body asleep states…) Bruce Moen has hit on the correct approach (KISS - keep it simple stupid) the key is the breathing technique and the key to that is the smooth slow breathing in… and then (the most important part) the smooth exhale… sequence with no pause… it is the no pause that is the key to the whole thing and the smooth no frills breathing actions… as much as I admire Monroe’s gateway series… the breathing is too involved… BM’s technique has the best overall result… in my opinion… cut 4 disc 1... Energy gathering from below

Disc 3: 2 - Gathering Energy from above. Cut 4 - Gathering energy from above

Then my innovation:

Disc ‘d’ - 1hr - Monroe institute Journey out of the body album.

(you need a five disc - automatic disc changer to set this up... they are hard to find these days I have one I refurbished... private email if you are interested)

This is the most powerful arrangement for a meditation session I have ever encountered. And this morning was the beginning of a major move forward for me personally.

Here is what happened:

… heart chakra kicking in in an entirely different way… feels very hard… this could be the flowering of the bud… (t is no accident the ancients described the chakras as like lotus blossoms…)… light… face on right looking toward my left shoulder… robert Monroe… ?? Pain left toe join… (reflexology… area of the Heart… heart chakra ???)… sailboat on the horizon… on the bow of a schooner… (got the feeling here that I may be entering a retrieval potential)… ominous looking man’s face appears… I felt fear… Ian McClellan likeness… with hitlerian mustache… (Richard III characterization)… this will be a difficult experience to negotiate when the time comes to confront it… frontal lobes activating… these images are emanating from them… sympathetic pain in my back at the 4th, 5th thoracic on the left side… navy man appears… royal blue jacket… looking toward my left shoulder… large dining room… I am looking through a pane glass window to my left and see a part of the capital dome (think in is dc) … blue sky… vibration in left forearm… pressure in the heart area…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #19 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 2:05am

3/10/10 - afternoon session:

Potpourri of exercises:

Pressure around the cerebral cortex… light forms… 3d blackness forming… purple… heart chakra vibrating… itching right side of face end of nose lobe… becoming aware of the river of energy… but it is flowing away from my brain from above… Micheal Caine talking and smiling at people around him… he is on my left looking toward my right shoulder… long green pastures… porch garden… nose itching… my helicopter… I’m flying… profile of a John Edwards looking man… looking right… seeing clouds… blue sky… fishing… all for one, one for all… three musketeers (??)… dartannen… king and country… the idea or rome… America the Beautiful… song… love of country…

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for halcyon skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!

O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stem impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till paths be wrought through
wilds of thought
By pilgrim foot and knee!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man's avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #20 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 2:53pm
3/11/10 - morning session:

Potpourri of exercises:

I burning question exercise back in my potpourri.

Mountain ranges… forest line against the sky… floating above… going deeper… cute puppy energy streaming left pectorial… this is the first time I remember picking up an odor… it was not sweet possibly closer to lockerroom kind… man walking away in olive green t-shirt and shorts with baseball cap… man brunette hair… bare back possibly getting massaged… energy stream left side… looking toward a tall window… I may be o.b.e… I am aware as a poc.. Of my chair, me, my body in it… accurate surrounding furnishings… except the window is actually got drapes pulled (not open as in the vision… but the vision is real time…) [this is very significant, lucky I didn’t get as excited as I am writing this because it definitely seem to be a o.b.e. event… ] aware of myself becoming aware of myself… [this is very significant]… heart chakra blossoming… itching left nose lobe… big color picture… jesus in a manger… I love the Christ child… I am a wise man… I love the christ child… somewhere in the JOOB cut I saw a sudden flash of sky blue light… like a shock bolt…


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #21 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 8:27pm
Seraphis, I'm enjoying your entries quite a bit, as they go along. It's intriguing, to hear what happens, what goes on in your mind and heart. I've never actually heard direct entries quite this way. Even down to the itchy parts. Smiley
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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #22 - Mar 12th, 2010 at 12:07am
Seraphis, I'm enjoying your entries quite a bit, as they go along. It's intriguing, to hear what happens, what goes on in your mind and heart. I've never actually heard direct entries quite this way. Even down to the itchy parts. Smiley

Hi b2: The itchy parts are important... they are sympathetic nervous system signals about what is going on in The Brain that is associated with the harmonic... I don't have a map of the nose and other areas like the reflexology maps of the hand, foot and ear... I think there is one for the nose... the body is feeding back through all these areas...

I think I should get the acuputure meridian maps, they may be more relevant for the body as a whole and the reflexology maps are specific to the extremities... thanks for bringing this up... I didn't think of the acuputure meridian maps.


p.s.: I'm doing it this way hoping that others will follow suit and we can build a clinically accurate chronological sequence of unfoldment record that might be useful to researchers.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #23 - Mar 12th, 2010 at 12:09am
3/11/10 - afternoon session:

Potpourri of exercises:

I put the burning question exercise back in my potpourri.

This was a strange departure for a session… I may have encountered a Kundalini event… session starts with a sensation of rising energy but not from below… it is internally generated… and is flowing toward my brain… my whole body has taken on a vibrational aspect… my frontal lobes were excited… mostly on the left… some minor light phenomena… my hands and feet were filled with energy… like it just collected there and they felt quite heavy and full… I managed only the energy form below exercise… but, decided not to interfere with this new development when I couldn’t get hold of the energy from above exercise… not sure what to make of this…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #24 - Mar 12th, 2010 at 5:00pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 12th, 2010 at 12:09am:
3/11/10 - afternoon session:

Potpourri of exercises:

I put the burning question exercise back in my potpourri.

This was a strange departure for a session… I may have encountered a Kundalini event… session starts with a sensation of rising energy but not from below… it is internally generated… and is flowing toward my brain… my whole body has taken on a vibrational aspect… my frontal lobes were excited… mostly on the left… some minor light phenomena… my hands and feet were filled with energy… like it just collected there and they felt quite heavy and full… I managed only the energy form below exercise… but, decided not to interfere with this new development when I couldn’t get hold of the energy from above exercise… not sure what to make of this…


Warning Kundalini experience:

The above description may be a Kundalini experience... this can be a dangerous force if not properly handled...

Since BM uses exercises that tap energy fields below and exterior to the body and above also exterior to the body… it is easy to get the three fields mixed up for people who don’t have some background in it.

Kundalini can be a dangerous force to awaken and it can be awakened spontaneously (may be the source of internal spontaneous combustion - a rare phenomena).

I’m posting this because almost any inner mediation regime can trigger it. The best procedure I was taught early in my Yoga training using breathing to guide the K… energy into the brain… this is where it wants to go. I have heard of varying degrees of power in the awakening and depending on the force of it you can have varying degrees of intensity… but the primary symptom is ‘heat’ and upward flowing energy… intend for it to go into the brain and guide it there with breathing… that seemed to work well when I had the experience yesterday afternoon.


Since BM uses exercises that tap energy fields below and exterior to the body and above also exterior to the body… it is easy to get the three fields mixed up for people who don’t have some background in it.

Kundalini can be a dangerous force to awaken and it can be awakened spontaneously (may be the source of internal spontaneous combustion - a rare phenomena).

I’m posting this because almost any inner mediation regime can trigger it. The best procedure I was taught early in my Yoga training using breathing to guide the K… energy into the brain… this is where it wants to go. I have heard of varying degrees of power in the awakening and depending on the force of it you can have varying degrees of intensity… but the primary symptom is ‘heat’ and upward flowing energy… intend for it to go into the brain and guide it there with breathing… that seemed to work well when I had the experience yesterday afternoon.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #25 - Mar 12th, 2010 at 11:06pm
3/12/10 - morning session:

This session characterized by pronounced acupuncture meridian energizing… itch alone the a meridian line of the right side of my nose…

The Solar plexus chakra really exhibited tension along the top and bottom of is form… it turns out the solar plexus chakra is NOT round like the others but oblong… this is detected by feeling its shape…

A serious heart chakra jolt… the chakra is attempting to come alive and I think I need to keep doing these exercises until I develop the heart chakra…

The session comes to an end with a vision of a Sharon Stone like woman sitting in front of me on a couch relaxed arm draped over the back of a gray couch… she wears a loose fitting oversized white blouse, minor cleavage… and gray slacks..

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #26 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 2:35am
3/12/10 - Evening session:

Everything slows down at some point, but, the interesting thing is the heart chakra changes and I really think that this may be like muscle building… I have a foot in the door… now I have to pry it open…

Still using the potpourri burning question mix… chin itch… in relaxation phase… meridian… light activation… right side of nose itch… (gather energy from below…) white pig image enters the left side lower frame… or is it a white energy mass… probably was a pig… pickup image of a crouching big cat also left side… itching sensation right side under lip… the energy work really gets the meridian pathways moving subtle energy… right cheek itching… (energy from above)… very aware of pressure on the back of my skull pressing against the pillow… streaming energy on right shoulder at the along the collar bone… pushing deeper into the pillow… itch around the nose… electric blue light above the frontal lobes… eyes voluntarily moving to the cross position looking at the slightly above the brow junction… pressure sensation at the forehead level frontal lobes… going deeper… cold air sensation… probably a draft… looking into a department store structure… clothing department… cryptic symbols (like Arabic) forming… in my front field of vision… don’t feel my body… hear a bicycle bell… this means o.b.e.. but I don’t seem o.b.e.. heart chakra jolt… opening attempted…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #27 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 10:17pm
Hi Seraphis,

I think you'll agree (I hope so anyway) that you are creating an excellent record of how your energy channels are clearing in response to your chosen methods. 

I'm wondering if there might be a bit of a disclaimer added:  that just because you Seraphis experience a nose twitch etc, that someone else needs to replicate that same event. For example, I could twitch my nose incessantly and never make any progress in clearing my own channels if my blockages were elsewhere.

Everyone's path is different and that is a literal truth for these channeled pathways in the body -- as well as a metaphor 
although I suspect the outer path we each find ourselves on is determined more than we know by what and where our blockages are within ourselves physically.


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #28 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 10:33pm
betson wrote on Mar 13th, 2010 at 10:17pm:
Hi Seraphis,

I think you'll agree (I hope so anyway) that you are creating an excellent record of how your energy channels are clearing in response to your chosen methods. 

I'm wondering if there might be a bit of a disclaimer added:  that just because you Seraphis experience a nose twitch etc, that someone else needs to replicate that same event. For example, I could twitch my nose incessantly and never make any progress in clearing my own channels if my blockages were elsewhere.

Everyone's path is different and that is a literal truth for these channeled pathways in the body -- as well as a metaphor 
although I suspect the outer path we each find ourselves on is determined more than we know by what and where our blockages are within ourselves physically.


Hi bets: I am not sure what these things mean for each individual... I hope people will must report and create a clinical record which might have some analytical value going forward... but, the itches etc... I now believe are acupunture meridian lines... activating in a sympathetic/parasympathetc manner... I found a chart which traces the meridian line exactly the path I experienced in the pectoral area...

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #29 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 10:35pm
3/13/10 - Afternoon session:

This session mark a significant break through in the freeing of my heart chakra… I made acquaintance with the second demon who guards the passage through to the inner wealth of that chakra.

Imaging forming itch lower left nose lobe… relaxation phase… awareness of body temperature… chakra jolt… left side chill in left arm pit running along the inner left upper arm and down side of torso… going deeper… itch intensifies, occipital pressure against the pillow… head getting heavier… must be a sign of body/asleep… ringing right ear… goinging deeper… energy streaming left pectoral muscle… green left side… blue light right… itchy throat… throat chakra activating… (coughed)… blue color forming… metal clicking sound… (obe?)… officer in tan summer dress uniform with the high nazi kind of beaked dark blue dress cap… faces looking over my right shoulder below my chin… cards laid down… man on my right has a pair j’s… jolt both legs jumped… (obe??) ... view of dark blue sky over the dorm… bright light disk over the left side… heart chakra jolt… scribing a metallic pencil like shape… three fours for a poker hand… itch over right lobe of nose… looking over the wingroot of a low wing aircraft…  Cessna… frontal lobes… (beginning heart intelligence) … heart chakra forming… walked into a room anne sitting on the far side of the room… black dot forming… 3d blackness trying to form… red pants white shirt casey doyle (the poker champion)… cowboy hat… warm sensation in the heart area… (feeling love exercise starts… going deeper)… maroon arrow pointing down… (going deeper) red white letting go… red sliver right side… eyebrow level… gauzelike clouds of energy around the chest area.. green… gray… very black… abstract line painting vertical and horizontal lines… most vertical …. Multicolor… reds, greens… tear shaped white form… numbers and symbols (entering JOOB disc) forming and changing in with in the shape… eyes automatically crossing to look at the brow point… vibration in big toe… (brain activity possibly the pituitary)… blue light in the distance… vibrations in the foot… vibration in the pituitary… hard mass forming in the cerebral cortex… has a curved tubular form extending form back to front turning downward… helicopter…

Man who looks like Out of body dude sitting or leaning on something… facing me… looking left… feet filling with energy… 

Then it happened suddenly a demonic face appeared it was grayish with the eye on my right deep pink…

[something like this but with the eye facing my left a deep pink/red… translucent face… menacing…]

a great shock wave of energy radiated outward up to the top of my head to my toes… I immediately thought to send it love from the heart chakra… it faded… as it was fading I stayed in session for a few minutes to calm down, then, ended the session…

I intuit this entity bars my way into the depths of the heart chakra… I want to dissolve it…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #30 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 10:40pm
Acupuncture lines  Shocked

Bravo, Seraphis!

Thanks -- That is good to know!  I think you are doing some ground-breaking research here!

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #31 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 2:09am
Acupunture points:

In these sessions I reported nose lobe itches during sessions. Here is an acupuncture chart showing the points on the nose exactly where I reported the itch:

Note also I reported on energy streams on the clavical, study the chart and you will see those meridian lines run exactly in those areas. Now, what they mean relative to energy work in AKG is not something I have the ability at present to explain... but, if there are any acuputurist on the board they might be able to work up some kind of theory. But, bear in mind I am working on the heart chakra... so how they relate to the etheric system may be something entirely different... since the heart chakra is in the etheric body and I suspect they communicate with the physical body through the great nerve ganglion in there respective areas... this is a big subject... but I have laid done a body of session they could be useful in tying the two systems together at some point by myself or someone more capable..

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #32 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 2:42am
aortic bodies:

I've always wondered how the etheric body's chakras communicated with the physical body... I suspect it is done through the aortic bodies in the case of the physical heart and the heart chakra...

note how the vagus nerve attaches to the aortic body... if the etheric body has a counter part (which it must have) then it communicates thru this system.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #33 - Mar 15th, 2010 at 2:24pm
3/15/10 – Morning session:

Continuing with the potpourri… burning question mix… there is a change in the way the energy is being experienced… very subtle at first didn’t realize it… yesterdays session had the first change with the gauze like layer of energy over the left pectoral muscle… instead of the energy streams…

Open plain… Jonathan brice as Saul… looking at me from the left… (watched David movie last night probably residual visual imprints)… purple… eye yellow robe medieval man on horse back… (still visual residuals)… heart chakra engaging… fundamental energy body shifted… (see Robert Bruce’s astraldynamics… the four stages of the energy body)… energy flow… left… energy streams left shoulder… face… eyes crossing looking at brow point… (this is a good sign… when the eyes cross on their own to look at the brow point… this means third eye engaging)… man in ornate robe facing me… slightly right… Russian/greek orthodox attire… (still residual visuals???)… nerve jolt in stream… Achilles tendon left side… (going deeper…) energy streaming between left side neck and clavical… energy streams energizing right thumb… inside… women walking on a desert toward me… blue robes…  body energizing… looking through the third eye… seeing through a oblong horizontal opening … like a tank turret… light on the otherside… looking up at round chin of woman… attractive… energy streaming along left shoulder… throat dry… reds blues, brunette… the central channel energized(in the etheric body anatomy – Robert Bruce – there is a central channel in front of the shushuma, running from just above the genitals up to the base of the brain roughly ending at the temporal lobes… it is about ¾ in in circumference… ) this is the first time I have felt it… energy is more pronounce here… saw the angel… the angel is in the center of the heart chakra… my heart chakra now in full bloom???


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #34 - Mar 15th, 2010 at 2:28pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 13th, 2010 at 10:35pm:
3/13/10 - 

Then it happened suddenly a demonic face appeared it was grayish with the eye on my right deep pink…

[something like this but with the eye facing my left a deep pink/red… translucent face… menacing…]

a great shock wave of energy radiated outward up to the top of my head to my toes… I immediately thought to send it love from the heart chakra… it faded… as it was fading I stayed in session for a few minutes to calm down, then, ended the session…

I intuit this entity bars my way into the depths of the heart chakra… I want to dissolve it…


Got this wrong... the demon is in the solar plexus chakra... this chakra is responsible for the computations what create the world we live in and think is real... recognizing this is important. A step toward spiritual freedom for the physical world.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #35 - Mar 16th, 2010 at 3:36pm
3/16/10 - morning session:

This book is clearly a project... it lends itself to a long process of personal inner development if you can understand your personal needs.. the Greeks said it best.... KNOW THY SELF!

Potpourri of exercises:

Seems to be a big change no itching in this mornings session…

Burning question exercise in my potpourri.

Deep purple light in front of me under the nose area… Nazi officer… black epaulets on collar, gray uniform… is this a retrieval potential… seeing a schematic for some kind of engine… beans(?) bundled on my right… mashing potatoes with a fork… greens purples… pulse… fabulous night sky silhouette, sky dark blue… black tree line against it… solar plexus chakra (??) energy filling the palms of my hands and feet… frame door… banner silver… solar plexus chakra…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #36 - Mar 16th, 2010 at 10:10pm
3/16/10 - afternoon session:

Potpourri of exercises:

False alarm… itching is back but with more intensity… but there is a sea change in the heart chakra activation… it is clearly now gaining in strength… this chakra MUST be developing in its formation… not sure what it is supposed to be like if it ever really opened… I think most of the extant literature is probably corrupted…

Heart chakra activation… purple light… very deep purple… left kneecap area feels lighter than the right kneecap… could be feeling the astral body at this point separating and my consciousness is aware and residing in it… throbbing pulse starting at the third thoracic vertebra left side… radiates up the side of the neck to the cerebral cortex… the river of energy flows upward… can not tell whether in is in both the central channel and the shusummna… it is just one amorphous mass of energy moving… more heart chakra activity… it is originating under the sternum roughly on the left side… gauze like energy sheath in the right thigh area above the kneecap… energy streaming right heel on the left side… itching on the left nostril lobe… very pronounced… and extends to the cheek area… see a man from the rear… bare back… broad shoulders… thin blue aura around a kind of protoplasmic body grayish blue… has thrown a spear (?)… heart chakra covering a larger area… female face with a sharp straight nose very attractive… on the right looking toward my left shoulder… lower center visual play… occipital pressure against pillow… very pronounced itch left nostril lobe… (won’t scratch)… fundamental body movement (Robert Bruce describes the fundamental body as the soul which never leaves the body… the astral body is generated from the fundamental body… this is why no other entity can possess your body when you travel… only a virtual body is traveling… this fundamental body can move around in the physical body…)… Howard Stern like face appears… with that kinky curly full head of hair that is down around his shoulders… spots on the nose, right side… gauze like energy around the feet… bridge landscape garden… television screen formed…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #37 - Mar 16th, 2010 at 11:44pm
3/16/10 - evening session:

Potpourri of exercises:

What a powerful wonderful session. I experienced Love… radiating from my heart chakra out through my fingers and toes… and filled my brain with tingling energy soft and vibrant… as I write there flashes of tiny lights… tears run down my eyes…

I got to the feeling love exercise and I recently got the Petula Clark version of ‘what I did for love’   and it made my heart soar… and in the session when prompted I got it….

Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you.
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love.

Look my eyes are dry.
The gift was mine to borrow.
It's as if I always knew,
And I won't forget what I did for love,
What I did for love.

Love is never gone.
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.

Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow.
I did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for

Love is never gone
As we travel one
Love's what we'll remember
Kiss today goodbye.

And point me t'ward tomorrow.

Point me t'ward tomorrow
I did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for love.
What I did for love.

What I did for love



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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #38 - Mar 17th, 2010 at 12:36pm
Well, I am at now at one of those places where I am not sure what to do…

Yesterday evenings intense session… seemed like an opening in the door so walk thru… this morning I was confused about whether to continue with the love exercises or having achieved a fabulous result… use that as a place to stop and regroup… I start on this road because I was having problems with the Interpreter/Preceiver functions…

So the question is now go back to the I/P exercises and take it to some obvious plateau, come back to finish the two remaining exercises in the Love series.

Oh well… my decision at this moment is to stand down and get grounded… hug some trees, etc..

Any suggestions…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #39 - Mar 17th, 2010 at 1:13pm
Since you ask!

IMPO, Stop/Regroup/ground yourself for a while, take a walk by the ocean/lake/forest take your shoes off and feel mother earth if possible to walk bare foot...feel it/absorb it etc. Or any other than you do to ground yourself,and then go back finish the 2 remaining exercises in love series.

The I/Perceiver will always be there to go back to, it's a never ending story with those 2.
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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #40 - Mar 17th, 2010 at 6:22pm
Romain wrote on Mar 17th, 2010 at 1:13pm:
Since you ask!

IMPO, Stop/Regroup/ground yourself for a while, take a walk by the ocean/lake/forest take your shoes off and feel mother earth if possible to walk bare foot...feel it/absorb it etc. Or any other than you do to ground yourself,and then go back finish the 2 remaining exercises in love series.

The I/Perceiver will always be there to go back to, it's a never ending story with those 2.

Hi Romain: Thanks for the input... that makes sense... I have a tendency to vere off of a success... not sure why some deep ego problem... this makes sense as follow thru... just like golf...  Smiley. The follow thru is important...

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #41 - Mar 17th, 2010 at 6:25pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 17th, 2010 at 6:22pm:
[quote author=75484A464E49270 link=1266360967/39#39 date=1268846014]

Hi Romain: Thanks for the input... that makes sense... I have a tendency to vere off of a success... not sure why some deep ego problem... this makes sense as follow thru... just like golf...  Smiley. The follow thru is important...


Hi Romain: Had a realization just as I posted... the deep seated ego barrier is... I have always abused power in the past... and I don't trust myself with it... but, that is connected to very ancient incarnations and belief systems... I need to dismantle them going forward.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #42 - Mar 18th, 2010 at 7:16pm
3/18/10 - afternoon session: (date error- just corrected it.)

Still using a version of the potpourri… burning question in the mix… dropped the JOOB disc because of the intensity of the Gathering Love energy exercise.

Unusual strength in the heart area… itch in lower neck left side… it scribes an inch long stitch… definitely a meridian effect… heart chakra running very nicely purring like an engine… looking down a winding lane in a very green garden area… path through trees and scrubs… very pronounce itch alone the right nose bridge… energy stream under left side of the left thigh… more meridian lines lighting up… occipital pressure against the pillow… (ascribe this to body asleep and head is quite heavy to the awareness poc…) itch left nostril lobe… interesting resting answer to my burning question… (do it with love… without egoic personal gain motive… just love of horses and the game for the games sake)… conversation with the gate keeper (deleted)… very pronounce itch in the right nostril lobe more itching along the right nostril bridge… seem to be a relationship between the right side of my nose and my heart area the nose feels like it is above the heart area which it is not anatomically… reflexology suggest that all extremities have nerve endings that tie back to organ structures… have not seen a reflexology map of the nose… muscle relaxation pronounced under the left shoulder… wow!!! Impression of a Star of David laying flat (highlight of the session)… [ ] his  the star lines are a pulsing bluish…purple… it actually is a wheel…it is not rotating… energy flowing in from the spocks to the center… kind of disc formation receiving the energy… can’t feel or see where it is going… is it going anywhere??? Lots of ‘what I did for love’… visual of me holding tippy my dog… see myself leaning over my mother (I was her caregiver) saying…. I love you… she replied… I know you do…

[I guess energy was gathering at the center of my heart… just as the exercise asks to accomplish… but, there was no big feeling of spiritual ecstasy or energy sensations like the big session of a couple of days ago… think I need to keep doing this exercise until something momentous happens… this was interesting but not sensational.  Am I being ridiculous readers, egotistical or wanting more than there is to have??? What do you think… feedback desired!!!]

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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2010 at 3:17pm by Seraphis1 »  

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #43 - Mar 19th, 2010 at 3:16pm

This is interesting... I am not doing the heart sessions for a while awaiting developements... not sure how to proceed... but... I laid down for a catnap and my heart chakra started to heat up... there is a kind of burning sensation in my lower sternum... this is very interesting... I may be able to proceed now that I have a kind of sign...


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #44 - Mar 19th, 2010 at 8:51pm
3/19/10 - afternoon session:

When I got spontaneous heart chakra action from just a catnap… I realized my heart chakra is unfolding on its own… I need to stay with the exercises until some significant conclusion is reached… this is a significant opportunity…

Left frontal lobe throbbing… oh, oh,… some energy wants to pull me somewhere… need to let go and go with the flow… looking up at a face over me… up the faces nostrils… solar plexus chakra activating… heart chakra really strongly coming in… picking up a… animated vision… (??)… want to allow the heart chakra to energize take off… klingon type face look toward my right shoulder… energy in the left foot sympathetic reaction… to energy in left kneecap… hands filling with energy… lots of attention surrounding my heart area… Roman or Greek fighting galleon coming toward me… (potential retrieval???)… heart chakra really energizing… green… emerald green around me mosiac glass… energy surge…


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #45 - Mar 20th, 2010 at 11:07am
3/20/10 - evening session:

The character and quality of the sessions has dramatically changed… it is as if I am laying in a foundation which is slowing but surely creating an sound underpinning. Unfortunately, I may have to face more of my difficult past… the Nazi figure appears again and I am worried that this may be more than just a potential future retrieval issue and more of my past coming up for review and responsibility taking… I don’t like it, but, there it is… my uncle was an american soldier who was a liberator of the concentration camps and an adamant anti-Nazi. Tho, as a linear potential it is possible… to have had an incarnation in the early part of the Nazi rise to power… but, I now know there is no linear requirement… reincarnation is not necessarily linear nor is it impossible to exist in two or more physical realities at the same time… whatever it is however distasteful… I will have to come face to face with my creations and look at them head-on… ask forgiveness, forgive and move on… I wondered why I was requested to join a retrieval attempt on Adolph Hitler… !!

Session is using only Gathering Love cut:

Going deeper, let go… energy filling my hands… now the Nazi character again… this time in a brown shirt and a black dress cap… in a great court yard… monumental architecture…


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #46 - Mar 20th, 2010 at 8:43pm
3/20/10 - afternoon session:

Exciting potential developing... relative the Ark of the Covenant!!

Fundamental energy body shifted… felt the shift very subtly in my cranial area… itching at the tip of my nose favoring the right side… fundamental energy body and the expanded energy body are now active… energy mass in the thumb of my right hand… now a sharp pain in the body of the thumb favoring the left side… this is surely the pituitary body coming alive… now at the same time energy awareness of pressure under the left frontal lobe definitely where the pituitary body should be… an eye developing… in the blackness… now a pipe elbow the pipes coming out going away and down in the front temporal lobe area… this must be some kind of symbolism relative to brain activity… the ventricular system is around this area… and the third and fourth ventrical passages are in this area… something is going on here relative to the awakening of this area to my conscious awareness… right big to again…

The piping symbol:

This is exactly what accompanies the kundalini experience, as the [b]Energy in the solar plexus rises to the brain through your staff (rod) spine.

By the time the Ark was ready to discharge, a massive charge would have built up inside the Temple, as the solar plexus energy touched the pineal gland of the brain, and then opened up the third ventricle or mercy seat.

The entire structure and purpose of the Temple was to create and harness massive charges of electricity. Everything about it was designed to enhance and amplify this energy to maximum effect, for reasons that we are, perhaps, only too familiar with.

Something to look forward to…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #47 - Mar 21st, 2010 at 12:41am
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 20th, 2010 at 11:07am:
3/20/10 - evening session:

Unfortunately, I may have to face more of my difficult past… the Nazi figure appears again and I am worried that this may be more than just a potential future retrieval issue and more of my past coming up for review and responsibility taking… I don’t like it, but, there it is… my uncle was an american soldier who was a liberator of the concentration camps and an adamant anti-Nazi. Tho, as a linear potential it is possible… to have had an incarnation in the early part of the Nazi rise to power… but, I now know there is no linear requirement… reincarnation is not necessarily linear nor is it impossible to exist in two or more physical realities at the same time… whatever it is however distasteful… I will have to come face to face with my creations and look at them head-on… ask forgiveness, forgive and move on… I wondered why I was requested to join a retrieval attempt on Adolph Hitler… !!

Session is using only Gathering Love cut:

Going deeper, let go… energy filling my hands… now the Nazi character again… this time in a brown shirt and a black dress cap… in a great court yard… monumental architecture…


My interpreter... gives the following: It may be enough just to be willing to face the creation and it dissolved... (I haven't encountered it again. I could have been a good German and resented our treatment at Versailles... and Hitler offered to restore our pride... as he got out of hand... could I have been involved in attempting to remove him... by any means... Valkyrie comes to mind... I may not have been all bad...  Smiley

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #48 - Mar 22nd, 2010 at 12:11pm

3/22/10 - morning session:

Potpourri mix… gathering love energy with joob as closer.

The sessions continue to take on a new character… calmer… more of a presence… fundamental body shift… big television black box above and to the right sitting on or suspended in space… blackness surrounding an opaque screen… man on a square box throne… medieval robes… food being served on left side… hot dogs, cabbage rolls… Madeleine Albright… aware of left foot, left hand… coffee being poured from the right… pencil dropping into a space… pressure occipital let go… fundamental body shift… ave maria coming in… sign of the throat chakra kicking in… space walk… sensation of floating… space walk… half in half out of body… o.b.e… hugh lifeboat in the distance… black shape with heads over the sides… silhouetted… against a dark sky… retrieval??  Metal orafice opens aluminum or stainless steel… like a sphincter of some sort… (ventricular activity???)… a sense of floating… I am floating around in the temporal lobe… telephone ringing… body asleep… snoring… america… vibrations… begin in calf and foot… vibrations head to toe…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #49 - Mar 22nd, 2010 at 3:59pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 22nd, 2010 at 12:11pm:
3/22/10 - morning session:

Potpourri mix… gathering love energy with joob as closer.

The sessions continue to take on a new character… calmer… more of a presence…  fundamental body shift… ave maria coming in… sign of the throat chakra kicking in… space walk… sensation of floating… space walk… half in half out of body… o.b.e…   Metal orafice opens aluminum or stainless steel… like a sphincter of some sort… (ventricular activity???)… a sense of floating… I am floating around in the temporal lobe…


This is interesting... I am floating around the temporal lobe... I just realized that this is my p.o.c. I have become aware of my p.o.c... which is 'me'... and I should be able to move me anywhere... interesting...

In one of Bruce Moen's books he is being trained by his indian guide to dive off a mountain top into a lake... the exercise is supposed to get BM to recognize who is moving or diving... a form or a consciousness...

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #50 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 12:38pm
3/29/10 - morning session:

Well, now, I haven’t been reporting since 3/23/10... Some interesting things have been happening and I just didn’t know how to deal with them… lots of hemi-sync work… and that has been the difference… I am full circle… since The Day my Universe changed… back in 2007 and my NDE… this morning... On the astral plane I was born again… at about 12:29 am… an astral operation took place in which a ‘demon’ was removed from my lower chakral area… not sure if it was the spleen, naval or root chakra…

Something like this picture without the human of course… but… the attending surgeon said now you will be able to love unconditionally again… I was sweating somewhat in the physical… I could feel the wet… but, I was deep in the astral as I was being attended…

This represents the third and last demon which I discovered were there in the TMI - Guideline tank phase of the seminar… this was the first demon…

Looked something like this resided in my heart chakra… this was dissolved at the time but not replaced until recently with an Angel (see pertinent posting)…

It seems my lower nature is gradually being reduced to nothing in a reasonably un-traumatic manner… without a lot of strum und drang…


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #51 - Mar 30th, 2010 at 2:03pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 29th, 2010 at 12:38pm:
3/29/10 - morning session:

Something like this picture without the human of course… but… the attending surgeon said now you will be able to love unconditionally again… I was sweating somewhat in the physical… I could feel the wet… but, I was deep in the astral as I was being attended…

It seems my lower nature is gradually being reduced to nothing in a reasonably un-traumatic manner… without a lot of strum und drang…



As I was walking back to my dorm, I felt I was falling into 'Joy"... this all coming so wonderfully gradually... this is what one wants... acclimation to a very high state of consciousness that stays in place because it is connected to the 'Absolute'.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #52 - Mar 31st, 2010 at 6:39pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 30th, 2010 at 2:03pm:
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 29th, 2010 at 12:38pm:
3/29/10 - morning session:

Something like this picture without the human of course… but… the attending surgeon said now you will be able to love unconditionally again… I was sweating somewhat in the physical… I could feel the wet… but, I was deep in the astral as I was being attended…

It seems my lower nature is gradually being reduced to nothing in a reasonably un-traumatic manner… without a lot of strum und drang…



As I was walking back to my dorm, I felt I was falling into 'Joy"... this all coming so wonderfully gradually... this is what one wants... acclimation to a very high state of consciousness that stays in place because it is connected to the 'Absolute'.



While in line at the cafe a news broadcast was describing the story of a tradegty of conflict in which a person dies... compassion wheld up in my heart chakra... unconditional love flowed to the victim and perpetrator alike... this was stronger than anything so far... inch by inch I am arriving at a place to continuous flow and contact and "Yoga" with the Source .... it is never ending at some point... looking forward to being Pure Love itself...

I am grateful for the Divine spirit's Grace...

I am grateful and joyous at the blessings heaped upon me as I continue to allow it Grace to express itself.

Thank you Universe... thank you... thank you .....

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #53 - Apr 1st, 2010 at 4:53pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 31st, 2010 at 6:39pm:
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 30th, 2010 at 2:03pm:
Seraphis1 wrote on Mar 29th, 2010 at 12:38pm:
3/29/10 - morning session:

Something like this picture without the human of course… but… the attending surgeon said now you will be able to love unconditionally again… I was sweating somewhat in the physical… I could feel the wet… but, I was deep in the astral as I was being attended…

It seems my lower nature is gradually being reduced to nothing in a reasonably un-traumatic manner… without a lot of strum und drang…



As I was walking back to my dorm, I felt I was falling into 'Joy"... this all coming so wonderfully gradually... this is what one wants... acclimation to a very high state of consciousness that stays in place because it is connected to the 'Absolute'.



While in line at the cafe a news broadcast was describing the story of a tradegty of conflict in which a person dies... compassion wheld up in my heart chakra... unconditional love flowed to the victim and perpetrator alike... this was stronger than anything so far... inch by inch I am arriving at a place to continuous flow and contact and "Yoga" with the Source .... it is never ending at some point... looking forward to being Pure Love itself...

I am grateful for the Divine spirit's Grace...

I am grateful and joyous at the blessings heaped upon me as I continue to allow it Grace to express itself.

Thank you Universe... thank you... thank you .....


4/1/10 - I was napping and in the borderland....

I hear:  Hello

I look up say hello... no answer... I open the door look down the corridor... no one there...

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #54 - Apr 2nd, 2010 at 1:59am
4/1/10 - afternoon session:

Changing focus:

I've discovered an articulated  mass which seems to reside in the sternal area… now, remember the heart chakra is the central engine of almost everything that happens in the upper realms… I have tentatively identified what I believe to be the gatewaythe heart chakra uses to send energy into enter the physical realm

The articulating masses may be those vagus nerve entry points (red) into the aortic bodies… now the exciting thing is this… I’ve been contacting the level… ( I have achieved a powerful level of relaxation which is on the verge of the first level of trance… because in one of the sessions in my AKG work… I relaxed specific muscle groups and realized eventually I will be able to relax every muscle group individually in some future time as I continue down this road… this may be the breakthrough area… I’m going to focus on it… because I believe if I breakthrough it… I will get into a the first level of trance state… this is important because I think this is the level that gives one control of The Fundamental Energy bodies mechanism for consciously and controlledly generating The Expanded Energy body… etc…

This is mostly automatic but, it probably is more powerful if you can gain conscious control of the process… this is exciting…

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #55 - Apr 2nd, 2010 at 10:57am
Seraphis1 wrote on Apr 2nd, 2010 at 1:59am:
4/1/10 - afternoon session:

Changing focus:

I've discovered an articulated  mass which seems to reside in the sternal area… now, remember the heart chakra is the central engine of almost everything that happens in the upper realms… I have tentatively identified what I believe to be the gatewaythe heart chakra uses to send energy into enter the physical realm

The articulating masses may be those vagus nerve entry points (red) into the aortic bodies… now the exciting thing is this… I’ve been contacting the level… ( I have achieved a powerful level of relaxation which is on the verge of the first level of trance… because in one of the sessions in my AKG work… I relaxed specific muscle groups and realized eventually I will be able to relax every muscle group individually in some future time as I continue down this road… this may be the breakthrough area… I’m going to focus on it… because I believe if I breakthrough it… I will get into a the first level of trance state… this is important because I think this is the level that gives one control of The Fundamental Energy bodies mechanism for consciously and controlledly generating The Expanded Energy body… etc…

This is mostly automatic but, it probably is more powerful if you can gain conscious control of the process… this is exciting…


Something I left out and I don't know why... everytime I touch this thing is scares me... and I only get one pass in each session... I seem to think I will not be able to come back if I go through it... Die?? Not sure... but, I am going to work to get through this barrier.

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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #56 - Apr 2nd, 2010 at 4:46pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Apr 2nd, 2010 at 10:57am:
Seraphis1 wrote on Apr 2nd, 2010 at 1:59am:
4/1/10 - afternoon session:

Changing focus:

I've discovered an articulated  mass which seems to reside in the sternal area… now, remember the heart chakra is the central engine of almost everything that happens in the upper realms… I have tentatively identified what I believe to be the gatewaythe heart chakra uses to send energy into enter the physical realm

The articulating masses may be those vagus nerve entry points (red) into the aortic bodies… now the exciting thing is this… I’ve been contacting the level… ( I have achieved a powerful level of relaxation which is on the verge of the first level of trance… because in one of the sessions in my AKG work… I relaxed specific muscle groups and realized eventually I will be able to relax every muscle group individually in some future time as I continue down this road… this may be the breakthrough area… I’m going to focus on it… because I believe if I breakthrough it… I will get into a the first level of trance state… this is important because I think this is the level that gives one control of The Fundamental Energy bodies mechanism for consciously and controlledly generating The Expanded Energy body… etc…

This is mostly automatic but, it probably is more powerful if you can gain conscious control of the process… this is exciting…


Something I left out and I don't know why... everytime I touch this thing is scares me... and I only get one pass in each session... I seem to think I will not be able to come back if I go through it... Die?? Not sure... but, I am going to work to get through this barrier.


4/2/10 Morning session:

I’ve decided to attempt to get through to the next trance level… and in this morning’s exercise I realize that I am afraid I am going to or I am having a heart attack… and this is silly, dying would be a wonderful thing to happen… to get free of the physical plane forever….

Disc 1 cut 1 with tmi auxiliary follow up:

??? Complexioned woman looking… bright… looking toward my right shoulder… Little orphan annie looking character looking … bold thought mass entered… letting go… encountering the heart  mass… pirate kidnapping… underage victims… naval sea captain… mass… unable to articulate it… The Raven… 3d black space… with purple swirls… lots of depth perception… nebulous… nerve spasm… lower ear… line of pain on left forearm… extends to thumb well… extends upward to left frontal lobe… ringing in left ear… tension across the chest… horizontal line like a tube… ½ “ thick… like a metal bar… pinkish…transparent butterfly wings…


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Re: Love exercise re_do!
Reply #57 - Apr 9th, 2010 at 12:57am
Seraphis1 wrote on Feb 22nd, 2010 at 10:55pm:
2/22/10 - morning session:

… but, I find it odd that two days running I felt great love for people at Walmart when I was shopping… it surprised me… I took it in stride… today I felt a great soaring of my heart when I heard a particularly moving melodie… but, it isn’t necessarily happening in session… and that is puzzling tho one takes what one gets in this work…


4/8/10 -

While walking through the local VA hospital I saw what most people would regard as a deformed woman in a wheelchair... I felt a great compassion wheld up within me and I saw a beautiful woman as God created her... Gods creations can only be beautiful... this time I was not surprised I let the feelings and the unconditional love flow and run its course.

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