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Is Good Evil and Evil Good? (Read 21590 times)
Neil Gordon
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Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Oct 28th, 2009 at 5:30am
This is by far the most heretical post I've made yet when in altered state of consciousness. It was prompted by an imaginary or real(doesn't matter) conversation with an Evil Entity.

He (I) (the entity) proposed that we are living a lie - good is evil and evil is good.

He wanted me to join the "evil" side on body exit (final).

Now who in their right minds would even consider that? - AND THATS THE DUSI. Everyone is so busy warning about hell, but who wants to go there in the first place?

I asked him (the entity, which was real) why he had so much hatred for me and always tried to destroy me. He said, the only way to combat good is to fight it with evil (the opposite of good).

The Earth is in the "Good" sector. It is only  called "Good" because that is what is popular here (goodness).

We could be in a realm with the most terrible disgusting atrocities , but we have been popularized as living in a "Good" realm.

We live in a "good "realm and everything that is not good is evil. That gives evil a pretty bad name, by default. Thats what got me to considering this whole thing. I mean, "murder" is classed as "evil" in most situations. So when you say "Evil" you automatically think Satanism, etc. So an awful amount of things are evil. Why are they evil? Because they don't follow the established order of things (they are not "GOOD").

This might be a simplistic view.

Perhaps "Good" is "God". The angels rebelled in heaven and Lucifer was cast down. Perhaps Lucifer was the only one with enough common sense to see that the "good" way was leading to only torment and suffering.

I mean look at Capitalism. Meant to be good, right? Personally I could not think of a more barbaric system which allows 20% of the 6 billion to live oblivious to the person starving right next to them. So Capatalism is __evil__.

Maybe, going with the flow when you die, going to the between lives area, etc... is the wrong thing to do. Perhaps you should do the opposite, go and hold council with the evil. Look at both sides of the story.

One theory holds that we land up reunifying with God after a long struggle. This is guaranteed loss of consciousness for you forever. Why? Because you weren't conscious BEFORE God split, were you? - So in this case, "EVIL" opposes this - it refuses reintegration with God, leaving God to his natural space.. Refuse to go through endless cycles of Karma only to return to nothing! When you DIE, DEMAND to know the truth!

"Evil"s plan is to have immortal existences for us all. One with dignity and respect. Our spirit world must be really messed up, becuase "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW". If you look at the sad state of this world, it doesn't say much.

So there is a war between good and evil.

BUT the people who are "evil" believe they are the good ones, because they are guaranteeing us immortal life, with self respect.

I say, if you can trap a bird in a house, with no way out, and it is obliged to stay in the house, you can trap him in a much smaller space - a cage - and he cannot ever get out.

So each and every one of us is trapped in a small space (this body of ours, and this planet). WHAT IS STOPPING THEM FROM TRAPPING YOU INTO A 1CM BY 1CM (or atom size) box? For eternity! We could all be turning into atoms!

Personally, I don't recall granting my permission, express or implied, to be born onto this planet. Neither have I been given the courtesy of an explanation from the "elders" or whichever spirits are in charge here, as to why/what/how is going on in this place?? The least they could do is give me an option to stay or leave.

Anyway, I am just considering the other side. This certainly was an eye opener for me to think in this way.

My first thought was : Why would anyone choose to be evil?

Then I thought: Because maybe evil is good and good is evil! Just excellent PR on the part of God and his angels!

(Geez I'd better stand aside for the lightening strike.)

This was written in an altered state (its the only time I seem to write anything of controversial value).

What do you guys think? I don't say I believe it. I'm just saying, have you thought about it this way?

With love, light, hatred, darkness and vengence, Smiley


He (I) said they were losing the war, but only marginally, evil just needs more beings on their side.

I've thought about it - I've never myself met an evil person! Everyone I've met was trying to do good (mostly for themselves).

So how do we explain the astral hells? Perhaps it is because our perception is switched around. People in the hells perceive the hell as good, and people in the "good" planes pereive hell as bad.

PERSONALLY - I don't know. What I have presented above is a very sketch outline of a theory that I (or another) thought out, to win souls over to 'Evil'.

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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #1 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 10:16am
Well Neil, I think it's a good post and I had to think about it for a little while to get my words sorted out.

What I'm reading now and dealing with right now is My Big Toe and in that set of books Campbell takes about lowering entropy being the way to increase ones spirituality toward what I guess most people would consider "good" service to others but not necessarily that and "Evil" being high entropy such as murder and stuff. I just read The Tibetan Book of the Dead and I'm getting the impression now that all the good and evil is illusory and part of the "Games" we are addicted to because of the duality of our Physical Matter Reality here, C1.

Your post reminds me that I have often felt that perhaps striving for good is no better than being evil, but the result of balance between the two and being unmoved by the illusion of either is the ultimate way of insuring longevity because you are stay on the quest whether being pulled in one direction or the other but not taking action. I don't hold this as a belief but it is something that I have thought about for some years...especially when I see people debating what is good and what is evil and how simple it should be to tell the difference. I once believed that Christianity was created by Lucifer to drive people away from the Christ ideals but that Lucifer was trying to grow our spirit but from the bottom up by making us stronger in the long run... Thanks for reminding me of where I come from. I think we should strive to be above the war and outside of it. Perhaps the war is fought out of fear on either side and if so then it is as pointless as any other war. Being still in the awe of everything may be the best course. If fear drives us to be good then we have missed the point.
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #2 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 10:50am

Your post has quite a few invalid premises.  So before anyone could respond one way or the other to your post, they would first have to challenge the premises.

For example, your premise on capitalism is that "it was meant to be good."

Where did you get that from?  Please give us your source(s). 

And when you say 20% of the world's population (presumably those who benefit from capitalism) are oblivious to starving people next door, that is preposterous. 

Fact is, the starving people are concentrated in countries where capitalism is NOT the economic system.  And countries that embrace capitalism have done more for poor countries and their population than any other system.

So I suspect that your own premises, wrong as they may be, have so affected your thinking that you now think that maybe evil is the way to go.

Frankly I think your post is totally nonsensical.  And, quite frankly should be sent to the Off Topic Forum.


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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #3 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 11:04am
That's right, squelch someone for their honesty. Very good. If this forum is about facts instead of feelings then there's very little here that shouldn't be put in the off topic posts.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #4 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 11:57am
Squelch someone for their honesty?

How about if they grossly misstate a very major fact?  Should we just ignore it because they misstate it in an honest manner?

Where would you draw the line?  Suppose someone stated in a post that the holocaust never really happened.  But they stated it in an "honest" manner.  Should that post be "squelched"?

Come on Beau.  I know we live in a world where 2+2 is 5 as long as the person truly believes it to be so, but let's not toss integrity out the window for fear we might offend someone.

Off Topic forum doesn't squelch anyone.
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #5 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 12:09pm
It's not a post about capitalism, Rondele. That's all I was saying really. It belongs here as much as many of our discussions belong here. And there are plenty of people starving in capitalistic societies too. I'll be happy to post some pictures of people starving in conservative South Carolina sometime. It is happening and yes, there is more help here than in some third world countries, but I don't think the current state of things here is vote for capitalism on the whole. And now we've made it a thread about capitalism and it probably should be moved. Wink
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #6 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 12:47pm
As soon as a being started talking to me in such a way I'd stop it, and tell it to changes it way.

When a being, either human or non-human is intent on rationalizing things in a dishnonest manner, apparently, it doesn't do a lot of good to talk to them.
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #7 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 2:48pm
I'd like to add that perhaps in some cases unfriendly spirits continue to hang around people, because they believe they can fool such people. If a person gets to the point where he or she can't be fooled, an unfriendly spirit is less likely to hang around.

Perhaps some channelers connect with unfriendly spirits because they allow themselves to be fooled by unfriendly spirits.

How can we become certain we don't become fooled? One way is to accept the fact that we can be fooled if we don't watch it. If we have a tendency to make excuses for the people and spirits who try to fool people, then we basically put a big target on our forehead.

If a source of information is overly quick to justify behavior that otherwise is considered unacceptable, perhaps such a source should be questioned.

If in order to cover itself a source comes up with doubletalk about how it does or doesn't represent divine will, perhaps it should be questioned.

If a source doesn't clearly show that it has reverence towards divine will, perhaps it should be questioned.

If one has to do all kinds of mental gymnastics in order to defend something, perhaps one should wonder if one is defending something that is worth defending.

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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #8 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 6:23pm
Perhaps there isn't good or evil. Just ego. By the way, there's plenty of malnutritioned people up here in Canada also. Plenty. Ideological governments believing in capitalism don't guaranty that their peoples wont starve. There are countries in Africa that you can vote in but cant get a decent nutrition for the masses.  Are people starving in Cuba? Not many.
Neil, stay on the good side. There is plenty of time for evil on the next round through. And theres lots of work to do here.
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Neil Gordon
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #9 - Oct 30th, 2009 at 1:26am
My intention with this post was to get people thinking - maybe isn't all as it seems- what if everything is the polar opposite of what we have been led believe?

I realized that I had never really thought properly and intelligently about good/evil. That made me think, how many people do I know who are evil? Zero. Then I thought, well maybe evil is an invention of ours, or we don't understand it.

I could get some quotes on Capitalism but it is off-topic.

I seem to be more aware than the average person as to the suffering going on this planet, in every corner, nook and cranny. So my own personal conclusion is that we are in a realm of pure evil.

Additionally, this makes me skeptical of all afterlife stories and beliefs and "facts" (of which there zero because no-one knows for sure).

I come back down to: I want to know for myself through my own experience why we are here, what happens when we die, etc.

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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #10 - Oct 30th, 2009 at 7:04am
Ideological governments believing in capitalism don't guaranty that their peoples wont starve. There are countries in Africa that you can vote in but cant get a decent nutrition for the masses.

It's democracy that lets people vote, not capitalism.

I mean look at Capitalism. Meant to be good, right?

I think you're getting the two "goods" mixed up. It's the one that seems to work best, it's not supposed to be morally good.
Communism on the other hand was meant to be morally good and it didn't work, because most people don't care about morals when faced with the chance to have more than everybody else.

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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #11 - Oct 30th, 2009 at 7:48am
I'm down with that. If mixing in with the supreme consciousness makes you lose yourself / individuality, I say to hell with that. I am me, myself and I.

Course, I would also suck the life out of other souls if it meant I would not die. So yeah, I guess I am evil. /shrug
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #12 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 1:58pm
But Vagabound, how many communist countries do you know of that use the capitalist system? (And really, is capitalism better than socialism?)Afghanistan is trying democracy, thanks to the USA and NATO. Like there's not starving going on over there. They have had capitalist style markets for hundreds of years yet people still go hungry. Well that is unless your a part of the upper crust or a propped up politician. Sort of like like health care in the USA. If you cant afford it, to bad for you. Die then. Nice country. Canada, Germany, among many others, have it so mush better health wise. In the USA it would seem that capitalism has gone way to far. Making it so that only the rich will be taken care of and the poor to be left behind. Spiritually wise, I find it disheartening that a country like the US would allow its old, week, and poor to die or be sick because they don't have the cash to pay for medical help. And its not only the USA. Many countries are in the same boat. Perhaps unchecked capitalism is the evil on this earth that Neil and the rest of us should be concerned with. If there was a price on PUL, then most likly, most Americans couldn't afford it, and only the rich would find spiritual enlightenment.
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #13 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 5:03am
Hi hawkeye,

I didn't go into much detail because I didn't think anyone would want to read that, but I guess cutting it short leaves lots of space for misunderstandings. I'm not saying that capitalism would be better than socialism.

The first point I was trying to make is that capitalism is an economic system, democracy is a political system. In most cases democracies use capitalism, but please do not use these words interchangeably because it might cause confusion.

how many communist countries do you know of that use the capitalist system

You probably mean how many former communist countries are using capitalism now (both are economic systems, so you can't have both in one country unless you're mixing them but then you'd be making up a new system and would have to give it a new name; that's how socialism came into existence); I don't have any numbers; my guess would be 95%.
They had to switch because communism wasn't working. I don't think anyone will ever find out what exactly the reason was as there were too many problems all at the same time. (most of those problems didn't have anything to do with the economic system, so communism had never had a fair chance)

They have had capitalist style markets for hundreds of years yet people still go hungry.

Right. Like I said, it wasn't supposed to be morally good, but the one that works best. So far we haven't found a system that'll feed everyone without oppressing them.
In theory communism would, but people have abused it.
In a lot of countries millionaires have been abusing capitalism, they've lost touch with reality and all common sense and for a long time the system was still working.
But now, finally, we're going through the effects that this behaviour causes. I do hope something's gonna change now.

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what you're trying to say; are you suggesting a monarchy using communism would be best? If so, well they've tried. I'd really love to see communism in a democracy; may be that'd work, but to be honest, any system would work just fine if we all were mature.


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« Last Edit: Nov 1st, 2009 at 6:21am by N/A »  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Is Good Evil and Evil Good?
Reply #14 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 12:00pm
Neil Gordon wrote on Oct 28th, 2009 at 5:30am:
This is by far the most heretical post I've made yet when in altered state of consciousness. It was prompted by an imaginary or real(doesn't matter) conversation with an Evil Entity.

He (I) (the entity) proposed that we are living a lie - good is evil and evil is good.

He wanted me to join the "evil" side on body exit (final).

Now who in their right minds would even consider that? - AND THATS THE DUSI. Everyone is so busy warning about hell, but who wants to go there in the first place?

I asked him (the entity, which was real) why he had so much hatred for me and always tried to destroy me. He said, the only way to combat good is to fight it with evil (the opposite of good).

The Earth is in the "Good" sector. It is only  called "Good" because that is what is popular here (goodness).

We could be in a realm with the most terrible disgusting atrocities , but we have been popularized as living in a "Good" realm.

We live in a "good "realm and everything that is not good is evil. That gives evil a pretty bad name, by default. Thats what got me to considering this whole thing. I mean, "murder" is classed as "evil" in most situations. So when you say "Evil" you automatically think Satanism, etc. So an awful amount of things are evil. Why are they evil? Because they don't follow the established order of things (they are not "GOOD").

This might be a simplistic view.

Perhaps "Good" is "God". The angels rebelled in heaven and Lucifer was cast down. Perhaps Lucifer was the only one with enough common sense to see that the "good" way was leading to only torment and suffering.

I mean look at Capitalism. Meant to be good, right? Personally I could not think of a more barbaric system which allows 20% of the 6 billion to live oblivious to the person starving right next to them. So Capatalism is __evil__.

Maybe, going with the flow when you die, going to the between lives area, etc... is the wrong thing to do. Perhaps you should do the opposite, go and hold council with the evil. Look at both sides of the story.

One theory holds that we land up reunifying with God after a long struggle. This is guaranteed loss of consciousness for you forever. Why? Because you weren't conscious BEFORE God split, were you? - So in this case, "EVIL" opposes this - it refuses reintegration with God, leaving God to his natural space.. Refuse to go through endless cycles of Karma only to return to nothing! When you DIE, DEMAND to know the truth!

"Evil"s plan is to have immortal existences for us all. One with dignity and respect. Our spirit world must be really messed up, becuase "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW". If you look at the sad state of this world, it doesn't say much.

So there is a war between good and evil.

BUT the people who are "evil" believe they are the good ones, because they are guaranteeing us immortal life, with self respect.

I say, if you can trap a bird in a house, with no way out, and it is obliged to stay in the house, you can trap him in a much smaller space - a cage - and he cannot ever get out.

So each and every one of us is trapped in a small space (this body of ours, and this planet). WHAT IS STOPPING THEM FROM TRAPPING YOU INTO A 1CM BY 1CM (or atom size) box? For eternity! We could all be turning into atoms!

Personally, I don't recall granting my permission, express or implied, to be born onto this planet. Neither have I been given the courtesy of an explanation from the "elders" or whichever spirits are in charge here, as to why/what/how is going on in this place?? The least they could do is give me an option to stay or leave.

Anyway, I am just considering the other side. This certainly was an eye opener for me to think in this way.

My first thought was : Why would anyone choose to be evil?

Then I thought: Because maybe evil is good and good is evil! Just excellent PR on the part of God and his angels!

(Geez I'd better stand aside for the lightening strike.)

This was written in an altered state (its the only time I seem to write anything of controversial value).

What do you guys think? I don't say I believe it. I'm just saying, have you thought about it this way?

With love, light, hatred, darkness and vengence, Smiley


He (I) said they were losing the war, but only marginally, evil just needs more beings on their side.

I've thought about it - I've never myself met an evil person! Everyone I've met was trying to do good (mostly for themselves).

So how do we explain the astral hells? Perhaps it is because our perception is switched around. People in the hells perceive the hell as good, and people in the "good" planes pereive hell as bad.

PERSONALLY - I don't know. What I have presented above is a very sketch outline of a theory that I (or another) thought out, to win souls over to 'Evil'.

Hi Neil I have come accross this "entity" as you well know due to our private dialogues.

Newagers will have us believe that there is no such reality as evil and of course this is blatant nonsense.They tell us evil is just a mistake so a beast like Hitler was not evil only mistaken, Oh!! God how stupid is that?

Dont worry the "Entity" was using deception on you mixing up truth with lies and make you confused.

I call the "Entity" "Evilian" it is the "Dark Deceiver" call it Satan if you like. God created this universe as a duality. good and evil, death and life, positive and negative, war and peace, love and hate , light and dark. We are given a feewill whereby we can choose which side of the fence we want to sit on.

Like you said the battle is not so one-sided but in the end good will prevail

Its real title is the "Terrible One" another title is "The Librarian"

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