Junior Member
Posts: 54
Indianapolis, IN
At Work today - I was just re-reading the part of the book where Bruce visited the burn victim in The Healing and Rejuvenation Center. Right when I got to the part about the audience in the surgical theater expressing their love to the patient to instantly heal him to his surprise, I was completely and utterly surprised to find myself choking back a sob and stopping tears from pouring out of my eyes! I went from unemotional and slightly distracted to upset, tearful and extremely upset in the speed of thought!
I got up to clock back in from lunch and as I walked to the time clock I idly wondered if I was in an audience like that or if I was the recipient of something like that at some point and I felt a milder sting of upset emotions and tears which I quickly controlled followed by subtle cold chills in my back and my upper arms. It's hot in here at work, with the heat cranked up.