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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell? (Read 10110 times)
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Oct 31st, 2009 at 12:26pm
Why did they write it? Oh, that's for someone else to answer.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #1 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 2:08pm
Fear, it all about keeping you in fear and trapped within the physical. If your afraid then your easier to control. Its the old...give us what we want, or you going to hell, and hell is not where you want to be going. There is no physical pain in the astral so no need to be in fear of fire.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #2 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:01pm
cutie wrote on Oct 31st, 2009 at 2:16pm:
So it has nothing to do with God because the bible is God's word, correct?
So there is no such place as Hell?
Do we all then go to the same place when we die?

The Bible is not God's word to begin with. It is a book whose origins go back to Sumeria and Egypt... it has been revised and revised, changed and slanted for political and monetary profit as well as population control. Find your own truth within yourself... study and use common sense.

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george stone
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #3 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:03pm
It all depends what we do while here on earth.There are 7 levals of heaven,and 7 levals of hell,so the more good we do,the higher the leval we go in heaven.and the more evil we are we go to the lowest far as I know,if we are evil,we have a choise to reincarnate back her on earth.George
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #4 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:05pm
There is as much of God's word in "The Compleat Works of William Shakespeare" as there is in the Bible if one is looking for it. Most of us on this board believe you have to take your own journey and define things for yourself through your own subjective experiences. But there are also those who have their own systems that can offer you some ideas about what might actually be going on as opposed to hell for a "non-believer". But you will also find a few here who feel that Hell is very real alternative. We're kind of a mixed bag  Wink
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #5 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:15pm
I have asked God a few times if Hell is real, he never told me.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #6 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:32pm
Perhaps you should read some books that hold a different interpretation than those parts of the Bible that speak of Hell and the Lake of Fire and then ask for guidance about what you are reading. Hell fire and Brimstone is a hard thing to let go of because it is such a well thought out punishment. Perhaps you will find that you reside in your mind and that you get what you think, meaning you draw to you what is on your mind. Perhaps you will find that fears manifest only when given too much attention. More than that I can't really say but there is lots to read about here. I"m sure you will find a direction that offers more comfort to you than where you have come from.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #7 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:11pm
The comfort you are seeking does not come from someone telling you how it is or will be. The comfort comes from exploring the possibilities. I can only tell you what I find to make the most sense to me, but it will not make that sense to you unless you have read and experienced the same or similar things to me. There are some here who will give you an absolute impression of what to expect and there are advantages and disadvantages to it. The real advantage is that if you like what they say then perhaps it will inspire you to seek out your own answers, but the disadvantage is that what they say will color your perspective and then you will have a filter on what you perceive just as the Bible has given you a filter on your perceptions. Seek out the influences that come from a love basis. That will be personal to you no matter what someone may say. How we love is personal and so is our relationship with the ALL THAT IS, God, or however you like to put it. Break it down for yourself in a way that makes sense to you and if it is frightening to you it is fear based and not really advancing your cause. Release the fears and seek out whats in your heart free of that fear. Good luck and have fun.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #8 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:15pm
My Grandmother died last year, she was not a beliver, I want to know that if she would be alright?
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #9 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:30pm
Did she worry about it? Did she think she was going to hell? Where she is has a lot more to do with who your grandmother was to herself than who she was to you. What does it mean that she was not a believer? Do you mean she did not believe in Jesus? Think about how religion is an instrument of control. Perhaps control is good, for some perhaps even necessary. If you love her then she must have been a good person or certainly trying to be so. At some level we are all doing the best we can at any given moment.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #10 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:35pm
Probably not but I dont have a clue.
I dont think she belive in Jesus..
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #11 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:44pm
Believing in Jesus does not keep you from hell....or the hell you make in your mind.  More than anything, believing in these "fundamentalist" beliefs are the worst thing you can do for your soul if you ask me. It is so restricting. I understand your worry and fear, but that's what the fundamentalists hope you feel.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #12 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:45pm
So do you think I'm doing the right thing then in thinking of leaving?
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #13 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:54pm
I don't think many here would tell you you should definitely leave your religion. That is a decision you have to come to on your own, but certainly you will find many points of view here that will help you make a decision. My girlfriend is very religious and I am not at all religious. We have agreed to disagree. I think of myself as on the only truly important journey I will take in this life or any other. There is a lot of information out there. Once you start looking around you'll find your way and every day it will be easier to discern where you are going on YOUR journey.
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Re: Why does the bible say about Hell?
Reply #14 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:55pm
I think any religion that puts fear in your heart should be abandoned, period. That's my opinion.
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